Lost It's Charm

I feel the opposite. For me, New Horizons has recaptured the charm of earlier games in the series. I am enjoying it more than New Leaf.

This has happened to me as well. I feel like I'm 9, playing the GCN version of Animal Crossing. It's also kept me way busier than New Leaf. I've logged in 90+ hours already, lol.
For me it has a lot more charm than New Leaf. Wild World was the game I grew up with, and I do think the more contained experience is more lovely. I've been a lot more happier spending time in New Horizons than New Leaf. Personally I don't even notice tools breaking anymore, I always customize my tools if the NookMiles+ require it, and beside that I crafted 5 of each tool and stored them for when I need it.

A lot of the charm for New Horizons comes from the graphics and being able to place items outside. The game just looks amazing and you can actually get creative outside now as well. I remember placing flowers around villagers houses just to get some color in their area.

New Leaf is a solid game, but the series has to evolve beyond that. What would be the point in New Leaf 2?
Personally I feel like there are so many options in this game that it's not that the 'charm is lost', more that it's overwhelming to have everything available straight away

As someone has hasn't TT'd a single minute

It took

- 7 days to get the Town Hall.
- 10 Days to get Able Sisters.
- 14 days to get Terraforming.

We (Not the TT'ers) still haven't gotten Nook's Cranny upgrade. So to say we "have everything available straight away" isn't true. If it takes 28-30 days to get the first store upgrade, then we're not even ready for the next upgrade until the next 30 days after. Which is in May. So by then, we'll probably see the batch of upgrades released via update.
Animal crossing has always been about customization/decorating for me. Add in quirky animal neighbors.
So far it still is that so, no, it's still appealing for me.
I guess I don't understand. I do understand that New Horizons has flaws (breakable tools being one of them, missing NPCs being another), but I have enjoyed it a lot, and I think it has plenty of charm.

New Leaf was a great game, the first sequel to the original Animal Crossing that just made improvements and didn't go around messing things up, but that game got boring really quickly for me. It was a rock solid game, but in the end, it wasn't enough to bring that spark that I wanted to keep me playing.

New Horizons is automatically more appealing to me because town customization is much easier (although there are still problems, like the process to move buildings). It was something I had wanted since the beginning, but the fact that you couldn't even simply place a light pole in NL without having to make it a PWP that you have donate tons of bells for, not be able to place and freely move around, etc., made that a very arduous task that I never had the patience for.

As I said, NH is not perfect in that aspect either, but it is much improved over NL. I don't know how people had the patience to customize towns in NL. PWPs were a pain in the rear.

Plus, I love the Nook Miles tasks. For someone like me who doesn't mess with Amiibos (a waste of money), the Nook Miles islands are a method for me to work toward for getting the villagers I want. They aren't "given" to me, and I likely won't get most of the ones I even want because of RNG, but the thought that I might will help keep me playing.
I feel like a lot of people had high expectations with this game, making it impossible to actually meet them. There's always going to be something in a game that you don't like.

I agree that the one thing I don't like most is the breakable tools. It creates unnecessary crafting just to craft and that's annoying to me. I also agree that the music isn't the best. They all sound the same to me.

But besides those downfalls, they added a lot of great things! You can put stuff outside!! Anything!! That's just wicked and don't get me started on terraforming.

I feel like everyone went crazy playing and have naturally burnt out. It happens. I'm sure once a break is taken, it'll be better playing more casually.

You don't need to play with amiibo and you don't need to time travel to get everything fast. If you do then that's your own fault lol.
As someone has hasn't TT'd a single minute

It took

- 7 days to get the Town Hall.
- 10 Days to get Able Sisters.
- 14 days to get Terraforming.

We (Not the TT'ers) still haven't gotten Nook's Cranny upgrade. So to say we "have everything available straight away" isn't true. If it takes 28-30 days to get the first store upgrade, then we're not even ready for the next upgrade until the next 30 days after. Which is in May. So by then, we'll probably see the batch of upgrades released via update.
I should have clarified, I meant with the terraforming option. It can be very overwhelming at first to have all of those options available, especially when it involves moving buildings (especially for those of you who don’t TT)
It was something I had wanted since the beginning, but the fact that you couldn't even simply place a light pole in NL without having to make it a PWP that you have donate tons of bells for, not be able to place and freely move around, etc., made that a very arduous task that I never had the patience for.

As I said, NH is not perfect in that aspect either, but it is much improved over NL. I don't know how people had the patience to customize towns in NL. PWPs were a pain in the rear.

Let's also not forget the constant whining from Isabelle about certain things, such as a rock being too close to things. Like seriously? You're about to build a building structure, I think moving a rock can be done.
You're older that's why. I personally think new horizons game is amazing apart from harvs island.

Animal Crossing is quite a nostalgic game for most people so they might be quite attached to older games, just a personal opinion
lmao you are probably right but i'm actually not old
I've said this before and I'll say it again; you are not going to feel the same as you did when you were a kid. The same charm is never going to be there as with other games. Modern technology and stuff is always going to make an old game feel different and new. I have like 6 amiibo cards (that were given to me solely so I could have Diana) so I don't use them to get all of mine. I never even played NL when they came out.

Don't use cards, don't terraform, and don't do anything that makes you bored with the game. I'm having fun regardless, and I TT just to cycle out villagers.
I'm getting really tired of having to craft the tools, I'll be working hard to upgrade my shop so I can finally just start buying new ones instead of crafting them. Gold tools are pretty much just garbage now though, what's the point in them being golden if they break?
I will agree with pawpatrol though, I feel DRAINED trying to decorate my town and always having a full inventory (even with increased slots) My villagers will NOT stop giving me the same Bunny Day DIY Recipe. I've gotten 6 bags LOL. Tools are a pain in the rear. I understand your frustrations, but I've come to terms with the fact that it isn't the same as the Wild World I picked up at 13, 10 years ago. I still am enjoying it though, but the tools are frustrating.
I don't TT, and I actually took my time to bring K.K. to my island (actually, I just forgot to talk to Tom Nook :p), so I'm not bored at all! I can't even build paths yet, and I feel it will take such a long time to change the island like I want to (it will take days to place everything where I want, to demolish and build new bridges)...I also spend a very long time just making custom designs and walking around, visiting friends...I feel like there's a lot more that Nintendo will add to the game later on, maybe they weren't expecting people to TT that far and get bored already.
Honestly, that's one of the reasons I don't like TT. I know people are allowed to play their game the way they want to, and there are people that enjoy the game for a long time even if they TT, but I feel like that might be bad for some in the long run, especially for NH that I feel like we should expect updates with more content in the future. :/
Let me preface this by saying everyone can play however you want, but I think that's an issue that can come up with sinking so much time into animal crossing from the get go with time traveling and turnip trading to make millions in one day and hunting down the only items you want online.

If you let the game progress """""naturally"""" it has more longevity. A lot of people already have over 100 hours in the game which is more gameplay than a lot of games have. Personally I already have over 50 hours in it which is more than I've put into any other game recently. I've been TTing a tiny bit but I'm worried I'll get what I want to fast and not enjoy the journey if I do it too much or just hunt down the items I want through trading online.
despite TT'ing and having played 150hrs, the game has lots of charm in my opinion and keeps me engaged all day long (and that's coming from someone who has ADHD and gets sidetracked easily & A LOT). usually i rush to finish games when i buy them, but not with this one - unlocking terraforming is fun, seeing what the mystery islands have in store for you is also fun and just completing daily tasks feels very rewarding as well.

the amiibo feature is an option that i use myself from time to time, but honestly? more often than not it's a pain and i'd much rather use my NMT to see if i can get specific villagers that way or someone i actually like more! breeding hybrids is something to look forward to and the landscaping also is, in my opinion, something way more fun than in previous games. if you dislike something, you can (most likely) just go and change it, instead of having to reset your entire save file and losing progress - and the stones are also easy to get rid of, instead of in your way. i feel like NH will stick longer with me than NL did, especially in the long run.
I think the real issue here is that when the release date was announced obviously nobody knew there was going to be a global pandemic going on.

With everyone stuck in their homes they're playing this game a lot longer than it's meant to be played in a short amount of time. 300 hours in two weeks is NOT normal if you have other things to do (school, work, social life, etc) and I think that's why everyone is getting burnt out so quickly.

The game is meant to be played a few hours a day but because of everything going on in the world it's being played a whole bunch more. I think that's why a lot of people are getting burnt out so quickly.
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I think I'll feel more optimistic about it once it's actually a finished game.
Right now, we're a little over 2 weeks into it being released and I have done everything I possibly could in that time, now I'm waiting for a Nook's Cranny upgrade coming at some point and that's it. I've even themed out my town already. Now what? :s
well what did you do in NL after unlocking your shops etc?
apologies if this sounds harsh but when i read posts like these it makes me think that peoples' main problem is that instead of wanting a brand new game they wanted Animal Crossing: New Leaf But Better

new horizons is a different game entirely and once you separate it from its predecessor it's much more enjoyable.
I feel the opposite. For me, New Horizons has recaptured the charm of earlier games in the series. I am enjoying it more than New Leaf.

Same. It keeps boggling my mind when people say there's less to do. I'm finding there's actually more to do, both from a town customization perspective and even a collecting perspective. I know not all of the furniture is in the game yet, but if you try to collect all of the colors of everything for your catalog? That's going to take a while.

I've actually also found more to do per day than I ever could do in New Leaf. Unless I was working on some major pathing or landscaping project, after the first few weeks I could only play for maybe 2 hours per day before I ran out of stuff to do each day. I'm over 2 weeks in and I can still play for many hours a day.