Miitomo General Discussion

HEYY guys, Let's play the heck outta this game

I'm AirieMind on Twitter!
My mii name is Tiana :'0

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pls add ur names to here LOL cries
okay heres my twitter @kayleee414 and my miitomo name is Kaylee add me ;)

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i was locked out of my twitter and idek why

omg me too my twitter said I was suspended and I was like ?? lol??? I have never even used it before

but i got it figured out I'll follow u add me when u can :lemon:

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do people have to be following me back on twitter for me to be friends with them on miitomo?? cause I followed ppl but they don't show up in the suggested friends thang
okay heres my twitter @kayleee414 and my miitomo name is Kaylee add me ;)

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omg me too my twitter said I was suspended and I was like ?? lol??? I have never even used it before

but i got it figured out I'll follow u add me when u can :lemon:

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do people have to be following me back on twitter for me to be friends with them on miitomo?? cause I followed ppl but they don't show up in the suggested friends thang

I'm assuming with the recent release of Miitomo, twitter probably had an over-flowing amount of registrations. They were probably checking random new accounts to prevent spam and stuff. After all, a lot of people said they created accounts just for Miitomo.

Some questions pictures:



I'm @pixelatedegg and my Mii's name is Paula!
(stating again since I sent out lots of requests and I don't wanna weird out anyone, haha)
I'm assuming with the recent release of Miitomo, twitter probably had an over-flowing amount of registrations. They were probably checking random new accounts to prevent spam and stuff. After all, a lot of people said they created accounts just for Miitomo.

Some questions pictures:




Followed a bunch of you on twitter, if you see @lukipom that's me

Vitto and Desu who are you D:
Vitto and Desu who are you D:

Yeah, I'm having a hard time adding people that I can't find in this thread
I just realized some of those people we don't know could be guests that are just adding people through this thread O.O
I wish I could make coins faster in this game. Thankfully there's nothing too swell in the shop today.
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Sorry if I'm being stupid but how do you take those question pictures?

Go to your questions that you answers and you'll see a button that has three little dots. One of the options allows you to share it. When you click that, a picture is generated for you. On some questions you can back and forth for different expressions (and back ground color). It appears some questions won't change the expression but will change the background color.