Could I order mom’s candle set and the fishing tourney fishing pole stand please? Thank you very much
Could I also please get 10 green mums? Thank you so much
Black iron parquet flooring
Brown iron-parquet flooring
Common flooring
Dark herringbone flooring
Dark parquet flooring
Dark wood-pattern flooring
Gray argyle-tile flooring
Light herringbone flooring
rattan flooring
add on stacks
5 stacks of wood
edit: deleted an item i already have. Of you already got everything ready then thats ok
Hey folks. I have some unexpected visitors coming. With this, you may not hear from me until later today, or tomorrow.
I will look forward to fulfilling your orders soon.
hello! you offer so much that i was lightheartedly excited but also overwhelmed! may i please have these 10 items with 5 stacks of orange pumpkins?
1. dark chocolate wallpaper
2. white chocolate wallpaper
3. strawberry chocolate wallpaper
4. ironwood kitchenette
5. ironwood cupboard
6. ironwood table
7. ironwood bed
8. iron wood diy workbench
9. iron wood clock
10. boba strawberry tea
Hi can I please have the following items:
Antique chair
Antique table
Cute sofa
Elaborate kimono stand
Electric bass
LCD TV (50 in.)
Timpani drums
May I please order:
Pirate treasure robe
Pirate treasure crown
Pirate ship cannon
Pirate treasure chest
Lucky cat black
Lucky cat white x2
Steampunk hat black
Mom's candles x2
And 2 stacks of candy as add on please? ^-^
Thank you so much for the generosity!