Miitomo General Discussion

Me, literally:

I need to start saving. I've been doing good not buying anything, but tickets are harder to save. The only way to get them is like daily prizes...

Aww man. This harajuku jacket is hella cute (and I love how it looks with my earmuffs) but if I buy it I'll only have 200C left to spend, and my luck something really cute will show up tomorrow. Should I go for it?

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Why on Earth is this in my shop today?


They're pants in the store I would like to have, but due to saving up coins. I'm not buying it :(
I need a life.
I went through all of my 3 friends answers and my mii keeps saying "I was gonna ask something but I forgot, talk to me later will ya?"

Aww man. This harajuku jacket is hella cute (and I love how it looks with my earmuffs) but if I buy it I'll only have 200C left to spend, and my luck something really cute will show up tomorrow. Should I go for it?

Man! I would totally buy that jacket! I have not seen it yet! I need it!!
Man! I would totally buy that jacket! I have not seen it yet! I need it!!

I ended up buying it. If you want it, you can friend me and visit my Mii and the option to buy it will be up.
Just keep in mind that it's 1,500 coins.

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Oh right, we're already friends. So you can just come on over.
I need more coins. I swear I'm tempted to buy something the second I get enough coins (and I'm talking like socks for 750) BECAUSE THAT'S HOW LONG I WAIT

I wish each daily coin bonus kept adding 250 more if you play consecutive days. At least we get 2k at the end of the month.
I was lucky and got both the cherry headphones and fruity dress today. Now hopefully I can save up my tickets and coins u~u
The fruit print things are so hard to get, I really want the dress but I only got the stockings so far by chance and I'll probably never wear them. =[
so i got miitomo and honestly i have a feeling that im gonna have no life now

Twitter is @Evvie_PB and Mii name is Ev/Evvie (I change it :v) if anyone wants to add me lol

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The fruit print things are so hard to get, I really want the dress but I only got the stockings so far by chance and I'll probably never wear them. =[

i got the dress earlier :D the white one is nicest imo
so i got miitomo and honestly i have a feeling that im gonna have no life now

Twitter is @Evvie_PB and Mii name is Ev/Evvie (I change it :v) if anyone wants to add me lol

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i got the dress earlier :D the white one is nicest imo

I really want the dress! But I keep getting only candy, like it bounces for a few minutes all over the place hitting those green balls and hitting the platforms with the stuff on them, then it just falls down to the candy =[
I spent all my game tickets and coins...
I was trying to get the fruit headphones but got the strawberry hat and all three fruit dresses ;-----;