I get you, but lets be frank. MY country has gun control, as well as many other countries, and we don't have school shootings as well as the fact most people who illegally get guns are punished here.
Unlike my American friends, I've never seen a gun outside of the army building my mum used to work at. There was a school shooting here 20 years ago so the lawas got changed and it never happened again, and yes criminals do still get guns, but thousands of people dont die each year here because Americans don't act on their problems.
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In a series of tweets on my account jewishfeminism I actually went over how Britain is better, even with our knife crime rates, and I worked it out with my good friend maths. (I'm sorry this gonna be a long one, this is an important topic to me for certain reasons)
330 million people in America, 4000 gun deaths in the first part of the year. England had thirty-something stabbing deaths in this time.
However Britains population is way smaller than USA? Okay so, working it out, statistically, if we had the population of you guys (or you followed our rules) only 300-something people would've died this year from knife crime, and thats not a pretty number, but I'd pick that over your gun rates.
We only have these knife murders rise because rowdy and dangerous teenagers and creepy old guys and ya' general suspects have real difficulty getting a gun in this country. if they had guns, and if you guys were any example, we'd all be afraid like your students are. But we're not. Yes, officials should look for more ways to prevent knife crime (if there was law enforced around them people would probably be more afraid, goes the same for yalls white terrorists) but, looking at the statistics children are dying in cold blood, as well as adults too, and it's entirely preventable with simple measures that (most) Americans refuse to take.
tl;dr - your gun laws are lazy, ours are not and only one of us is letting kids die without any preventative measures