Most Common TBT threads?

Vocaloid threads in the cafe, and anime ones, who knew there were so many weebs?
Everyone knew, it was never a secret.
All I see is the politic threads and yes or no threads. Also a lot of reset thread (like come on, there's a resetting thread.)
random questions with no discussion value

and polls. i think The Person Who Made Most Polls is banned atm but, like, 90% of the threads in brewsters were weird polls with no discussion value a few weeks back.

also there are a few obviously baiting threads that are created to start a flame war lol, they don't pop up every day but they're still not that rare...
'who should replace *insert villager here*', 'should i reset', 'who is your favourite villager/personality type', ask threads, and threads about politics (but mainly trump) are the ones i've seen the most.

also threads about *insert number here* people dying, though i don't remember seeing any of those over the past week or two. then again, i haven't been on here that much in that time so there might have been some that i didn't see.
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"Should I restart my town?"

"Which villager should I get?"

Like how the heck am I supposed to know? It's your town and why should anyone need input on what villager to get? Get someone you like. Problem solved.
The controversial flame war threads. It'sactually pretty much everyone against one person usual. And the annoying repetitive political threads.
Pretty much trump threads are common now, but it always ends in flame wars because everyone thinks there opinion is always right, no one respects others points of view, if I support trump everyone has to start a flame war over it
"If you could be a villager personality, which one would you be?"
We should ask one of the mods to make a Trump General Thread, sticky it, and delete the rest of the Trump threads.

You missed some:

And he's even got ads on this site:

trump ad.jpg