Saving for a username change KEK
The other week I was coming out of a store, let the door swing behind me since I didn't think anybody was following. I looked back and saw a nice little old lady I didn't notice at first about to come through, so I kinda jumped back to hold the door open.
She was overly enthusiastic about the gesture and said happily "ooo, so gentlemen still exist these days then!"...So I kicked her down the stairs and told that sexist old bigot to not assume my gender! The room went silent, people started to slowly clap one by one, then a small girl around the age of 2 stood up and said (in her own words, srs, no lies, ask me mam) "the ignorance of the aging population will be the harbinger of their inevitable demise as the deteriorating grasp they have of our ever evolving modern social norms pushes them further into redundancy". I then got a medal.
But no, I just smiled politely and went to work.
It's just common decency to hold a door open for the person behind you rather than letting it swing shut in their face. It doesn't mean that expect my sexual desires be satisfied in compensation and I don't think you're incapable of opening a door yourself, I'm just not a dick.
If you were to push that old lady down the stairs, you wouldn't have been tolerant.
Don't you preach tolerance?