Lost It's Charm

You're older that's why. I personally think new horizons game is amazing apart from harvs island.

Animal Crossing is quite a nostalgic game for most people so they might be quite attached to older games, just a personal opinion
I've been trying to put a finger on why I feel different about NH compared to Nl and I think this is why, I think quite a few people (me included) were quite a lot younger/kids when new leaf came out and for many it was their first game that really got them into the series. I'd say for the majority of people playing horizons it isn't their first game hence we kind of already know what's going to happen. Yes Horizons is different but the basic game mechanics are the same so of course it isn't going to have the same charm/excitement as the older games you played when you were younger.
It isn't a bad game, we're just older and it takes more for us to get the same excitement about it, plus it was hyped up for two years there is no way you AREN'T going to be disappointed about certain parts of it.
I don't know if it is just me, but I feel like New Horizons doesn't have the same charm as other games. You can practically get any villager you want with amibo (i know you could in new leaf but not at the beginning of the game coming out.) and with crafting i get they wanted to try something new but golden tools should never break- i mean you work hard for them

I've made the decision to deliberately play the game without utilising Amiibo or trading with Villagers. Part of what makes the experience for me in past games is the amount of work and time that went into the Islands, so I'm avoiding shortcut taking in that sense.

That's not to say, though, that people shouldn't use amiibo or play the way they want. It's important to just realize what value you find in the game (ie: for me, time) and take the direction that makes the most sense for that (ie: not using amiibo or trading for villagers).
I think new leaf definitely time gated a lot more things than new horizons does.

1. We don't have the night club (replaced by KK visits and villagers giving reactions daily)
2. Brewster
3. The police station with the pups
4. Ordinances
5. Gracie and her lux furniture sets that costed a lot of bells
6. Tortimer and pals + online mini games with friends
7. No reskins from Cyrus, certain item colors are not re-colorable and are completely rng... while others are. Doesn't make sense. 1 Step forward and 2 steps back with this one.
8. Flower shop / Lief is gone
9. Kicks shop is a traveling merchant
10. Extremely dated online system where people can't even help you place items on your island and lots of functionality is disabled when people are over.

Of course these might be patched into the game in the future and thats what Im hopeful for anyways :)
Theres a lot of huge improvements in this iteration. Too many to list. I think it's a great game, just hoping for content updates / dlc.
apologies if this sounds harsh but when i read posts like these it makes me think that peoples' main problem is that instead of wanting a brand new game they wanted Animal Crossing: New Leaf But Better

new horizons is a different game entirely and once you separate it from its predecessor it's much more enjoyable.

I'm under this impression as well. Most complaints about the game seem to stem from something being different to New Leaf.

Same. It keeps boggling my mind when people say there's less to do. I'm finding there's actually more to do, both from a town customization perspective and even a collecting perspective. I know not all of the furniture is in the game yet, but if you try to collect all of the colors of everything for your catalog? That's going to take a while.

I've actually also found more to do per day than I ever could do in New Leaf. Unless I was working on some major pathing or landscaping project, after the first few weeks I could only play for maybe 2 hours per day before I ran out of stuff to do each day. I'm over 2 weeks in and I can still play for many hours a day.

Nook Miles are what keep me playing for hours on end. I think it's my favourite feature.
I'm under this impression as well. Most complaints about the game seem to stem from something being different to New Leaf.
i feel like part of me wanted new features, but all animal crossing games tend to have a consistent theme or things that reappear that are missing
I've been trying to put a finger on why I feel different about NH compared to Nl and I think this is why, I think quite a few people (me included) were quite a lot younger/kids when new leaf came out and for many it was their first game that really got them into the series. I'd say for the majority of people playing horizons it isn't their first game hence we kind of already know what's going to happen. Yes Horizons is different but the basic game mechanics are the same so of course it isn't going to have the same charm/excitement as the older games you played when you were younger.
It isn't a bad game, we're just older and it takes more for us to get the same excitement about it, plus it was hyped up for two years there is no way you AREN'T going to be disappointed about certain parts of it.

I think you have a really good point here. It's not only knowing what happens either. Your video game tastes will change as you age. Some games or genres you loved as a kid you might find too simplistic now, or perhaps it goes the other way and takes up too much of your time. Heck, some people lose interest in gaming completely. Many gamers I knew as a kid no longer play video games at all. They are too busy with their adult lives.

But there's also the fact that people tend to put on nostalgia goggles for stuff that they enjoyed as a kid. Sometimes you'll go back and do something you enjoyed as a kid and find it still fun. But other times if you go back, your adult mind won't enjoy it anymore and wonder why you even liked it. But people don't always go back to see what it actually feels like now. They are blinded by their memories of the game. They compare newer games to those memories, and those memories sometimes have inflated fun attached to them - if you were to compare the games side by side now, the older one may not (or it might, but not always) hold up.

I personally have a weird perspective on the series compared to most here. I think I bought Gamecube Animal Crossing in 2003 or 2004. I graduated high school in 2001 and I've been playing video games since about the time the NES and Super Mario Bros first came out in the US. Thus, I was already an adult by the time AC existed. I actually didn't care much for the Gamecube game or Wild World. I wanted to like them because it was cute. But it didn't feel like there was enough to do. I gave the series another chance with New Leaf, and finally the more customization options made me feel like there was enough to do to entertain me. That's why I love NH even more than NL - there's simply more freedom of things to do that interest me. I like AC for collecting and customization.
10. Extremely dated online system where people can't even help you place items on your island and lots of functionality is disabled when people are over.

Nintendo: It's rude to move furniture with guests over.
Guest: I don't mind if you move furniture.
I agree to a extent, the game feels incomplete but that’s to be expected. I’m just really hoping they’ll add more features and shops to unlock. It took me years to slowly build up my town before, and I like that.

For me, the biggest thing thing I miss are the mini games and multiplayer option. It was nice having stuff to do and the island tour with friends.
Vrisnem said:
I feel the opposite. For me, New Horizons has recaptured the charm of earlier games in the series. I am enjoying it more than New Leaf.

Yes I feel the same way!! I understand New Leaf is many people's favourite game and while I did have fun playing it when it released, I just wasn't motivated to keep going long term because somehow it lost its charm for me. But something in New Horizons has resparked that childhood joy for me - not sure if it's the upbeat music that seems like a throwback to the older games, or the fact that I get to interact with Nook regularly again (he doesn't belong in an exterior decorating shop cut off from the town), or something else I haven't put my finger on yet, but I simply adore this game and look forward to playing it every morning.

I also really enjoyed the "story" aspect of the beginning, it made me feel way more invested and dedicated to my little growing island. And I think collecting Nook miles is tons of fun!!
I think this game has a lot of charm. If you don't like using amiibos to get villagers you specifically want, don't use them. Same goes for NMT. Both are optional. Let all of your villagers be random move ins. I never understood how other people getting villagers that they want easily and quickly without having to pay an arm and a leg "ruins" the game or makes it lose it's charm. Play the game in a way that you find fun and let everyone else play how they'd like to play. I personally find having a group of villagers that I really enjoy to make the game much more charming than having a bunch of villagers that I don't like. Tools breaking can be annoying but I don't mind it much, I try to keep a few extra of each tool in my storage. Overall, I'm having a lot of fun with this game.
i'm 99.9% sure they won't move without having the thinking bubble!

Wow thats really good then. So basically you have to talk to them for them to move out. I wont have to worry if I missed the though bubble and not play for a while. Thanks for clarifying! :)
I do feel like it's getting a bit stale, which is disappointing. There just doesn't feel like a whole lot to do really, even with the two events going on right now (especially because I don't care about bunny day at all). It feels like an unfinished game to me, and once I unlock terraforming, there's going to be little to do other than that.

I hope they release some more updates or something soon, because I was kind of relying on the game while I was stuck at home unable to work but I'm already a little bored with it. There's just so much it's missing in terms of shops and house furniture, etc.
Ok, time to make my first comment on here.

I've put about 80 hours into NH, no TT (never have in any game), played NL a ton, and grew up playing WW. I don't think being unhappy with NH is that crazy.

Everyone keeps saying that original poster wanted NL2, but is that a crazy idea? AC has always been a series that slightly improves itself. WW was a slight improvement to AC, CF was slightly better than WW, and then NL expanded and improved upon CF. Currently, NH seems to only appeal to players that put hundreds of hours into NL making custom pathing. It honestly just feels like Minecraft at this point with the terraforming. It lacks any of the slow building progression of NL in its current state. Beyond that, I can't even enjoy decorating my island or my house. I've played everyday since launch. My house still looks awful inside. No good furniture at Nooks and I can't find any good recipes. I currently feel like I run in circles trying to find something to do in the game. As for golden tools, yeah, make them unbreakable Nintendo, please.

All I'm saying is, even though I'm enjoying NH, it has a different vibe and it feels like half a game to me, even with all the expanded options. If they are going to add stuff in updates in DLC, I must say, I really don't like that model.
I understand why people feel there’s less charm but I’m not finding that myself.

I love the graphics so much, the texture of the animals is just adorable! I like the music, and find fishing & bug catching really relaxing - so it's got charm in spades, for me.

I am concerned about the lack of civic/commercial buildings though. I don't TT or accept large bell payments for anything so it's going to take me an age to get my island the way I like it anyway, but I'll be disappointed we don't end up with at least as many businesses & things to do as NL. I loved the post office, comedy club, the (now pointless) hairdresser and The Roost as a standalone building. I'm not sure we can get all of that stuff on our islands though, which is why the NL High Street was so great.

So, I'm charmed but not sure at this point I'll be entertained for as many years as I was with NL. But I really hope I will be!