Shop Liz's New Horizon Shop & Giveaway - Buy some, get loads free - All tradable recipes available - Open!!

I'd like to get the following items:
1. Ruins Wall
2. Apple Dress DIY
3. Gear Apparatus DIY
4. Shell Music Box DIY
And for the giveaway, I'd like to get the Green Comedian Pants.

Thank you!
i would like to order the following items. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.


2 million bells - 2 tbt

giveaway - 1 each


boba strawberry tea
carp banner
new year's shimekazari
ship-wheel door decoration

orderable walls/floors/rugs

black-brick wall
black-crown wall
black blocks flooring
black-brick flooring
Hey Liz!! Can I plz get the following at your convenience?


Basic painting
Beautiful statue
Gallant statue
Great statue
Moving painting
Robust statue
Scenic painting
Solemn painting
Valiant statue
Wild right half painting


Antique brick wall
Limestone cave wall
Steampunk wall

Free items
Sword in scabbard (blue)
Blue shaggy rug
Purple shaggy rug
Cruiser bike (light blue)
Fence (any color)
Game show stand (purple or green)
Imperial lamp
Karaoke system
Lily pad table (green)
Power stone
Commenting to remind myself to come back to this when I'm off work!
For 10 free items may I get... 2022 Seasonal Celebratory Arch, all 6 handheld lanterns, maypole, Songpyeon, tomatoe festival tee

And for my order, may I get... Cherry-blossom Rug (Recipe), Festive Tree (Recipe), Frozen Fence (Recipe), Frozen Floor Tiles (Recipe), Frozen Mini Snowperson (Recipe), Giant Ornament (Recipe), Holiday Candle (Recipe), Illuminated Present (Recipe), Illuminated Snowflakes (Recipe), Illuminated Tree (Recipe), Jingle Wall (Recipe), Maple-leaf Pochette (Recipe), Maple-leaf Rug (Recipe), Maple-leaf Umbrella (Recipe)
hi! could i get the following giveaway items please?
  1. capsule toy machine (pink)
  2. crane game (pink)
  3. storefront (white)
  4. evergreen ash (white)
  5. scooter (ivory)
  6. short simple panel (white)
  7. medieval building side (pink)
  8. fence (white)
  9. wide display stand (white)
  10. shopping cart (blue)
sorry about the edits, this should be the final list now 😭 thank you!
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