Miitomo General Discussion

So, I tried to get the ninja substitution log costume since I had like 35 tickets. I used up 3 of them and I didn't even come close. I'd keep going for it, but I feel like something is going to show up that I really want.
eek I didn't see a sword! LOL I got the outfit in 1 try.. I think that's my cue to stop
Thankfully the Game Tickets are easier to come by than coins.
I'm almost Lv.15 pop so I hope I get another grip of tickets and a spiffier crown!
i got the sword, ninja shoes and ninja wig (and a candy at one point) after not playing drop for a bit
pretty good loot hoorah. just need the ninja dress and im out of there
Don't forget, you can get exchange Platinum Points for game tickets through My Nintendo. :)
8 tickets and 3 pairs of Ninja Socks and a couple of candies BUT NO SWORD
I drop these Miis and they literally do a rainbow over the platform where the Sword is I can't even
am i insane or is the stuff in the shop literally the same as yesterday's? when does everything reset?? it says dailies reset at 4am on your phone's time but that doesn't seem to be true. it seems like achievements reset at midnight, and the rest resets... some other time. perhaps achievement dailies are at midnight and the other stuff is at 4 (which makes no sense lol). but i have the devil wings and george washington wig and stuff in my shop today and i know i saw that before midnight yesterday. (unless i'm just going crazy omg)

honestly i've been having a lot of trouble with this app with crashing/slow loading/other peoples' messages not showing up for days but i still enjoy it
I give up on Sword *** Miis and their fat heads

But at least I got a new Crown woo-hoo
I really can't believe it's that important to get these things that there would be an entire guide on how to get them omg

I'll add it to the OP so it's easy to find.

but there's guides for literally everything ;P