
If a man holds a door for a woman is he sexist or misogynistic?

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The other week I was coming out of a store, let the door swing behind me since I didn't think anybody was following. I looked back and saw a nice little old lady I didn't notice at first about to come through, so I kinda jumped back to hold the door open.

She was overly enthusiastic about the gesture and said happily "ooo, so gentlemen still exist these days then!"...So I kicked her down the stairs and told that sexist old bigot to not assume my gender! The room went silent, people started to slowly clap one by one, then a small girl around the age of 2 stood up and said (in her own words, srs, no lies, ask me mam) "the ignorance of the aging population will be the harbinger of their inevitable demise as the deteriorating grasp they have of our ever evolving modern social norms pushes them further into redundancy". I then got a medal.

But no, I just smiled politely and went to work.

It's just common decency to hold a door open for the person behind you rather than letting it swing shut in their face. It doesn't mean that expect my sexual desires be satisfied in compensation and I don't think you're incapable of opening a door yourself, I'm just not a dick.

If you were to push that old lady down the stairs, you wouldn't have been tolerant.

Don't you preach tolerance?
It's wierd this would even be considered sexist but okay, if anything holding the door being a man or a woman is not sexist what so ever, and is in fact polite, and shows the person actually has manners
It's common courtesy to hold a door open for someone. If you think that's sexist just because someone does it for the opposite sex, then you have problems.
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He's just polite??? I'm sure he would have held that door open for anyone coming behind him, regardless of whether they were male or female? Why would someone's gender determine if you have basic manners or not??
It's just good manners. I hold the door open for people regardless of gender.
No, it's polite. Anybody who sees another person going for a door should hold it? It's just polite. Even more so when you see someone carrying loads of stuff, open the door for them. If a guy jumps ahead of me to purposely hold the door for me, I just think it's nice of him? I don't get offended by it or anything, although it's silly sometimes when they go out of their way, but then I jut consider it "flirty" or something. So yeah.
I hold doors for men, that doesn't make me sexist. It's just the polite thing to do.

I guess if he felt the need to do it just because she was a woman, that would be sexist/misogynistic.

Manners =/= sexism.

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I open doors for people all the time, I don't even think of it, I just do it.
and I'm a female
but that doesn't matter, its just the polite thing to do.
If you don't hold the door open for anyone, regardless if they're a woman, that's rude?
Not everything is sexist.

It's called a question about our cultural and what
left-leaning people on this site think of it.

Yeah, you were expecting lefties to warp common curtesy into something sexist. You're way to prejudiced. Glad it blew up in your face tbh.
If you saw a man holding a door for a woman, would
you, on the spot, think it's sexist or mysogynistic?

Let's not talk "because" or why" ... just if.

lmao no obviously not

the bad thing about it is the gender roles (that are based on Rly Bad ideas .. like that women are fragile n need to get helped w everything.)
Of course not. It's a gesture of kindness, and we need more kindness in today's society.
Not in every situation, but if he's holding a door for a woman simply because he's a man and she's a woman, like he wouldn't hold the door open like that for another man, then I think that's really suspicious.

However though, I just think that if you are opening the door and there is someone close behind you, it's polite to hold the door for the person behind you, regardless of gender. As long as gender isn't the motivating factor, it's probably fine.