Most favorite special character?

It will always be Celeste for me. She’s so adorable, and if I were to hang out with any npc, it would be her. I’m a night owl, and you always catch me looking for shooting stars.
My favorite is Pascal; I love how chill he is and I always loved the bit of wisdom he gives us before swimming away ☺️. After that, if Katie had any role, I’d pick her, mostly because she’s a cute kitten ☺️. Since she doesn’t, my second would be maybe Saharah. I like her design and theme a lot; sometimes I wish she had eyes instead of just what looks like eyelashes 😅
Pascal my beloved. He is easily my favourite character to run into and is encouragment to dive for the day lol. Need those words of wisdom.

I also like Celeste and Kicks too as runner ups. And I haven't met him yet, but Niko's design is so adorable.
My favorites would be Lottie, Celeste, Isabelle, K.K. Slider, and Niko, even though I haven't met him.
My favorite NPC/special character is K.K. Slider! I think he's cool and I've liked him for a couple of years by now. I even got a plush of him for my 15th birthday. :3 Blathers is also another favorite of mine.
My top 5 favs in no particular order. I love them all for different reasons:

Redd --- If I had to choose only one it would be this crafty fox. Selfmade and knows how to hustle. Don't get angry if you aren't smart about art!
Flick --- Love his design and overall aesthetic. For some reason I feel like I understand his personality.
Pascal --- Love his words of wisdom. Some of them make laugh. I always give him my first scallop I find
Pavé --- FABULOUS!!! I love his energy and easily my fav "holiday" NPC.
Celeste --- Love her because I also love the night sky. Her design is great and her diys are equally great
Sahara has always been my favorite NPC. Her dialogue is so quietly funny to me. She has a ton of personality in every iteration of the game, and she visits infrequently so her dialogue always feels fresh.

Runners-up would be Pascal and Celeste. I love them both, but diving isn’t my favorite and Celeste’s role in NH is somewhat disappointing. I would love to see Pascal more often, and to have an observatory again.
In New Horizons? That's hard... I don't have much attachments to the NPCs to be honest... I'd say Timmy&Tommy for NH.
Celeste is a favourite of mine. I admire her design and overall theme, plus what she brings to each game. 🌠

I'd have to choose Booker as my overall favorite special character. He isn't in New Horizons, and since this thread is located in that section, I'll mention another favorite of mine: Crazy Redd. He's actually in this game.
I might be the only one who thinks this, but I LOVE Harriet. She is so sweet and adorable.

Cyrus and Reese are also a fun, goofy couple. I don’t do their wedding season thing every year, but I enjoy seeing them now and then.

Pascal, Celeste, and LaBelle are also very cute.

Serena was adorable. (I think from another game though.)

As an axolotl lover, I want to see Dr. Shrunk return.