Mayoral Memories

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Mayoral Memories

As a precursor to becoming mayor of my town, Birdsong, I have a little backstory. I have four children and I got 3 of them into wild world. They all loved it. When we found out that new leaf was going to come out, I used my birthday money to reserve four copies since my youngest was only 5 and would not be able to play yet. When it came out, we sat on it for a week and did not play, as we were going on vacation and I figured this would be a great thing to do in the car for the 10-11 hour trip. At 5 AM when we were leaving and I figured the kids would be going back to sleep, the three older ones very excitedly asked for their games, so I threw each one back one by one for them to catch. It was the easiest trip we have ever made.

Opening up this game for the first time I did not know about resetting it for a different map. So I chose one of og 4 given. I still have no regrets of this. My character name that I chose was Midori, after my bird and I’ve used her name for all of my characters on all my games ever since. I named my town Birdsong, after my dear friend whose last name is Birdsong because she is the one that got me into the original animal crossing.

We all played for probably 6-8 hours of that trip to Florida. I remember the excitement that my oldest stepson had over getting sprinkle as a starting villager as she is his absolute favorite even to this day because he desperately wanted a penguin in his town. I have searched everywhere looking for who my original five were and honestly it’s all just too hazy. Since I’m on my 3rd 3DS since new leaf came out, I don’t have all my pics.

Once I got my mayor position, I started working on my town. It took years to get it the way I wanted along with my favorite villagers, who mostly all represented people in my life. Static, marshal, peanut and filbert represented my children. Bam represented my hubs. Bunnie represented my mom. Francine and Chrissy represented my two besties from TBT actually, Alesha and Mel. I WANT to say Stitchface was one of my OG 5 which is why he had to become a permanent resident but as I’ve moved so many villagers in and out, it doesn’t show on my tree of history. I remember Filbert became my dearest baby. We were besties. He actually sent me a letter giving me the moon and I still have it to this day. He is always the first villager I seek out to talk to when I load up my game. Soooooo many memories of filling up the museum and weeding and setting out paths to make my town beautiful and as perfect as I could to receive the best rating I could from my villagers. Looking through my pics of memories of this game in my 3ds brings back so much nostalgia. I always took my job very seriously so when villagers would come ask me to do something for them I always would and I would always get such a chuckle out of the ones that would ask me to take things to other villagers, and those other villagers would be in sight. I have so many pics on my 3DS of that!!!

I would also always help them with their petitions, no matter how ridiculous they were, although Francine’s Ban Scary Clowns petition was dead on!!! Once I finished getting all the pvp requests finished from my villagers I started to re-create our already beautiful town into what it still is to this day. I really hope this is allowed, but if not, please tell me and I’ll edit these out but I’m going to add a few more spoiler pics of some of my favorite memories.
As much as I love new horizons, and I love it dearly. New leaf probably holds the biggest place in my heart. I’ve met some of the greatest people I have ever known while playing new leaf online. I’m very sad to see the online feature go away, even though I really don’t play it much anymore, I have truly enjoyed reminiscing and going back on and seeing all of the creation.
“Welcome to MoonGlow, Andrea!” said Isabelle. “You have been elected as mayor!”

“Wow!” responded Andrea. “Really?”

“Yes!” said Isabelle. “Now come talk to Tom Nook and choose where you want to live.”

It was the beginning of the year 2017, when Andrea moved in to MoonGlow. She first went to Tom Nook about where she wanted to live. She chose to live south of the river, right next to the coast. Coincidentally, she was right next to the dock that leads to Tortimer’s Island. Before she worked on raising her approval ratings, she made big plans on how to design the town of MoonGlow.

But after one year, Andrea left back to America, leaving MoonGlow without a mayor. Aurora, her best friend, eventually took the spot as mayor of MoonGlow. She tried to keep the layout the same as all the years went by. The residents of MoonGlow were hopeful that Andrea will eventually go back to MoonGlow, but she never came back.

Seven years after Andrea became the mayor of MoonGlow, Aurora written a long letter and sent it to Andrea. Pete, knowing where Andrea lived, took a long vacation to the United States until he found Andrea’s house. He gave her the letter and returned to MoonGlow.

When Andrea received the letter, she opened it, and saw that it came from Aurora, her best friend and the villager who took her spot as the mayor. It said…

“Andrea! Where have you been? It’s been six years since you left. Everyone you invited to your town has missed you. I, Aurora, may be the mayor, but you are the one true mayor of MoonGlow.

We changed the ordinance to Night Owl, and others have been weeding your town and watering your flowers. But we didn’t want to make anymore changes to the town since it would ruin your legacy.

Remember when you built the Café Plaza near your home and my home? It still has the blue disco paths, illuminated arch, and fountain in front of The Roost. We still come visit it to talk about you and how you made this area.

Remember when you built the lighthouse at the southeastern cliff of the town? We repainted it pink, but the lighthouse still stands today since it was built on February 6th, 2017.

Remember when you took a huge space in Eastern MoonGlow to turn it into a forest with a campsite? We never got rid of it, as it remains to be a campsite better than Harvey’s Campground west of Town Hall.

Remember when you grew all of these fruit trees and colored tulips? We are grateful that we have every kind of fruit available, as well as the colorful flowers along the paths.

Remember when you completed the museum? Blathers is still grateful that you filled every exhibit yourself, and it remains to be completed as of this day. You’re still being honored for what you done to the museum.

Please, come back! I miss you! We all miss you! Now even the other humans moved away, and the new penguins that moved in have occupied every house you built. I even made sure that they don’t change the layouts because we didn’t want you to be disappointed. I even took your golden house and kept it the same you had it when you left. We did our daily lives and events, but MoonGlow hasn’t been the same since.

Isabelle misses you. Tom Nook misses you. Blathers misses you. Celeste misses you. Brewster misses you. Shrunk misses you. Even Resetti misses you. And now, some others are still waiting for their dreams to be fulfilled. Phineas still has badges to give you, which you haven’t accepted. Gracie was unable to open her store in MoonGlow. And Timmy and Tommy weren’t able to expand their convenience store into anything else since it last remodeled in 2017.

Please Andrea, come back! We miss you. Love, Aurora”

Andrea began to shed a tear after she read the letter. She knew that she wasn’t able to come back since she opened her restaurant in the United States, which remained to be surviving as of 2024. But even she started to miss her life in MoonGlow. She planned to write a letter to Aurora, telling her that she wasn’t able to come back, but they can come visit her in America and see her restaurant.

One fine morning in my City Folk town of Kokomo, I walk outside to find the mayor, Tortimer. He greets me with his usual, "You! Whippersnapper! Come here!" I notice he is holding a letter in his hand, with what looks like a red seal with a train on it. He notices me looking at the envelope and holds out his hand and gestures for me to take the letter.

"I need you to do me a favor. Please hand deliver this letter to Isabelle in Rosewood. Booker and Copper will escort you to the train, heh heh horf!"

I accept the envelope, put on my coat and shoes, and make my way on my journey. I arrive at the town gates and I'm greeted by Booker and Copper.

"Greetings, citizen! Are you packed up and ready to go to the train station?" Copper inquired.

"Yes, sir! May I ask how far away the train station is?"

"Do not worry, citizen! We will be there in no time," Copper exclaimed.

I clamber into the police car, and before I know it, we are outside of the train station. Booker is already talking to a little monkey in a Porter uniform. Copper hurries around to open my car door for me, and tells me to hurry. Before I can apologize for my idleness, I hear a train horn blowing, and the monkey that Booker was conversing with comes over the loudspeaker.

"The train for Rosewood will be departing shortly, eek eek!"

I hurriedly thank Copper and Booker, grab the letter, and board the train. As soon as I sat down, the doors closed, the horn blew, and then we were off. A few minutes later, a cat from a few rows down notices me. He excitedly gets up and comes to sit in the seat in front of me. We exchange names, he asks me where I'm headed, and he asks to see the map of Rosewood. As soon as I show him the map, the conductor of the train announces over the speaker:

"Now arriving in Rosewood! Rosewood station!"

The cat thanks me for chatting with him, and then the train comes to a halt. I hurriedly get off the train, and when I walk outside of the train station, I am met with a group of people who look excited to see my arrival. Isabelle, the yellow dog I was supposed to give the letter to, addresses me.

"OK, everyone! Here we go... Ready? And... from those of us in Rosewood..."

"WELCOME!" shouts everyone in unison.

I am taken aback. I was not expecting this warm of an arrival. Isabelle then walks up to me and tells me she is so happy I arrived safely. However, she addressed me as "mayor." I look confused, and Isabelle takes note of that. She explained that someone told her I would be arriving on the train, and I was Rosewood's new major since the current one was retiring. She tells me to follow her to the town hall, and on the walk over, I take a minute to process what I just heard. Me, as a mayor? What was I supposed to do? I didn't bring any money with me, nor did I bring any furniture from my house back in Kokomo! I didn't even own any land here in Rosewood! Isabelle looks at me reassuringly and explains that Rosewood has a Real Estate company across the train tracks, and she tells me to go talk to the owner, Tom Nook. Hesitantly, I did as she instructed. I hurried out of the town hall to meet with Tom Nook.

Once I crossed the tracks, I immediately saw the company. I walked over to the door and entered the building to see a very familiar-looking face.

"Chance, hi! You must be the new mayor, Isabelle told me to expect you! So, I understand you don't have a house but fear not! I can build you one! Have you decided on where you want to live?" Tom Nook said.

"No, b-but I don't have any bells!" I explain. "I left all of my belongings in my previous town."

"No worries, Chance! You can take out a loan and pay it back anytime you want!" Tom Nook exclaims.

"OK, I guess. Shall we go pick out a piece of land for my house, then?" I ask.

"Of course! Just take me to where you want to build your new home, Chance!"

Tom Nook then opens the door and gestures to me to take him to where I want to live. We cross the train tracks, and I search for where I want to lay down my roots. After a few minutes of deliberation, I found a beautiful plot of land by a waterfall, and it was close to a campsite, too. I tell Tom that this is where I want to live. He excitedly agrees and then begins to rope off the land.

"It will take a bit of time to build your house, so for today, let's reserve the space for you... There we go! Yes, yes! Wonderful!" Tom Nook says excitedly. "As for a place to rest your head, for now, I will let you borrow this tent so you can get some sleep! As for the costs... the calculations are too complicated to come up with right now. In the meantime, I will work out the numbers. Come by my shop again later. As for now, you need to get registered as a resident, so please see Isabelle in the town hall. Until next time!"

As soon as I blink, Tom Nook is gone. I take a second to admire the tent, and then I head to the town hall to start my new life. I guess we all need to turn over a new leaf at some point in our lives!

I wrote mine like a letter!

To my dearest townsfolk, it's been nearly a decade since I was active in New Bark's shenanigans but our memories together are ever lasting. I remember visiting Ruby's house near the train station and building the Roost north of Nan's place. I hope the perfect apple trees are still bountiful along with the field of rainbow roses. The town started out empty but through team work we built many public works projects like the tire toy and jungle gym in the park. I still have all the letters from all the different villagers who moved out over the years. You were all great friends who had new adventures to discover. All our holidays were especially memorable no matter the season. Whether it was Bunny Day or Halloween or Toy Day or just a casual Sunday we always found a way to spend time together. I remember fishing for red snappers in the ocean but reeling in those darn seabass instead. In the summer the sharks would come out with the warmer weather and we would use the opportunity to make bells. I hope this letter fills you with memories from when I was your attentive mayor. My visits will be less frequent so take care of each other. Love, Noah.
I wrote mine like a diary entry, I miss my OG ACNL villagers 🥲

As I sit underneath the town tree, I can’t help but feel the nostalgia. In what seems like a blink of an eye, the little sapling has grown into a magnificent tree.

I remember first arriving to Callisto by train. Although there was some confusion about being the new mayor, I was greeted warmly by Isabelle and the others.

Before I even got settled into a home (thanks Mr. Nook for the housing), my new neighbors were itching to spend time with me!

Tia and Bunnie invited me to a picnic on a nice, sunny day. Tia made some sandwiches and Bunnie brought some sweets.

Butch gave me the rundown on the town and showed me the town garden. He also taught me how to make apple juice from our town’s renowned apples.

Diana, in all her elegance, invited me to afternoon tea, where she served beautiful darjeeling tea and also the “tea” on the town. Diana always knew the newest gossip around the town.

Dearest Stitches, always sent me little gifts and showed me cool bugs he found. Stitches definitely taught me to relax a little and enjoy what was happening around me.

As the days passed, new villagers moved in and some said their goodbyes. Each little change in the town brought excitement with a twinge of sadness. While I was happy for the villagers to move onto broader horizons, I was going to miss them dearly.

Of course, I run into them time to time in Main Street and I’m always happy to hear what new things they’ve accomplished since leaving our town.

Some days, I sit here and remember each villager that has once sat under the town tree with me. I’m grateful and thankful to have met each of them and hoping they’re all living happy lives.

Maybe one day, we’ll meet again under this tree.
Dear Mum,

What an adventure I’ve had these past 10 years!!!!

I knew when I told you I was leaving that you would freak out and want me to stay. The amazing experience I've had is exactly the adventure I was looking for. While I do miss you and Dad, getting on that train was the best thing I ever did.

It all started out when I was talking to this strange blue cat on the train and next thing I know he is inviting me to visit this town named “Noir”. When I first stepped off the train I was greeted by a cute little dog called Isabelle. She told me the town of Noir needed a mayor and without thinking I stepped into the role.

For over the past 10 years I have been the voice for all the villagers and I have made so many amazing friends for life. Listening to the concerns and ideas of the villagers to help improve the lifestyle of the town in completing town incentives and opening stores and supporting local businesses.

I always love reading your letters and receiving your gifts. My best friend who I met on day one arriving in town is called Ed.
Ed is always writing letters to me about his stories and dreams. He has inspired me to send you and dad a letter about my experiences.

I think about you and dad everyday, I miss and love you both. I don’t think I’ll be coming home. Or if I am it won't be for a long while.
I have found my true self in this town and I hope to one day have you both visit.

Attached with the letter is some perfect quality fruit that my town grows and a photo of me and the villagers.

Until we talk again.
Love your daughter,

Kitten Noir
Okay so this is one of my fondest memories. My first birthday party on AC:NL.
It's short, but sweet and to the point. :3

It was Popo's first birthday on this new town named 'Puyumi'. She woke from her bed groggily, rubbing her eyes with a yawn. She stumbled down the steps, attempting to wake herself up for her special day. Popo had only been Mayor for a few weeks now, so she wasn't expecting anything too big, or anything at all, really. However, she was thrilled to spend the day attending to her mayoral duties. Still very exhausted, she figured if she made herself some coffee, it'd help wake her up.

There was a knock on the door before she could make it to the coffee pot. The coffee pot that was sitting on the table in her living room. How funny that she hadn't been able to afford an extra room for her kitchen furniture! Popo pondered for a moment. Who would be visiting this early? Another yawn escaped her as she answered the door. Her new friend, Zucker, was there waiting for her with a big grin. He seemed to have some surprise in store for the new Mayor.

"Heya Popo, bloop!" he exclaimed excitedly. Popo smiled warmly, beckoning him into her house. All Zucker did was shake his head,

"No, no! You'll be following me! I'm not here to visit!" Popo quirked a brow at him, feeling slightly inquisitive. It's not like anything could go wrong! Despite Popo's anxiety, she followed her new friend.

"Where are we going, Zucker?" Popo inquired as she covered her eyes with her one hand, holding onto Zucker's with the other.

"It's a secret, bloop!" and with that, there wasn't much else said afterwards.. When they arrived to their destination, Popo moved her hand away from her eyes. What were they doing at Zucker's house?! In a matter of seconds, Popo was certain she knew what was going on.

"SURPRISE!!!" Zucker, Cranston, and Melba all shouted, their eyes wide with enthusiasm. Right before her, there was a cake, and a pile of presents. Popo was overwhelmed, but in a positive way. She wasn't sure what to say. Her parents weren't really ever around for her birthday, let alone go this far to make her day so special!

"Guys.. t-thank you! I'm not sure what to say!"

"We know you just moved in and all, but we were told by Isabelle that it was your birthday!" Cranston beamed, walking over to Popo and rubbing her head gently. Popo looked down at her shoes, how did they put all of this together with such short notice?!

"We wanted to thank you for all the work you've done so far with the town! And how grateful we are for you!" Melba chimed in, giving Popo a warm embrace.

"Thanks guys.. This was so sweet of you all!"

"Alright, enough with the emotions, it's making me hungry!" Zucker guffawed,

"Now, make a wish, Popo!"

To say her birthday wasn't well spent would be a lie. She ate cake, opened presents, danced, and much more. And she did it all with her new friends on Puyumi.
“Oh my God, DC! I barely recognised you, how long has it been? …It’s me! Steve, Steve Collins, from school?”

“Steve? …Wow, yeah it’s been ages… How are you, how’s life?”

“Oh, you know how it is, married now, two kids – oldest one’s 16… Christ time flies doesn’t it? – feel like only yesterday we were leaving school ourself. So yeah, work in the city now, for my sins! Accountancy firm, won’t bore you with it, done alright though – good life – the wife’s a teacher, we live over on the west side now. I know, right? Proper class traitors! Hahahah! …So anyway, what about you? What you been up to the past two decades?”

“…well I mean… not much to tell really… We left school, like you said then… well then I was on this bus with a cat, who asked me if I was a boy or girl, then the bus stopped at this little town where they seemed to think I was the new Mayor… Anyway, I felt a bit pressured into playing along, because all the animals—Sorry, I should explain, this town was completely populated by anthropomorphic animals—seemed to be expecting me to name the place and build various infrastructures for them… Then… Well, long story short I was there for 20 years and I wound up with a house full of solid gold furniture.”

To all me fine ladies and gents back 'ome,


I'm the Mayor now! Take that, Sadiq Khan. Or Boris Johnson probably still (lol Johnson lol).

Can you Adam n Eve it? I'm running things around 'ere! They put me in charge! I just need to get rid of that dog who wants to throw a wobbler over everything I do, like "Don't build a pyramid next to that" and "You can't put a bridge on that" which is annoying and also incorrect. I can put a bridge wherever I like fankyouverymuch, Muttface!

S'all good 'ere I s'pose. The otter in the 'ouse shop told me one of the birds in the post office and one of the Sonics in the clothes shop are into that raccoon chap. The one who does all the loans. He must be rich or summink. I don't blame 'em. Their options are pretty limited so they might as well go where the money is. Sensible gals!

You know the best thing about this place? There's no Judy!
She doesn't exist here. Judy who?
If I stay here, Judy never has to exist!
Maybe I need to stay here to ensure it never happens.
Nobody needs Judy in their lives..

I'm pulling ya leg, I'll be back in a bit, just going for a slash innit.


Goldi x
Here's mine!

Dear Isabelle,

As of May 15th, 2020, it'll be 4 years since I became the mayor of Koopacit! And what a ride it's been! Out of all the towns I have been elected mayor for, by far this one has been my favorite! The villagers here have always been so welcoming and kind (Expect for Monty, but we'll get to that later) and plus our national fruit is pears, which are one of my favorite fruits! When I first heard about this town in the newspaper, I didn't think it would be as amazing as it is! Sure we did have unfortunate moments, like when Bunnie moved away randomly without telling me but left her picture in the mail, and when Monty moved right in front of a path I was making. But it's alright, after all, like Katrina once told me, "Bad luck is just luck that is bad." I remember when I told you about Monty's behavior when he had serval conversations with some of my favorite villagers and always made them sad or angry after the conversation was over. But hey, a few days of net hitting and pitfall seeds later, he asked to move, so that’s always good! I remember when villagers would ask me to play hide and seek with them and then proceed to hide behind their own houses. I even remember how excited I was when after about 2 weeks of breeding special red roses, I breeded a blue rose! (The golden watering can definitely helped!) I would like to also apologize for my..extended vacations from our little town. Real life can always get super busy, and I apologize that half of our villagers thought I had moved away. I promise that I'll try to be better about that in the future! I'm grateful that you were always there to fill my shoes when I couldn't, and I hope you and your brother are doing well!

Sincerely, Koopadud, Mayor of Koopacit

P.S: If you happen to go on to main street, and happen to see Monty, you have my permission to bonk him with a net, just like old times!
Dear Isabelle,

On December 27, 2013, I got on a train to leave my previous life behind. I was exhausted and had no idea who I was anymore. I needed a big change. On the train, I got to chat with a kind but mysterious cat. I had a feeling I was heading to the right place, and when I got off at the Maria station, that good feeling was confirmed. You greeted me and showed me how to thrive in this new place, and as a mayor, I felt rejuvenated and ready to tackle all the new adventures that would head my way.

My favorite memory in Maria was re-vamping my house to make it a cozy home-cafe. It was a long process that took several weeks to put into action and even longer to plan. I had to order new tables, chairs, a fancy espresso machine, and of course, had to source my beans from Brewster's. Perfecting my recipes for cakes, pies, and cookies was also important to the process and I enjoyed sharing my attempts with all the residents of Maria. I worked part-time at Brewster's in one part to learn how to brew the perfect cup of coffee and in another part just to learn what the residents liked to drink. I'll never forget your order, Isabelle -- a mocha with lots of milk and 3 spoons of sugar!

After some time, I started to get busy exploring other aspects of my life. I ended up going back to school to learn a new discipline. I met new people and eventually, found a new group that I could call "my friends." And eventually, it became time for me to take another journey away from the town of Maria.

I'm so sorry that I've left you behind with all the paperwork and mayoral duties, Isabelle! I promise that when the time is right, I'll be back to help. To say hello to everyone. To water the flowers and bake new cakes. I promise that time will come some day!

Your mayor and friend,


(tbh i do not remember much about acnl anymore... aaaaahhhhh. wrote this as my town mayor, noh!)
Here's my entry:

I boarded the train with hope in my heart.
No real plans. It was a shot in the dark.
I'd grabbed a map and picked a random place,
just somewhere to which I could escape.
Anything was better than the house I'd called home,
and the so-called family that I'd long since outgrown.

Little did I know I'd soon be given a job.
I'd be running around collecting thingamabobs.
I'd dig these strange things up from the ground
that bobbed to the beat as they made sound.
The time would march on and the seasons would pass,
and I'd meet many a creature and friend to last.

As the town and my bell amount both grew,
I came to love that place, through and through.
The best decision that I ever made
was getting on the train that fateful day.
Now I've moved on just like the mayor before me,
but once in a while I like to soak in this memory.

The seagull who always washed up on shore.
The Sunday morning turnip-selling boar.
The cat who had a face so blank.
The pigeon selling coffee of the highest rank.
The panther who saw into the future far.
The dog who was the biggest music star.

The night owl who was scared of bugs.
The camel selling me walls and rugs.
The ghost who called to me from an odd lamp.
The alpaca offering furniture revamp.
The poodle who loved to style my hair,
and Isabelle, of course, who was always there.

The apple trees, the island of beetles and sharks,
the shooting stars that lit up the dark.
The fox who sold art, some real, some fake,
the tanuki involved in real estate.
Falling in a hole, being yelled at by a mole,
Oh how I miss you, my beautiful Seoul.

To whatever whoever remains of Clarity,

My journey of being the Mayor of Clarity came to an end on a brisk autumn afternoon, the same way it began. The last time I walked around Clarity, I didn’t know that it would be the last time.

That’s the funny thing about ends, isn’t it? You never know you’ve experienced the end of something until it’s long gone and you can’t say goodbye.

(I still say goodbye to everything and everyone I’ve lost in my head every night. All of my memories have scratch marks on them).

I was 11-years-old when I became Clarity’s Mayor. That would normally be cause for concern in any other universe, but in this one, it was cause for nothing but celebration. A new beginning for a once sleepy town.

My first villagers are all faceless friends in my memory, but I remember Isabelle like the back of my hand. I remember the soft leather of my mayoral chair and how it felt cushioned behind my back. I remember the faint smell of coffee and tulips that filled my nostrils every time I stepped foot in Town Hall.

I remember Isabelle.

I remember how she would practically trip over her feet to get to me whenever I would sit in my chair, ready for mayoral duties. I remember how she would often fall asleep at her desk, drooling onto important documents and sticky note reminders alike. I remember how she would go overboard for big and small events, setting up face cutouts for photos and handing out special items. She was clumsy, overworked and often scatterbrained, but most of all, she was my kind friend.

I remember all of my friends. I remember Dr. Shrunk with his jokes, and his desperation to make people laugh. He was the one who kickstarted my love for axolotls. Such silly creatures they are. I remember my next-door neighbour Lolly, an adorable cat with a sweet smile and a love for baking. She was often the first person I saw every day, and it always got my day off to a good start. I remember Beau, my most dearest friend. I was so happy when he first moved in, and so heartbroken when he moved out. But we always find our way back to each other. I remember Sprinkle, my vigorous penguin who lived right down the street from Re-tail, and would spend every afternoon browsing there.


I remember Tortimer’s Island, and Kapp’n’s kindhearted (but sometimes weird) family. One of my many homes away from home. I used to spend hours there, cramming beetles and fish into my drop-off box. Cyrus and Reese were never happy to see me the next morning, complaining their little shop would smell like the ocean for days after. They still never turned me away, a little girl who hid underneath her blanket past her bedtime just so she could experience the serenity of their world for a while longer.

I remember working part-time at The Roost, jotting down every customer who came by’s order in a little notebook so that I’d remember for next time. I remember Brewster’s eyes on my back as he calmly washed and dried his cups, his “I’m-not-smiling-because-I’m-Brewster-but-I’m-smiling-in-my-own-way” smile on his face. He would never say it out loud, but I could always tell he was pleased with how I did after every shift.

I remember giving items away to Mayors from all over the world, wanting to help as many people as I could. I remember my Town Tree, and how excited Isabelle was to plant it. I can still hear the sound of her clapping in my ear.


I remember my last day. I made my rounds around the town, making sure to talk to all of my friends for what would turn out to be the last time, and that was it. No going away party. No emotional goodbyes. No sitting at my Town Tree one last time to reminisce and reflect on how far my town had come in just 4 years. It was just me, my friends and a once sleepy town.

And then it was just them.

But most of all, I remember me. The 11-year-old girl who had the role of mayor thrusted into her lap, who was 15-years-old when the goodbye inevitably came. I remember the school friends I had, and how my animal neighbours were often my only true friends. I remember the apartment I lived in with my parents, and how my bedroom door didn’t close all the way. I remember my unrelenting anxiety.

So much has changed since I was Clarity’s Mayor. I think I would be unrecognizable to both my 11 and 15-years-old selves, as well as to my old animal friends. I hope they know how often I think about them still, and how much I regret not saying goodbye. How much I regret leaving at all.

I’ve been thinking about ends a lot lately. The end of my childhood. The end of being a school student. The end of rotting. The end of just existing instead of living. I have taken so many steps forward, and so many steps back, in the last 11 years. But that 11-year-old Mayor still exists within me. I am still her. She is still me.

I’ll never know what became of Clarity after I left. I hope someone ran into an adventurous yet chatty cat on a train, and he told them all about Clarity and how their Mayor disappeared. I hope they exhaled a sigh of sadness and curiosity with him, and smiled at him kindly when they reached their stop. I hope they stepped onto the cobblestone outside Clarity’s Train Station, and Isabelle and my old friends were there to greet them. I hope Clarity was reborn again with their guidance.

I hope someone is there to receive this letter.

With love,
your former Mayor “Emily”





dearest puck,

 i can still vividly remember the day i saw your plot appear beside my house for the very first time. i remember being so incredibly upset. i had just spent an entire week and a half earlier cultivating some of my favourite tulips and pansies in my flower garden. i had placed the garden right beside my house thinking they'd be safe since new residents would basically have the rest of the whole entire town to lay their house plots on. well, imagine my surprise when i saw that someone did indeed decided to plop their plot right on top of my garden, destroying all the plants that i had painstakingly tried to breed into the colours i was after. i felt so angry even just looking at the sign that read "this spot reserved for puck's new home." i spent the day pacing around my town, imagining the pitfalls i'd plant to just push you in. i fantasized about hitting you in the head with my net over and over again until you'd walk away in a huff. at that point, i had no idea what you even looked like but knew in my heart i'd despise you for the damage you had done.

 the next day rolled around and i raced to your home, ready to bang on the door and see who was the culprit was. i went up to knock and entered the house, and was surprised to see a penguin. a pink penguin. huh that's kinda cute... i thought to myself, forgetting my rage for a second there. your house didn't have any furniture in it yet, but it felt so frigid and cold. you kinda had a strange taste in wallpaper to be honest no offense. i wanted to yell, i wanted to scream at you! i wanted to unleash all the frustrations i had about that flower garden right then and there. i don't know what exactly got into me, maybe it was isabelle's voice in my head reminding me of my "mayoral duties", but i ended up just greeting you and went on my way.

 with time, the sting of losing all those flowers went away. i slowly started talking more and more to you. and the more i talked to you, i realized the more i wanted to hang out with you. we started hanging out more and more each day that passed. whether it was catching bugs, fishing, playing games or sharing snacks together, i just couldn't wait to see you each day. i found myself going up to you multiple times a day, just to see what was up. even if i had nothing new to day! although we may have had a bit of a rocky start, i want to take this chance to say thank you. thank you for always staying by me, for always showing me a friendly smile and always being so goofy and loveable. for all medicine bags you've given me when i was stung. for always seeming to know "exactly" what furniture item i was looking for...well....let's just say you were always giving me something interesting! i am so incredibly lucky to have you as a friend. being around you made me want to work harder as a mayor and try to create a space where you and the other villagers in town would be happy. i love you dearly puck. thank you for placing your house on top of my garden. it's funny to say it now and look back on everything, but i would have never expected that the garden you destroyed would be the very catalyst for how my love for you would grow over time. if i had to it all over again, there isn't a single thing i'd change. i think about you all the time my dear old friend. and i just can't wait to see what adventures are in store for us in the future! i just know that as long as we have each other, we can overcome anything!

your friend forever, in this life and the next,


. . . ♡ . . .

My Dearest Jakecity,

Oh, how the melodies of Animal Crossing: New Leaf transport me to the sweetest memories we shared during my tenure as Mayor. With every sunrise, the peppy tune gracefully embraced the dawn, setting the stage for a day brimming with adventures in our pixelated haven. It was a symphony of hope, a musical promise that each day held endless possibilities for us to explore together.

. . .

In the quieter moments, when the weight of responsibility pressed upon my shoulders, it was the tender notes of the evening soundtrack that cradled my spirit. The gentle, mellow melodies whispered reassurances and love, weaving a tapestry of solace amid the challenges we faced.

As I strolled through the charming lanes of Jakecity, attending to the needs of our endearing residents and nurturing the flourishing beauty of our shared home, the music became the heartbeat of our love story. It was more than a mere accompaniment—it was the silent witness to our shared joys and triumphs.

. . .

Even now, as time moves forward, the familiar strains of Animal Crossing's enchanting soundtrack bring me back to the days when our love blossomed amidst the whimsical landscapes and adorable characters. The music is a cherished reminder of the simplicity and enduring power of our connection, a timeless serenade that resonates in the chambers of my heart.

Forever Yours,


. . . ☆ . . .
To all those who this letter may concern,

It is I, your town mayor, Emolga59. I regret to inform you all that at the end of this week I will no longer be present within the town of Jewel. I had begun this journey as a young child on a train, with nothing but a blue t-shirt and a dream. When I came here, I was suddenly promoted to the mayor of a town that I had not heard of before.

Our town grew like the tree in the town plaza. Slow, but we were able to enjoy every moment.

Residents have come and go during my time here, as I watched all of our friends go their own ways, I also welcomed new residents who would be one foot off the train, ready to experience a fresh start. Now, I will be the one who's going to venture off into the unexplored.

I have my destination set for the island of Starfall. A beautiful, but small territory. I hope that I will be able to see some of you move to the island when you've decided that you need a new journey.

For now, we should all say our goodbyes as I board our train station one last time. Goodbye doesn't mean "see you never", it just means "until we meet again."

Until we meet again,

I haven't played much of my new town so I wrote about my first town

Dear Karasuno,

I enjoyed my time as mayor of this little town nestled between the mountains and the sea. I met a lot of interesting characters during my time here. Some stayed for a short while, a few are still here, but many are long gone. I hope that they enjoyed their time here.

Every morning I would dig up all the marks on the ground to make sure no one falls into any pitfall traps and found lots of fossils to donate to the museum for everyone to enjoy. During this time I would clean up all the weeds and flowers and made sure to say "Hello" to everyone I stumbled upon.

Then I spent my afternoon browsing the shops and then patrolling the beach to make sure no one washed up on the shore overnight. I'll wander the woods in search of fresh fruit and occasionally a chair will drop from the the trees. Listening out for the whooshing sound of balloons drifting overhead brought on excitement and a bit of panic when I realized I did not have my slingshot on me.

As time passes, I will remember Karasuno as my first town and I carry a bit of that town with me as I start a new town again and again.
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