Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate

Oh sweet, transmog works for Prowlers/Palicoes too? I NEED TO GET ME SOME G-RANK, THEN. (In due time, anyway.)

also literally as I typed this I found out that I finally got Boomerang Pro on my primary Gather cat so IT'S BOOMERANG TIME BOYS (even though boomerangs actually did get nerfed a bit, melee got buffed heavily to compensate though)

How do you get so many mounts as a non-Beast Prowler though? I know Beast's finisher move does aerial damage when you have the tier 3 buff, but the only other mounting move I can think of is the after-boomerang lunge. Are there other ones I don't know about? (Though then again, I've been playing Melee-heavy cats lately, so I guess it'd be easier if you're using a Gather or Assist cat)

I'm slightly aggressive with my bombing cat. What you do is charge the boomerang and after throwing one or two (my forte cant throw three but three works too) I hit X to do a massive lunge that does mounting damage. Continuing to hit x finishes off the very last stages of the regular melee combo where you do the spinning attack, or you can hit B to do a massive melee swipe with your boomerang. I think the B move has super armor but the X lunge leaves you vulnerable.

I think you just need to beat valstrax in high rank village to get palico transmog. My two palicos have W. Fatalis armor with Slagtoth G transmog ontop, now they can be super strong and look stylish ^-^
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been a fan since tri, started getting really into it at 4 ultimate. not a switch owner yet though... i'm planning on getting one sometime later this year, is there anything for me to keep in mind?
been a fan since tri, started getting really into it at 4 ultimate. not a switch owner yet though... i'm planning on getting one sometime later this year, is there anything for me to keep in mind?

Have you played Generations on the 3DS or are you just starting with the Gen titles?
been a fan since tri, started getting really into it at 4 ultimate. not a switch owner yet though... i'm planning on getting one sometime later this year, is there anything for me to keep in mind?

If you've played 4U you'll be familiar with the biggest changes to the portable franchise (I.e. the fluid movement and aerial moves). The biggest change for you will be which hunting style you'll want for your weapon and what hunting arts you'll take with you. Hunting styles change the way you play with your weapon by either giving you more moves or less but with added bonuses. For instance brave style gives you more moves once you fill a special meter, where as adept style (which I use) takes away some moves you can do in exchange for being able to adept evade, where if you roll/dodge at the right moment during a monsters attack it does zero damage to you and allows you to run at it with a follow up counter attack.

Hunter arts on the other hand are special flashy moves you can pull off once you've attacked the monster with enough damage. Once your arts bar is full you can use the art which can range from placing a healing oasis or instantly dodging while sheathing your weapon to bow guns firing special ammo or blade masters performing a massively high damaging attack.

It's generally the same as 4U just lots of extra stuff for you to play with. I'll say it's hard to go back when you're familiar with a particular hunting style ^-^
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