kiki the normal cat is in boxes!!!
I will void him/her if nobody claims them in 30 minutes!!
I'll be in class at 6pm EST until 7pm EST, jsyk ^^
I can wait maybe 10/20 minutes max ;u;I will take her. Lemme get someone out.
Should be ready soon!
I'll let you know ;u; I wish I would get more tigers in my cycle town ;u; then I could help with your dreamies ^^Oh if it falls through I would really really love to adopt Kiki. >< <3
Well I lost Francine TTing too much. Great. Whatever. I'll take her now. :/
It's sad too because she's a dreamie and she moved in right next to Chrissy and it was perfect and they were best buddies. I hope Kiki is worth it :c adding.
dang that sucks D: well kiki is adorbs so I'm sure you'll love her just as much ;u;
adding and opening gates now ^-^
asdrfg I swear I take a break from cycling thats more than a day and I forget every damn thing about cycling ._.''''
opening gates now c: kiki is now in boxes uvu
np c: I have one last class for the night so I should be back around 10pm EST to check if someone has moved out so you can take rolf in ^-^
okie, class ran long but im back now, adding and opening gates ^^I actually just got someone to move so I can take him whenever you're ready. (If it's not until after your class that's totally fine. I'll be around.)
Elise was voided, just got back from class so I didnt have time to change my sig, will do now c:Hi. To Zoraluv, could you do an announcement for Stinky and Elise, currently on your auto-void list?