List of Villagers Based on Popularity

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He has turned into some people like him and some people dislike him. He is not a dreamie but I don't dislike him.

Regarding Marshal.
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I feel like Quillson should be moved up. I think people are starting to love him because he's hated, if that makes any sense. I know I'm a bit biased.

Oh, and I see Shep around a fair bit too. I think he's getting more popular.
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I think Julian should be moved up. There was a mad rush for him when I posted he was moving in my cycling thread (not to mention he often comes up in the Looking For thread).
I think kid cat should be bumped down to tier 2 and Julian moved up to tier 1. I've tried selling kid cat numerous times and have had no luck. I couldn't even give him away once. I'm seeing Julian on the villager trading plaza constantly and the threads are teaming with people who want him.
I think kid cat should be bumped down to tier 2 and Julian moved up to tier 1. I've tried selling kid cat numerous times and have had no luck. I couldn't even give him away once. I'm seeing Julian on the villager trading plaza constantly and the threads are teaming with people who want him.

I've had some difficulty getting rid of Kid Cat too, the two times I've had him.
Beau is my aboute favorite villager and I like seeing him up there in #1, but I really don't see him selling nearly as much as ankha, julian, and marshal. I still don't understand how marshals so low lol. Marshal auctions are crazy! I think beau is more rare than popular.
Beau is my aboute favorite villager and I like seeing him up there in #1, but I really don't see him selling nearly as much as ankha, julian, and marshal. I still don't understand how marshals so low lol. Marshal auctions are crazy! I think beau is more rare than popular.

yes i agree with you but I really like beau with his eyes shut! I hate his blue eyes they are so creepy :-;
Just wanna say that I think it would be a bad idea to split up tier 5. Is there really enough demand for some of the tier 5:ers to warrant a whole new tier? Seems to me like it'd be to much work compared to what differance it would actually make in the end.

I think this list is probably as good and accurate as it possibly can be tbh.
I think you can split up tier four, taking the last of them for the top of a new tier
I think it can be broken up as some vilagers will be taken for giveaways like Celia, pango
But others like idk truffles are never picked up
Olivia has been very popular here lately. I've been looking for her for about a week and I have been beaten by someone else in at least 4 attempts to get her. She seems to get adopted very quickly and I could see her moving up to high Tier 3 soon.
I've had some difficulty getting rid of Kid Cat too, the two times I've had him.

I wonder if stuff like this is just natural once a character becomes really popular and most people who wanted them managed to get them. I love Kid Cat, but he came with my starter villagers so I've never had to search for him. I think the person who runs this list takes into account all the times Kid Cat is put in signatures or named as a favorite (I remember he was cited a lot in the "favorite jock" thread). So that affects his placement, I think.
I'm sorry about the lack of updates. I've been SO busy recently.

If there's no update tomorrow, there will definitely be one on Monday. I will do the Google Doc thing again, as I quite liked that and it doesn't hurt to have you guys watch, and I will do a double-update to ensure you guys are aware of the trends.
Again, we appreciate all the work you do here, Houndoomed!

And yes, the Google Doc thing was pretty interesting.
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