Giveaway Liz's New Horizon Giveaway - CLOSED!

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Good evening!

If possible, may I order the following:

• Pine Tree
• Maypole
• Antique Map (Treasure map)
• Boxy Stool (Black)
• Coffee Plant
• Covered Counter (Dark Wood)
• Creepy Skeleton (Mossy)
• Dormant Volcano (Summer Peak)
• Fine Vase (Dragon)
• GreenHouse Box

Thank you very much!
hello! I'd like to place an order for the following:

- throne (red and gold)
- ruined arch recipe
- ruined broken pillar recipe
- ruined decorated pillar recipe
- glowing moss pond recipe
- cinnamoroll table
- decorative pillar (whitestone marble)
- misty garden wall
- drapery (white)
- torii (vermillion and text)

i'd also like to add a stack of gemini, scorpius, and sagittarius fragments if possible :)
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Hello again Liz!. I see you've got some orders already so no rush on mine:

Junihitoe Kimono

Pagoda (natural wood) (x2)

Fox mask (white)

Fox mask (black)

Fancy kimono (aqua)

Terrarium diy

Hanging terrarium diy

Aurora wall

Summit wall

5x crowns

Thanks in advance!
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Okay, I’m ready for my previous order now can you dm me the times please.
My island is called Buttercup btw
Can i get A Bread Recipe,Park Fountain,ABD(silver),Bean Tossing Kit, Flower Petal Basket, 5 Royal Crowns, Stack of Carrots,Potatoes,Sugarcane?
Hello I would like to please order these items. Thanks for doing this!

- Neon shades (light blue & pink, orange & lime, lime & purple, and pink & yellow)
- Pleather handbag (black, grey, blue, red)
- Clutch (black)
- Basket bag (white)

Add-on: material stacks (cherry blossom, wood x2, vine)
Hello, I would like to order

-Azumaya Gazebo mossy
-decayed tree recipe
-zen fence recipe
-stone fence recipe
-Castle Gate (damaged) (dark gray) 2 of each
_castle tower (damaged) ( dark gray) 2 of each

quick question, am I able to request another order again another day or same day but separate post? edit: sorry didn't noticed the text in blue
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Hi there! May I get the following items if possible?

Kiki&Lala bed
Kiki&Lala clock
Kiki&Lala cloud maker
Kiki&Lala sofa
Kiki&Lala table
Kiki&Lala dress
Kiki&Lala pin
Kiki&Lala shoes
Kiki&Lala socks
Kiki&Lala tee
And NMT please

Thank you so so much!
New order, please!

Animal-stripes tee (zebra)
Blossom tee (all 5 colors)
Bold aloha shirt (pink & navy blue)
Bath stool (any color)
Caged cart (any color)

Thank you :)
Hello again~

I'd like to place another order for the following: (color does not matter c: )

• Hanging Clothing Rack
• Low Folding Table
• Midsized Clothing Rack
• Milk Can
• Noridic Lowboard
• Nordic Low Table
• Office Materials
• Outdoor Folding Chair
• Outdoor Folding Table
• Power Stone

Add-on: 5 stacks of wood

Thanks again 💙
I was wondering if I could order:

1 Valiant Statue
1 Flowery Painting
1 Beautiful Statue

Any other art you are willing to give away (I'm trying to make my island an Italian art oasis lol~)

Thank you!
Greetings again
my order
-streetlamp with banners x2
-smoker (black)
-wood burner stove
-dark gray castle tower x2
-fortune cookie cart
and 5x royal crowns

Sorry about last time

I am looking for a Proper Painting. I have the following artworks for trade:


  • For Trade.png
    For Trade.png
    9.7 KB · Views: 6
Hi there, i would like the following items and DIYs if possible:

- 2x recycled-paper bundle (newspapers)
- wooden box DIY
- plate armor DIY
- pirate-ship cannon

Thank you!
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