Giveaway Liz's New Horizon Giveaway - CLOSED!

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hello! i was wondering if i found her the following?

antique map
stacked bags
warm painting
wild painting left half
wild painting right half
worthy painting
bubblegum K.K
shell stool recipe
poolside bed
motherly statue

and then i’d also like to add on the stacks of materials

x2 wood
x2 iron nuggets
x1 star fragments
Hi again 😍

May I order the following?:

Barbell DIY
Shower Booth
Weight bench
Gallant Statue
Glowing Painting
Great Statue
Moody Painting
Motherly Statue
Gold nugget stacks

Thank you!
I know you just delivered, but If it’s not too soon to order,
May I also have:

Dinosaur track x3
Shark tooth pattern x2
Archaeopteryx x2
Eusthenopteron x3

+the extra nook miles tickets
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Hey! May I please purchase the full zodiac set? C:
Hi Liz!
May I get:
Nook inc cap
aloha carrying case
sloppy bed
dal plane model (green)
kk bashment
kk bossa
kk fugue
kk dixie
5 x plain party lights
white beach chairs with parasol
light green capsule toy machine
3 white & natural checkout counters
3 white garden tables
baked potatoes recipe
carrot bagel sandwich
coconut milk
fruit scones
jarred bamboo shoots
mixed fruits crepe
stacked senmaisuke barrels
senmaisuke barrel
wooden field sign
vine lamp

I can tip 30 tbt if that sounds fair ^.^
Hi Liz
I would like to order the following items many thanks!

Ball catcher - basketballs
Bankers lamp - orange
Basic school chair - green
Bath stool - pink
Bathroom stall - pink
Bird mobile - pink
Bottle crate - white
Bottled beverage - clear
Boxy stool - pink
Bulletin board - happy

Please add on royal crowns

Thanks so much!
@squidney I offer members to request 10 items at a time, for free. I don't accept larger orders for TBT.
I will go ahead and prepare the first 10 from your list and you can order again once they are delivered.
Hi Liz!
If it’s ok please could I order the following:

Senmaizuke Barrel DIY
Stacked Senmaizuke Barrel DIY

Hula Doll
Moai Statue

Ivory round rug medium

Frozen Drink Machine
Greenhouse Box
Moroccan Sofa
Moroccan side table

Thanks so much!
Hi Liz!

May I order the following:

Iron ladder set-up kit (recipe)
Tiny library (recipe)
Life ring (red)
Rescue mannequin (brown /blue)
Graceful painting
Ancient statue
Barbecue (yellow)
Ball (volleyball)
Double sofa (yellow)
Gas range (silver)

Thank you!!
Hi Liz!

Can I order the following please:
- dotted rain coat (light blue)
- rain hat (pink)
- lace up boots (white)
- dry bag (yellow)
- deluxe washer (pink)
- ribbon wig (white)
- ribbon wig (berry red)
- ribbon wig (yellow)
- ribbon wig (green)
- ribbon wig (black)

could I also add 5 royal crowns please, thank you~! :>

I’m looking for:
Retro transportation stop
Gold wheat field
Safety barrier
Safety railing
Stacked fish containers
Backlit sign
Capsule toy machine red

thank you!!!
I would love to order:
Gold net recipe
Gold shovel recipe
Mom's handmade apron (flowers)
Ruined arch (recipe)
Ruined decorated pillar (recipe)
Ruined Broken pillar (recipe)
Ruined seat (recipe)
5 royal crowns
Stack of vines
Moms plushie (Gertie)
HI! i would like to order the blue DAL model plane! let me know when you will be available and how much you would like *or if you want any items that i might have* :)
If I could order these, that would be so awesome!

Harvey's Photo
Wardell's Photo
Tex's Photo
Eugene's Photo
Lucky Cat
Golden Gear Apparatus DIY
Golden Gear Tower DIY
Golden Meter and Pipes DIY
Golden Wristwatch DIY
Forbidden Altar DIY

+5 material stacks: Round Mushroom, Skinny Mushroom, Flat Mushroom, Gold Nugget, and Cherry Blossom Petal
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