
Next election, I hope that I can vote on Daylight Savings in the polls. Maybe it should be one of those propositions in the 2019 ballot.
finally something I can agree with apples on, provided I'm interpreting his post right

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I get you, but lets be frank. MY country has gun control, as well as many other countries, and we don't have school shootings as well as the fact most people who illegally get guns are punished here.
Unlike my American friends, I've never seen a gun outside of the army building my mum used to work at. There was a school shooting here 20 years ago so the lawas got changed and it never happened again, and yes criminals do still get guns, but thousands of people dont die each year here because Americans don't act on their problems.

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In a series of tweets on my account jewishfeminism I actually went over how Britain is better, even with our knife crime rates, and I worked it out with my good friend maths. (I'm sorry this gonna be a long one, this is an important topic to me for certain reasons)

330 million people in America, 4000 gun deaths in the first part of the year. England had thirty-something stabbing deaths in this time.
However Britains population is way smaller than USA? Okay so, working it out, statistically, if we had the population of you guys (or you followed our rules) only 300-something people would've died this year from knife crime, and thats not a pretty number, but I'd pick that over your gun rates.

We only have these knife murders rise because rowdy and dangerous teenagers and creepy old guys and ya' general suspects have real difficulty getting a gun in this country. if they had guns, and if you guys were any example, we'd all be afraid like your students are. But we're not. Yes, officials should look for more ways to prevent knife crime (if there was law enforced around them people would probably be more afraid, goes the same for yalls white terrorists) but, looking at the statistics children are dying in cold blood, as well as adults too, and it's entirely preventable with simple measures that (most) Americans refuse to take.

tl;dr - your gun laws are lazy, ours are not and only one of us is letting kids die without any preventative measures

to say nothing of how this country constantly attempts to use mental illness as a scapegoat for gun violence, while at the same time being aggressively disinterested in pursuing any proper treatment
finally something I can agree with apples on, provided I'm interpreting his post right

You mean Daylight Savings?

It should be a plurality vote, between whether you want to abolish it, make it permanent, or continue this time switching madness. The most popular option should be enforced. But in order to do this, the state voting on it must exempt themselves from the Uniform Time Act of 1966.

It doesn?t matter what you vote for, there?s going to be some consequences. If it?s permanent, it?s not going to provide any benefits of extra daylight in the winter time. Instead, it delays the sunrise by an hour. If it?s abolished, it won?t provide any benefits for the summer as it would consume more electricity for artificial lighting year-long (assuming that all lights go off at midnight). If neither, you will have to keep shifting the clock back and forth twice a year, every year. If you?re negative towards all of them, choose what you think is the least severe option. If you?re positive towards one of them, choose what you like more.

In my personal opinion, I would vote to keep DST permanent for my state (which is Texas). Or you can say this. I would vote to abolish DST in Texas, but make Texas follow Eastern Standard Time (and Central Standard Time in El Paso, which normally observes Mountain Time).
I don't even care about results anymore, because they are always corrupted.
My boyfriend showed me a great example when they had to vote for the
new president of France. There was a guy who had clearly more votes,
yet in TV they always said different results that were not true, they made
him look super bad by lying about what he is planning on doing for the country,
gave him almost no time in TV / radio and if he got time, it was at like midnight
in the middle of the week, etc.

Soo.. 90% of stuff like this is not honest anymore anyways..
finally something I can agree with apples on, provided I'm interpreting his post right

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to say nothing of how this country constantly attempts to use mental illness as a scapegoat for gun violence, while at the same time being aggressively disinterested in pursuing any proper treatment

!!!!! This is completely true!!!!!
And just like that, another shooting in Thousands Oak, CA. 12 dead. I didn't want to get involved in this debate but now I'm seething. Why is this continuing? Alolan_Apple, your thoughts?
And just like that, another shooting in Thousands Oak, CA. 12 dead. I didn't want to get involved in this debate but now I'm seething. Why is this continuing? Alolan_Apple, your thoughts?

I don't think I've ever seen a post here with a more perfectly matching avi
And just like that, another shooting in Thousands Oak, CA. 12 dead. I didn't want to get involved in this debate but now I'm seething. Why is this continuing? Alolan_Apple, your thoughts?

That?s in the state with the strictest gun laws in America. And it still happened there.

While some are caused by mentally ill people, there are also some that are caused by a much stronger force - hate. I don?t know enough about this latest shooting, but I know that the church shootings in Charleston in 2015 and Sutherland in 2017, as well as the synagogue shooting in Pittsburg in 2018 were caused by hate.

I already explained one of my reasons to oppose it. Another reason is their double standards. The left-wing gets aggressive about pushing for gun control when every shooting happens, but when the Congressional Baseball Shooting in 2017 happened, the left-wing remained silent and did not push for it. I?m guessing it?s because the shooter is a Bernie supporter and the victims are Republicans. To me, it?s a double standard, and that?s the pinnacle of evil.

Here are some other interesting reasons to oppose gun control.

One more comment on public shootings. Stuff like these are not as common, yet they always hit the headlines.
That?s in the state with the strictest gun laws in America.

not saying this happened here, but this is always a piss poor argument when you can just hop to another state with more lax gun laws. hence why we need a countrywide reform

I already explained one of my reasons to oppose it. Another reason is their double standards. The left-wing gets aggressive about pushing for gun control when every shooting happens, but when the Congressional Baseball Shooting in 2017 happened, the left-wing remained silent and did not push for it. I?m guessing it?s because the shooter is a Bernie supporter and the victims are Republicans. To me, it?s a double standard, and that?s the pinnacle of evil.

not like all the other shootings have multiple casualties attached to them and are generally carried out in areas without immediate intervention available, nope

which in case you try to spin it that way, this is not defending the shooter, but simply a base explanation why this shooting never got near as much traction as others do

tl;dr literally the same old "people will still find ways to kill, so let's just sit on our asses and do nothing" crap "argument"
I understand the statistics, but I still believe the arguments against gun control, other than the second amendment one. And I’m going to stay on the pro-gun side. I’m more worried about terror attacks like the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing than public shootings, especially if they were retaliations against gun control laws like the aforementioned terror attack.

@LambdaDelta: What do you think of my Daylight Savings voting suggestion?
Please be civil and remember to respect other people's views when discussing politics or other controversial topics. Rude behavior and personal attacks are not allowed here. Thank you.
Time to move to another issue we can debate on. The election may be over, but we can debate on any issue.

How about the justice system? Like the death penalty, solitary confinement, and criminal justice reform.
Time to move to another issue we can debate on. The election may be over, but we can debate on any issue.

How about the justice system? Like the death penalty, solitary confinement, and criminal justice reform.

I was just about to start a new thread that might devolve into a different kind of madness. I'm not sure if I can post the trailer here though.
Time to move to another issue we can debate on. The election may be over, but we can debate on any issue.

How about the justice system? Like the death penalty, solitary confinement, and criminal justice reform.

Before you move on, let me tell you this. Thank you for answering my question. Even though I don't agree with it, it was informative on what the people on other side of the table think. Also, I pray that you never feel the anguish of losing someone that you adored due to gun violence. I cannot describe the pain. It's something that my family endured years ago and something that I keep in the back of my mind whenever we send my niece off to school. Godspeed.
I didn't vote. You may all crucify me now, lol!
So it appears that the election isn’t over. There are fights going on over the Florida and Arizona seats. And let’s not forget about Mississippi’s runoff election later this month.
glad to know I've paid more attention to this

also, re: time zones idea. sounds like a confusing mess. so in a way, it's perfect
It’s hard to sacrifice my 8 o’clock sun (no, not the morning one, the other 8 o’clock sun).