Cycling Mischief Makers Cycling Co.! - CHECK THREAD!! ❤

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Hey! Twi needs a floppy hat so her new mayor will look fab. If anyone has an extra let me know, and I'll pay ya 200K for it. Corrupted files suck, btw!!!
Aw, got Celia as a random move-in while doing checks. She's pretty nice though.
Hey Twi! I'll come give you your floppy hat for free!

I'll (try to) breed some pink flowers for you as well.
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Thanks! :3, Added

Sprinkle the Penguin has moved in!

Sorry its taking so long! I have to get another hat from Gracie to hide my bedhead!

BIG TOP, the lazy elephant is in boxes!

He's an auto-void but why not give him a chance? Do you have Tia or Margie? Dude, you need to get them a boyfriend! Big top is the guy for you. He can be the superhero of their heart. <3

I don't need to give anymore reasons.

15 more minutes until he goes to a dark, scary place.

Auto-voided. >:
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I'll go with my town! <3 That way you can get your hair redone the way you like it at shampoodle!
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