Malls: What do you think of them? Do you visit them often?

Malls, what do you think of them?

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Me? I think malls are pretty cool and fun places to hang around in, all the shops, food etc Or do you shop online? I know a bunch of them are dying but yeah what do you think of them?





I’m not even totally sure what a mall is. A big shopping centre?? I’ve been to one before and I think only once 😂
I like malls if they are sufficiently weird. I should be able to spend $0 in a mall and still have a good time.

The mall in my hometown when I was a child was incredibly strange, to the point where it's taken on a sort of legendary status after its financial demise. The flooring was seemingly random strips of brightly patterned carpet that would transition in giant, unplanned zigzags to the next carpet mid-hallway. You'd go from black-and-purple checkerboard to red and yellow stripes, as if they'd just bought up a bunch of unused samples. The less money the mall had, the weirder the stores got. For a while there one whole store was just rented by a guy who was really into model trains. You couldn't buy anything. You just walked in and looked at his massive train displays and he told you train things and then you left. We had a glow-in-the-dark mini golf area, a place where you could buy chocolate in the shape of large numbers, an entire miniature amusement park for young kids, a small church, and briefly the actual DMV. The more the mall declined, the weirder it got, because there'd be like five or six barred-up stores and then boom, random religious small group meeting. Five or six more stores, boom. Train guy. The place was so haunted in the best way. I used to go with my dad and we'd just walk around for an hour looking at objects for free.

Sadly, normal, profitable malls don't really compare. I'll stop by one with my partner if he wants to go, because he likes shopping, but I end up getting overstimulated and all the stores feel too similar to me. Where is train guy???
In Metro Manila, there are malls everywhere. There’s one just a kilometer-walk away where I live. There’s another in 4km, and another 8km. It’s always jam-packed with people. It’s not really dying here.
I saw this and thought, heck yes!

I used to like malls, but they seem kind of boring now. And i think the stores are a bit overpriced and usually boring. The closest one is over an hour away, and we only ever went there if we were already in the city and wanted to buy mtg cards.

But it's interesting to picture them as retirement communities! Would be like living in an 80s apocalypse movie haha.
I like going to the mall. While shopping on the Internet is convenient and you can find plenty of things on it, and I do engage in online shopping myself, I also just like getting out into the world and walking around. It's also nice to be able to go to a physical location and see/interact with a potential purchase rather than just depending on pictures. I'm kind of disappointed that malls, and brick-and-mortar stores in general, have been dying off over the years in the face of competition from online shopping. Both online shopping and physical stores have their place and the more options, the better. Thankfully there's a mall around here that's still going pretty strong.
I live near the mall where they filmed parts of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.It is scheduled to be demolished in a couple of weeks.It was a really good mall in its heyday with a lot of interesting shops,arcades and restaurants and even an ice skating rink.People just stopped going and the anchor stores started closing one by one.It was fun while it lasted.
I think they're fun but I haven't been to one since the pandemic. Probably doesn't help that one year my family caught the flu by shopping there on Christmas Eve.
I think they're pretty fun to go to, especially with friends but I don't have any super close so I don't go often. I wish they'd make a comeback!
Although I do a lot of my shopping online, I still like walking around malls once in a while. They're convenient when you have a few things you need to pick up and you want them right away/you don't want to pay shipping.
I mostly shop online nowadays, but go to the mall for leisure & eating :] In the city there aren't really any nearby parks we could go to, so me and my bf regularly eat at the mall. Sometimes we also play in the arcade, or go window shopping.
All that’s within a three hour drive of me is a tiny indoor mall with three or four stores I’m not interested in and a large, crowded strip mall. Neither are really appealing to me so I usually shop online or in stores that aren’t attached to malls. I only really go to the strip mall occasionally since it has the only GameStop in town.

When I lived in a bigger city there were a handful of malls. There was a really busy one I dreaded going to since it filled me with social anxiety from the crowds, but I loved going to the quieter mall since it had stores I liked and didn’t have too many people.
i miss them quite a bit! it was always fun walking around with friends :] there’s really no active malls near me so i always try to stop by one if i am on vacation! went to a mall in vegas last month and had the time of my life lmao