Giveaway Liz's New Horizon Giveaway - CLOSED!

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Hi Liz! I'm interested in your design for the Home Style Kitchen (getting ready for cooking in ACNH 😄). Plus add NMTs please. Thanks so much!
Hi! Can I order the following
  1. Antique Bed (Black
  2. Antique Bed (Natural
  3. Antique Clock (Black)
  4. Antique Clock (Natural)
  5. Antique Bures (Natural)
  6. Antique Console (Natural
  7. Antique Wardrobe (Natural
  8. Antique Table (Natural
  9. Brachiosaurus tail
  10. Brachiosaurus chest
  11. Add on: 10 bags of 99k
Outstanding Orders
sumireu - Anthurium Plant (Pink), Deluxe Washer (White), Light Switch (White), Long Bathtub (White), Piano Bench (White), Shower Booth (White), System Kitchen (Off-white), Ventilation Fan (White), Wall-Mounted TV (50 in.) (White), Pink Quilt Wall
tarepanda3ame - Home Style Kitchen
Moonbay212 - Antique Bed (Black), Antique Bed (Natural, Antique Clock (Black), Antique Clock (Natural), Antique Bures (Natural), Antique Console (Natural), Antique Wardrobe (Natural), Antique Table (Natural), Brachiosaurus tail, Brachiosaurus chest + 10 bags of 99k

Order Ready - Sending PM
Hi again!

May I please place an order for:

Stormy-night Wall
Elaborate Kimono Stand (Cranes)
Surfboard (Cool)
Surfboard (Brown)
Surfboard (Red)
Floor Light (Blue)
Floor Light (Green)
Floor Light (Purple)
Floor Light (Red)
Den Desk (Natural wood)

Thank you!
Hi! May I order the following :

- Cloud Flooring
- Misty Garden Wall
- Garden Bench DIY
- Garden Wagon DIY
- Wild Log Bench DIY
- Crescent Moon Chair DIY
- Nova Light DIY
- Moon DIY
- Valiant Statue (2)

Please also add 50NMT. Thanks! I’ll tip! :)
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Outstanding Orders
moon_child - Cloud Flooring, Misty Garden Wall, Garden Bench DIY, Garden Wagon DIY, Wild Log Bench DIY, Crescent Moon Chair DIY, Nova Light DIY, Moon DIY, Valiant Statue (2) + 50NMT

Order Ready - Sending PM
sumireu - Anthurium Plant (Pink), Deluxe Washer (White), Light Switch (White), Long Bathtub (White), Piano Bench (White), Shower Booth (White), System Kitchen (Off-white), Ventilation Fan (White), Wall-Mounted TV (50 in.) (White), Pink Quilt Wall
tarepanda3ame - Home Style Kitchen
Moonbay212 - Antique Bed (Black), Antique Bed (Natural, Antique Clock (Black), Antique Clock (Natural), Antique Bures (Natural), Antique Console (Natural), Antique Wardrobe (Natural), Antique Table (Natural), Brachiosaurus tail, Brachiosaurus chest + 10 bags of 99k
Mint - Stormy-night Wall, Elaborate Kimono Stand (Cranes), Surfboard (Cool), Surfboard (Brown), Surfboard (Red), Floor Light (Blue), Floor Light (Green), Floor Light (Purple), Floor Light (Red), Den Desk (Natural wood)
Outstanding Orders

Order Ready - Sending PM
moon_child - Cloud Flooring, Misty Garden Wall, Garden Bench DIY, Garden Wagon DIY, Wild Log Bench DIY, Crescent Moon Chair DIY, Nova Light DIY, Moon DIY, Valiant Statue (2) + 50NMT
Hi! May I order 7 loft beds with desk (natural white) and 3 simple panels (brown lined) please? :)
hi! could I get:
- kitchen island (dark brown)
- den desk (brown wood)
- beach towel (cyan zigzags)
- brown brick flooring
- purple shaggy rug
- white simple medium rug
- rattan low table (brown)
- black wall mounted 50in tv
- loft bed with desk (natural white)
- left megalo side
and the 10 x 99k add on? thank you!!
Hi, I would like to order 4 Pagoda's, 1 puppy plushie (beige) 2 Valiant statues, 1 white park clock, 1 brown telephone booth and 50 nook mile tickets please. I will donate some TBT as well cuz i feel bad for ordering so much without giving back.
Hi there! Can I get the following orderable furniture:

-Cardboard Box (Apples)
-Cardboard Box (Oranges)
-Cardboard Box (Pears)
-Cardboard Box (Cherries)
-Cardboard Box (Pears)
-Campsite sign

also, I'm not going to be online for the rest of the day so take your time, I can pick it up tomorrow afternoon :)

(will add tips :D )
@Sofia22 I don't offer the items customised for you. I have supplied 3 brown simple panels, which you will be able to customise "lined" yourself.

Outstanding Orders

Order Ready - Sending PM
Sofia22 - 7 loft beds with desk (natural white) and 3 simple panels (brown)
JellyBeans - kitchen island (dark brown), den desk (brown wood), beach towel (cyan zigzags), brown brick flooring, purple shaggy rug, white simple medium rug, rattan low table (brown), black wall mounted 50in tv, loft bed with desk (natural white), left megalo side + 10 x 99k
xSany - 4 Pagoda's, 1 puppy plushie (beige) 2 Valiant statues, 1 white park clock, 1 brown telephone booth + 50 nook mile tickets
ac3ton3 - Cardboard Box (Apples), Cardboard Box (Oranges), Cardboard Box (Pears), Cardboard Box (Cherries), Cardboard Box (Pears), Campsite sign
Hi Liz it’s me again! Can I order this time the following:

- Pearl (2)
- Large Star Fragments (4)
- Small Star Fragments (4)

Can you also add 50NMT with it? Thank you. :)
Outstanding Orders

Order Ready - Sending PM
moon_child - Pearl (2), Large Star Fragments (4), Star Fragments (4) + 50 NMT
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Hi there, can I please get:

Crescent moon chair recipe
Nova Light recipe
Wild wood bench recipe

As well as a stack of wood, a stack of stone, and a stack of bamboo shoots?

Thank you so much for doing this! 🤩
Hi! Can I have 50NMT, and the following works of art:
Amazing Painting
Beautiful Statue
Calm Painting
Common Painting
Detailed Painting
Familiar Statue
Famous Painting
Gallant Statue
Glowing Painting
Graceful Painting
May I order:
Red Gas Range
Red system kitchen
Red kitchen island
Red microwave
Red pop up toaster
Red stand mixer
Red dish rack
Red double door fridge
Red imperial dining table.

if you have them
Hi! Can I please get:

Bunny Day Topiary
Chessboard (Brown)
Gas Range (Black)
Grand Piano (White)
Handy Water Cooler (Blue)
Kitchen Island (Light brown)
Puppy Plushie (Beige)
Puppy Plushie (Gray & White)
2x Pagoda
Add on: NMTs 50

Thank you!
Outstanding Orders
princesskyndal - Crescent moon chair recipe, Nova Light recipe, Wild wood bench recipe + stack of wood, a stack of stone, and a stack of bamboo shoots
UnendingHope - Amazing Painting, Beautiful Statue, Calm Painting, Common Painting, Detailed Painting, Familiar Statue, Famous Painting, Gallant Statue, Glowing Painting, Graceful Painting + 50 NMT
Wolfie - Green Sweatpants, Blue Kitchen Island
b100ming - Red Gas Range, Red system kitchen, Red kitchen island, Red microwave, Red pop up toaster, Red stand mixer, Red dish rack, Red double door fridge, Red imperial dining table.
mintycream - Bunny Day Topiary, Chessboard (Brown), Gas Range (Black), Grand Piano (White), Handy Water Cooler (Blue), Kitchen Island (Light brown), Puppy Plushie (Beige), Puppy Plushie (Gray & White), 2x Pagoda + 50 NMTs

Order Ready - Sending PM
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