List of Villagers Based on Popularity

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so sad about whitney, but yeah i haven't seen many people looking for her in sigs and cycling threads. so happy about molly moving up, i'll be thrilled if that little duck moves to the top spot :) zucker just keeps on going up, i remember when he was in tier 2 for awhile!
Could it be? Soon, might be Marshal going to tier 2!? Again???
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can someone quickly explain what someone means by AV? is it auto-void? And what is that?
can someone quickly explain what someone means by AV? is it auto-void? And what is that?

The void is where a villager goes after they move out (if they are not invited to move into another town). While they're in the void they might move into someone else's town, either by streetpass or the player visits someone else's town. AV means that the villager will be sent to the void immediately, since it is unlikely that someone will want them.
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The one annoying problem is that, because of auto voiding tier 4 and 5 never get a chance to improve, saying that I've seen some Pango fans (including me :p).
I haven't seen too many Merengues recently, also what is the big deal with kid Cat??
Out of all the superheroes I much prefer Agent S
The one annoying problem is that, because of auto voiding tier 4 and 5 never get a chance to improve, saying that I've seen some Pango fans (including me :p).
I haven't seen too many Merengues recently, also what is the big deal with kid Cat??
Out of all the superheroes I much prefer Agent S

I don't think T4 and T5 auto-voids necessarily matter.

As I use the entirety of the LF thread for my rankings, Tier Fives will sometimes get huge jumps (Biskit is a great example)
I don't think T4 and T5 auto-voids necessarily matter.

As I use the entirety of the LF thread for my rankings, Tier Fives will sometimes get huge jumps (Biskit is a great example)

Ok, sorry I thought that it was just villagers who were sold/adopted
Yeah, biscuit did make a huge jump.
Cole in T5? What sorcery is this?! lol i love him.
And kid cat in tier 1? wow, didn't see that. Don't see many people looking for him. And i think Julian is fo sho tier 1 material.
Cole in T5? What sorcery is this?! lol i love him.
And kid cat in tier 1? wow, didn't see that. Don't see many people looking for him. And i think Julian is fo sho tier 1 material.
He was tier 1 for a very very very long time. Only recently did he drop out
I've actually seen a good handful of people wanting Pango, so I'd say she's gaining popularity...
On the other hand, one of my favorites Phoebe has not been selling well lately and most are either being given for starting bid or as a giveaway
I feel like Phoebe might be dropping a bit, I'm having a hard time selling her :c
Hoping for an update soon! I'm gonna say that Chief, Julian, Molly and Mira move up, and Phoebe moves down. Pango might make the leap into Tier 4, too, but just barely if at all.
Drago isn't looking good, Zell is though
I've seen some people looking for clay
No bitters on Wolfgang
Again, pango is getting sold
Bam isn't as much

- - - Post Merge - - -

Shep is also more popular
I know this would be difficult to do because of the stupid amount of inflation on this game, plus time consuming and stuff, BUT it'd be nice to have an estimated price for TBT for the different tiers :)
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