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Marijuana Discussion

I'm sixteen and haven't tried smoking, drinking even try drugs because I dont want to be high like crazy.
In our country it is not legal well there are advantage and disadvantage, well for me it should not be legalized

Anyway its your opinions I wont judge guys huehuehue
I think that drugs should only be legal for medical reasons, meaning that only hospitals and pharmacies have access to it and you need a prescription for them.
If alcohol is legal marijuana should FOR SURE be legal. Alcohol is way more dangerous than marijuana.
I don't really have an opinion on it. I was raised in an environment that discouraged drugs and alcohol of any kind. I try not to pass judgement on things I have no business condemning. Basically, SockHead, you go smoke your weed, and I'll go drink my grape juice.
I'm kind of apathetic about the legalization of marijauna. I guess I've never really cared either way. I have tried it, and it's okay. I don't do it every day but sometimes when I hang out with friends then we drink and get high. It's pretty typical stuff. I say this because it is legalized where I live. We even have hempfest in the summertime for it, lol.
It doesn't really matter to me if it gets legalized or not. I grew up with family members that smoked, hated it when I was younger but as I've gotten older I just no longer care. Now I'm around it constantly because of both family & friends, so it doesn't affect me. I just choose not to do it, personally, because I've seen the bad effects it's had on my mother & sister.
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It doesn't really matter to me if it gets legalized or not. I grew up with family members that smoked, hated it when I was younger but as I've gotten older I just no longer care. Now I'm around it constantly because of both family & friends, so it doesn't affect me. I just choose not to do it, personally, because I've seen the bad effects it's had on my mother & sister.

Definitely in excess, it can be a terrible thing. I've seen some pretty bad side effects too. :(
If alcohol is legal marijuana should FOR SURE be legal. Alcohol is way more dangerous than marijuana.

I'm not sure if I can agree, I've only known a few cannabis users, one now suffers with schizophrenia and another suffers with massive paranoia and anxiety. I'm 32 and all of my friends use alcohol, myself included and none have had a life changing illness inflicted upon them, by using it.

I do think Cannabis can be used in medicine but I'm very much against legalising it as a recreational drug as it has just as many negative side effects as it does positive.
I'm not sure if I can agree, I've only known a few cannabis users, one now suffers with schizophrenia and another suffers with massive paranoia and anxiety. I'm 32 and all of my friends use alcohol, myself included and none have had a life changing illness inflicted upon them, by using it.

I do think Cannabis can be used in medicine but I'm very much against legalising it as a recreational drug as it has just as many negative side effects as it does positive.
I personally have never met anyone with those issues after smoking marijuana. I have heard and seen of people dying/getting addicted to alcohol. You can't get addicted to marijuana either. You can get psychologically addicted but not physically. Though, both are just as bad in my opinion. It's legal in my state anyways so yeah... Yay for WA state.
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I'm not sure if I can agree, I've only known a few cannabis users, one now suffers with schizophrenia and another suffers with massive paranoia and anxiety. I'm 32 and all of my friends use alcohol, myself included and none have had a life changing illness inflicted upon them, by using it.

I do think Cannabis can be used in medicine but I'm very much against legalising it as a recreational drug as it has just as many negative side effects as it does positive.

That would be because heavy alcohol users get their disease after a long period of time. Cirrhosis, heart diseases, cancer, and other things take time to develop.
I personally have never met anyone with those issues after smoking marijuana. I have heard and seen of people dying/getting addicted to alcohol. You can't get addicted to marijuana either. You can get psychologically addicted but not physically. Though, both are just as bad in my opinion. It's legal in my state anyways so yeah... Yay for WA state.

Whilst you cannot get physically addicted addiction can be psychological and considering 9% of cannabis users develop dependence on it I would say it's pretty addictive on a psychological level. Of people who use cannabis daily 20% develop a dependence which is a very high number, far higher than alcoholism.

That would be because heavy alcohol users get their disease after a long period of time. Cirrhosis, heart diseases, cancer, and other things take time to develop.

It's funny that cannabis is always directly countered with alcohol because the cycle of developing alcoholism is down to overuse caused by it being so readily available and cheap. Typically people who become alcoholics start of by drinking small quantities and increase the volume they drink each time. With Cannabis it's illegality makes it less common for people to follow the same usage patterns due to the "risk" of being caught using it.

I honestly won't be surprised if the areas where it is being legalised in America will be doing studies in 20-30 years time and discovering that it is more harmful to society than alcohol because it will be used in the same manner, by abusing the amounts used.

The other thing I will never understand about "pro cannabis users" is that they always argue that it should be legal because alcohol is, surely that's a little hypocritical? Shouldn't the argument be that alcohol should be made illegal? Alcohol, as much as I enjoy a good drink now and then, is bad because when it is misused and abused and it leads to health issues and mental issues. If alcohol is misused and abused then it's just as likely that cannabis will be and will ultimately result in even more people having mental issues or health issues.

If you can argue that alcohol is a negative aspect on society as a whole then ultimately you're arguing that cannabis is likely to have the same outcome as they both have negative and positive aspects dependant on their use but both are misused as many will testify to.

I just want to make something clear, the only reason I condone alcohol and use it is because I know my limits and I use it sensibly, I do not binge drink and I do not over or misuse it. If tomorrow alcohol was made illegal I would not miss it, however with cannabis I find it to be intrusive. My neighbour smokes it daily and the smell means I cannot open my windows as it actually makes me feel physically ill, my alcohol doesn't affect him in any way shape or form. Then you have the health issues, I am a non smoker and inhaling someone's second hand smoke leaves me with a sore throat, even with cigarettes, again something that doesn't happen with alcohol. There are also studies that suggest cancer through second hand smoke when smoking cannabis with tobacco is doubled.
I'm quite a laid back guy, I'm happy for people to use what they want, when they want in the manner that they choose but when it affects me and my children I personally find it to be overstepping the line.

As I said before, in medicine, fine, I'm all for medicine improving but when it comes to people using for the "buzz" I find it selfish and intrusive.
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I think Tom has a pretty good point on taxing it if it were to be legalized. However, I can't judge very well on this topic, but I think that if they're going to make certain drugs illegal, then cigarettes should be illegal or at least taxed extremely high. They're not like alcohol where you have the choice to consume too much to the point its toxic. Cigarettes are toxic from the start. I find weed to be less harmless, if not equivalent to cigarettes, so why not legalize them both or illegalize them both. I could be wrong. But I have no interest in drugs, so what happens doesn't affect me. But it would bother me if a loved one becomes ill from drugs.
I think it should be legalized. We could benefit tremendously on taxes for recreational use (boost dat economy, yo.) and on research for medicine. Recently, a small child suffering from frequent epilepsy was treated with cannabis and has shown miraculous improvement.
From what I read, cannabis isn't as harmful to the body, or as addictive as tobacco and alcohol. I find it quite silly that there is such a huge stigma on those who use it "for the buzz".
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I think it should be legalized. We could benefit tremendously on taxes for recreational use (boost dat economy, yo.) and on research for medicine. Recently, a small child suffering from frequent epilepsy was treated with cannabis and has shown miraculous improvement.
From what I read, cannabis isn't as harmful to the body, or as addictive as tobacco and alcohol. I find it quite silly that there is such a huge stigma on those who use it "for the buzz".
Again the medical purposes could be very beneficial but when abused (as it would be) in recreational use you would find for every person healed two or three would be inflicted with it's negative aspects.

cannabis may not be harmful to the body but it's very damaging to the mind. I understand why people say "it's not that bad" but I challenge you to say that when your friends or family suddenly change completely due to paranoia or anxiety, so much so that they seem like a different person entirely.

My best friend, someone I have tattooed on me because he is such a close friend, was a user of cannabis and it's caused major anxiety to the point where he's scared to go out on a date in case the girl is "f***ing with his mind" as he puts it. This is someone who was very active in sports, very confident in all aspects of his life, someone who had a very bright future and now struggles with day to day activities.

It's very easy to be pro something when it hasn't affected you or someone you know well. The simple fact is cannabis can have some great uses but is a drug and needs to be controlled in it's use as it's the most over abused drug in the world bar alcohol. The real issue is money and greed, cigarettes should be banned, alcohol too but the simple fact is most governments make their money off of these items and so it'll continue to ruin people by allowing them to abuse these substances.
I'm pretty indifferent about it being legalized. And I've tried it once.. wasn't a very good experience. Got all paranoid and all that ;\
I reckon it should be legalised and taxed.
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I love to play Animal Crossing when I'm high lol. Weed is illegal where I live (Cambodia) but the law is not well enforced... There's happy pizza parlours everywhere.
Where I'm from (Carrollton/North Dallas) EVERYONE smokes weed. Like, I very rarely met someone who didn't smoke. Where I live now, more people do meth than smoke weed, and I will never do meth. Ever.