Theres a lgbt thing at my college and ive been once :x
idk im gonna be the only trans person in my entire town and idk i dont want to be the only one having to burden all the questions anyone wants to ask even in a lgbt club
I think it'd be cool to start a LGBT here too. If it's possible and allowed...I don't see why not.
Theres a lgbt thing at my college and ive been once :x
idk im gonna be the only trans person in my entire town and idk i dont want to be the only one having to burden all the questions anyone wants to ask even in a lgbt club
and like it was before i was out to anyone, and only the team leader there knew, and he kept pickking on me to answer trans questions and like "how do you feel on trans people" "dont you think they need to be more open" etc and i wanted to cry bc i felt like i was being outed
and like it was before i was out to anyone, and only the team leader there knew, and he kept pickking on me to answer trans questions and like "how do you feel on trans people" "dont you think they need to be more open" etc and i wanted to cry bc i felt like i was being outed
omg "dont you think they need to be more open" lmao what the hell
why do cis people ask stuff like that?????????? um you can google it. i have people ask me basic crap about my race im like go away i dont care. most people here dont know what trans people are and they only care about the LG in LGBT.
thats terrible, he shouldve backed off. he was clearly hinting you were trans to everyone if he only asked you about it. why the hell do people think thats okay
And then some trans person came in, who does lots of support work around my area, and they kept making jokes about trans people and stuff and idk, just bc you're fine with them, doesnt mean everyone is?? just because you are trans doesnt mean every trans person thinks its fine to joke about stuff
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And ugh another annoying thing is, since i always have got mistaken for a girl, even when i tried to act like a boy.. people think its ok to make trans jokes to me :l and like..
1) you dont know im trans, but i am, and its offensive
2) if i wasnt trans, its offensive to make fun of a boy, saying hes trans and girly..
they used to always joke "lol are you gonna get a sex change?"
and its just so insensitive
Yeah i am too, but im on the plantkin tag atm, so anything is possible
And ugh another annoying thing is, since i always have got mistaken for a girl, even when i tried to act like a boy.. people think its ok to make trans jokes to me :l and like..
1) you dont know im trans, but i am, and its offensive
2) if i wasnt trans, its offensive to make fun of a boy, saying hes trans and girly..
they used to always joke "lol are you gonna get a sex change?"
and its just so insensitive
i hate it when people ask when you're going to get your operation or what your parts are. like it's not your business. why are people so obsessed with parts?? jeez
I hate how fetished it is though, like just stop
i recall flop talking about it but i dont know what happened. flop has the group thing but they havent done anything with itI bet if we started a thread about starting a LBGTQA group and get some donations I bet we could start a group.![]()
it makes me so sad when i see people have other people as fetishes. like ewwwww
i recall flop talking about it but i dont know what happened. flop has the group thing but they havent done anything with it
day of silence is a good effort..idk. i feel like being silent wont really help y'know? i havent heard of it until now and i mean if i did it during school it would be kinda making a statement but at the same time we're often told to be quiet. so. idk i cant explain my thoughts well on it but like i feel like instead of being quiet for a day we could speak up instead. i think if we did protests and did louder statements instead would help more but thats just my opinion. theres nothing wrong with it, but i feel like speaking up and being loud about it will do so much more than being quiet. like.. i would want people to walk away knowing this stuff. instead of thinking "oh people are quiet today for LGBT people..whatever doesnt concern me" you know? im not 100% sure how it works because yeah im having spring break during day of silence soooo.
I bet if we started a thread about starting a LBGTQA group and get some donations I bet we could start a group.![]()
Also i just saw an otherkin who identifys as a star
so they go by starself
Seems like ignorance is everywhere. I was told there's no possible way I could be a gray-A cause I was a virgin![]()
werent you accepting of otherkin? or was that someone elsestarself is this a joke