Most Common TBT threads?

****ing anime rec threads oh my god there's like 20 of them just use the search bar please stop asking for anime recs
Threads that get out of hand and end up getting closed. Yea those threads :lemon:
****ing anime rec threads oh my god there's like 20 of them just use the search bar please stop asking for anime recs


and all those dump v. hillary.

i mean we get you like neither but be realistic and vote for someone or just be blank vote about it. those threads are getting really stupid and we know it's money and corrupt af on both sides but tbh....
Trump and Hillary threads need to DIE



we get it you ****ing hate them PL E A S E SHUT UP
"-purposely talks about something that will definitely get negative reactions out of like a billion people and cause a flamewar-"
"___th poster wins really cool/rare thing"
"-heavily debated topic-"
food is suddenly on the rise again
also trump, pls stop.
I'm just going to be like everyone else and say that trump threads are everywhere.