How much would it be for you to sketch a ref for my OC you did for me like your example you have in your OP. I would also want another dress option included in the ref.
No need! >u< But pls consider making flying bacons next time! +u+
OMMG SO PURRRTIIIIIWWERpawiervwlerukvnaswaert
why are you closed. throws tantrum on floor. WAHAAA
AHHH SHE'S GORGEOUS TYTY. more art of my bby lorelei <333 ilysm fhahjsahfla
pssstt so uhm.. i heard you like bacon? -hands you some in the least shady way possible-
is RLC closed as well or BTB only?
Okay, so how much would outfit references cost in RLC? Just the outfit and no person
ooo i c, well that's a little awkward, sorry for giving you..something that you are. ;u; Ofc! I love it, tysm again! ^_^Mostly because I was exhausted after painting so many characters haha ;v; If you wanted to order though you can still fill in a form! I just won't be accepting any directly til I feel more rested. Also my boyfriend just got Netflix for me so goodbye life for at least a couple of days.
But please don't throw a tantrum, I'll share this box of delish cranberry cookies I looted from the kitchen!
Why, I myself am bacon somehow because my family's genes are weird like that even though I appear to have been adopted??? Lmao complicated family relations, but I'm glad you like it and thanks for ordering!
ooo i c, well that's a little awkward, sorry for giving you..something that you are. ;u; Ofc! I love it, tysm again! ^_^
Mostly because I was exhausted after painting so many characters haha ;v; If you wanted to order though you can still fill in a form! I just won't be accepting any directly til I feel more rested. Also my boyfriend just got Netflix for me so goodbye life for at least a couple of days.
But please don't throw a tantrum, I'll share this box of delish cranberry cookies I looted from the kitchen!!
lol i get the feel, i dont wanna do anymore cheebs D; ah its k, i'll fill out when you decide to open again. ohhh netflix, he's a keeper. i need to catch up on soooo many shows ><
.__. *takes cookie. eats cookie. looks at lumi* ...... *WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH*
Lmao I like to think he's a keeper for different reasonsbut gooosh, Netflix really does have so many nice shows! I literally just spent all morning watching House of Cards haaa, but now I am upset at the scriptwriter opting for the dramatic routes and ruining what had already become an otp wwww
Do- Do I need to scavenge for more cookies? ;n;
haha of course xDD i tried to get into house of cards .---. beginning is so slowwww. i also need to catch up on OTNB and GoT >__>
well. i just watched the first ep and i was distracted xD and i couldn't finish it. ONTB is guuud! but it also might not be errones cup of tea. there's a lot of lesbian sex, lmao, if that says anything. but the plot and characters are really good. lols, i just torrent everything.
ew raisins D;
[size=+1] o r d e r i n g ! [/size]![]()
Size: bust since I'm paying TBT and I don't want too much trouble for a fullbody if it isn't RLC ><
Reference:Notes: can she hold white lillies? c: only if its possible!
Payment: does 1k TBT sound good?
fudge cookies. lotsa chocolate. mmmm. with ice cream.
yea... im just watching kpop star these days. less brain power. heh. the popular shows recently all have lotsa sex. GoT man, sex and gore.
I was gonna post then I remember I am in debt ,____,
sits and touches ur pretty art