Chapstick & Carmex. I hate almost everything else because of how it feels after I put it, or they generally wear off so fast for me for some reason. I also only like sticks, but carmex is the one pot kind I can deal with.
I use Lucas Pawpaw ointment. It's designed to be multipurpose but it does a very good job at moisturising lips and it's also cheap and you get a lot of it. I'm pretty sure it's an Australian thing though so most of you probably haven't heard of it.
I also quite like my cocoa butter lip balm. The labels badly scratched though so I can't make out the exact brand name.
I used to use carmex but apparently it makes your lips more dry in the long run so you keep buying more. I've also tried lanolips which is quite expensive and meant to be really good but it did pretty much nothing for me, unfortunately
I use good old vaseline during the day. I bought this travel size tub for a dollar at target like 3 years ago, been using it everyday since and there's still a few years left on it xD
I also put coconut/castor oil on my lips at night before bed.
Carmex smells/tastes TERRIBLE but it works really well for me and the others do not. Also provides cooling relief if you're unlucky enough to have a cold sore or cut on your lip
At home, I use vaseline because that's all I have besides unused Burts bees products that I don't want to waste. At school, however, I bring one of Burt's bees conditioning 4 hour lip balm with me in my backpack, it has a pretty od taste, but it's all I got. ww
I don't use lip balm because I think it's gross, it feels and smells and tastes gross. I hate how it sometimes gets in my mouth and I really don't want to be eating lip balm all day. When my lips are chapped I just drink a ton of water.
I always have chapped lips, I have a colored Burt's bees right now but next time get out to the higher end places going to try to find a good moisture and color mix.