Mario & Luigi: Super Star Saga

Hm... but I really have to say that my favorite genre is RPG...

Look at it this way -

Favorite Genres -

Yoshi Games (I love you Touch and Go...)
Arcadey-style games
Shooters (Don't really like 'em)
Racing (I hate everything except Mario Kart)

And... um... that's about it.
my 5 year old half brother has it. 5 that is WAY to hard for him he doesn't even know how to save :lol: but he knows how to delete <_< he deletes EVERYTHING
my ratchet and clank file
Mario & Luigi: Super Star Saga after i got him a little farther
uh some other stuff that I forgot.
I LOVE THIS GAME! It's got some hilarious lines, a good battle system, and Fawful, the funniest villian. "I HAVE FURY" -Fawful
lol I loved the ending of the game and what happens to Bowser in the end too lol.

It's sooo funny.