Wait, so is this an excuse to talk about my struggles with mental illnesses without worrying too much about being judged or called attention seeking? I'm all for it. Regardless though I really do wanna clarify that I don't want a pity party or anything like that, I just wanna let it out.
Depression was my first experience with a mental illness, and it was something I experienced extremely early on in life. 3rd grade early. I'll never know why, but the peers in my small Catholic school that I went to loathed me. Maybe it was cuz I moved in the year before and maybe it was because I was just a freak, but it completely scarred me. Those young years were the years that I should've been learning how to make friends, socialize properly, get out with people, everything. But nah, instead I was bullied constantly from 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade. It was after 5th grade that I begged my mom to let me change schools. I had gotten a death threat in my locker from someone in the 3rd grade. My gym teacher noticed how bad the bullying was (I either NEVER had a partner in gym or always had a guy partner because the guys were at an uneven number) and called out my entire class on it. I remember going to a sleepover and I called my mom at midnight because the girls there kept making fun of me. Fifth grade, I kept trying to sit with the closest people I could call "friends" and they all moved tables away from me. Constantly. I could go on and on, but needless to say it wrecked me mentally. I didn't know how to interact with people, I was secluded to the internet, not to mention that I had self-harmed in some way or another for the first time in the 5th grade, and also seriously considering dieting. Whatever, that's where my depression stemmed.
Come middle school, things are better. Sort of. Then 2010 hits (still in the 6th grade at the time) and my family is getting ready to lose our house, my mom's hooked on pain meds, I'm cutting myself, and the school knows about me cutting and makes fun of me for it. Man, I remember in my English class we were looking at magazine pictures and one was of this really ugly monster thing. Some guy looked at me and said "Hey, doesn't this look like Lexi?" and a girl next to him replied "Oh yeah, it does!" I mean, okay, I get it, I'm ugly as hell, thanks for reminding me. Plus a huge screwup that made the school think I liked this popular butt-chin ugly douchebag made them all hate me. Let all that pile on to the low self-esteem, depression, and then a mix of anxiety coming in.
7th grade, fell in "love", dated the dude, he dumps me because his friends made fun of him for dating me, rest in complete pieces any last shreds of my self-esteem, pretty much go into a deep depression for a while. 8th grade, fall in "love" again, person is in love with this girl who is PERFECT. I'm still jealous of her. I still cry when I see her pictures cuz of how perfect she is. So stupid me decides the best thing to do in that kind of situation where I'm pathetic and ugly and undesirable to anyone is to make myself desirable. So, I start purging.
And thus I piled onto myself an eating disorder that caused me a mental breakdown earlier today. Not to mention that during the summer of 8th grade, I developed insomnia as a side-effect of my lack of eating, (and purging, it's like an anorexia/bulimia mix) took my brother's pills to stop myself from eating, cut myself some more, and even attempted suicide a few weeks into high school.
I think, as of right now, my eating disorder is what's pushing me back the most. Depression and anxiety too, but holy mother of god I would never wish an eating disorder on my worst enemy. Not even those absolutely worthless sacks of crap that bullied me throughout my primary school years. I started taking my brother's pills again (in secret, at first, then I convinced my mom to let me take some of them but now she won't let me anymore. They basically enhanced my motivation, ability to focus, and ability to not eat) a few months ago so that I could stop feeling so dragged down by my depression and so I could combat my binging that began happening as a result of me starving and purging so much. Even now, I still want them. If I could get a hold of them and take another, I would. So now I'm left wondering if the next thing to be added to my list of mental disorders is going to be medication addiction.
Seriously though, my eating disorder has ruined me. I mean, okay, it made me thinner. I went from 115lbs down to around 90-95lbs. I'm 5'2". My face and body and legs are noticeably thinner than how I was in middle school. But I can't enjoy a proper meal anymore. The foods and snacks I used to love are now foods that I can't eat without wanting to throw them right back up. I can't even eat a small dessert anymore without immense guilt overtaking me, and if guilt doesn't overtake me, then the physical feeling of illness and fullness comes in my stomach and up my throat. I love being thin, I love feeling even just a tiny bit pretty, but I also loved being able to eat a god damn meal without worrying about calories or gaining weight.
Honestly, I keep thinking of suicide more often than I should be. I'm on a huge restrictive schedule with food cuz of my eating disorder. I'm not allowed to eat alone. Any food that I eat, even something like a small box of blueberries, has to be eaten right in front of my mom or dad and then I have to stay with them for an hour afterwards. All the bathrooms are locked. I can't have my own garbage can anymore. I'm not allowed to eat after 10pm. I have to ask to use the restroom. And honestly, they mean well, I know, but this type of utter restriction is driving me insane mentally. It's 4am and my stomach is growling and I'm starving and I'm not allowed to eat. And if I screw up even once, there's that fear that I'll get threatened to be sent away to a program that's over an hour away for six hours a day for treatment. Maybe I need it, I don't know. I don't care. I don't think I can do this anymore and I don't know how much longer my mind can take everything and anything.
Mental illnesses are hell and they will ruin your life until you can't even remember what kind of person you used to be before the illness, or if the person you are now is who you were meant to be all along.