Most favorite sheep villager?

Most favorite sheep villager?

  • Muffy

  • Baabara

  • Cashmere

  • Eunice

  • Stella

  • Vesta

  • Curlos

  • Pietro

  • Frita

  • Wendy

  • Timbra

  • Willow

  • Dom

  • umm...I vote because I need confetti :3

  • Étoile

Results are only viewable after voting.
My favourite sheep is Pietro, which is a big change from how I felt about him during my New Leaf days; I hated him so much that I swore to reset my game immediately if he ever moved in LOL. I don't know why I hated him so much, but I'm glad I finally gave him a chance in New Horizons! His house interior is.. atrocious, but I love his colourful, clown design! He also taught me the last villager reaction I needed!

I love Étoile, Stella, Vesta and Frita as well! Muffy's design is also gorgeous.
Voted for a few different ones to align with favourites of past and present! Those are the sheep I'd probably accept if found on a mystery tour etc
There are so many great sheep villagers!! Frita has a special place in my heart since she gave me a really hilarious screenshot in New Leaf.

Étoile is the prettiest sheep villager I think.. Dom is hilarious.. Pietro has really grown on me.. Vesta and Stella are cool..
dom has really snuck his way into my heart LOL he is adorable and the reason i discovered tbt!
I vibe the most with Dom, like OP. He's just so cool lol. The only sheep that's better than him is Woolio but unfortunately, they didn't include him in ACNH. ;w;
My favourite is Vesta!! Close behind is Stella and Etoile, i love almost all the sheep villagers honestly