If he's lackluster day 2 maybe but I would prefer any of b100/Koopa/Cath to him right now, I'll be very surprised if there's not a single wolf in those three.
If he's lackluster day 2 maybe but I would prefer any of b100/Koopa/Cath to him right now, I'll be very surprised if there's not a single wolf in those three.
Her interaction with you early on was weird on a tonal level as are some more recent posts and overall it's kinda gutty but I place her slightly above b100 and Koopa.
(Host is on mobile so pls allow a minute or two to count the votes)
Post automatically merged:
Geoni: Damniel, droqen, b100ming, Koopa, damniel (3)
Droqen: Damniel (0)
Koopa: Damniel, Catharina (1)
Bianca: Damniel (0)
Catharina: Biancasbotique (1)
b100ming: Geoni, BetsySundrop, droqen (3)
No vote: Antonio (1)
After running the randomizer (results in voting thread):
The events depicted in this narrative are satirical and purely for entertainment purposes. The entire thing was written completely and then names were randomly assigned to each line of dialogue after the fact. There is no intent to offend anyone with how their character is being presented.
- - -
"You know, when we pulled out those straws last night, I didn't think we'd end up using them for this," Dan mused as he held in his hand one long straw and one short straw.
"I don't think anyone did," b100ming snapped back, fidgeting in agitation.
After spending a good chunk of the day deliberating, the sun began to set below the horizon. Its last rays bled forebodingly through the trees and bathed the assembled group in a suffocating red. Two groups had formed: one group felt that Geoni was the type to write threatening notes, while the other group was convinced that b100ming would slash car tires. Unable to come to a consensus, they had decided to rely on the old fall back of grabbing straws.
"Just grab one and get it over with," jeered Antonio.
b100ming and Geoni each nodded to each other and put their hands on a straw apiece. Dan could feel in his hands who was grabbing which straw. A part of him felt guilty; he hadn't wanted it to go like this. But he felt it would look suspicious if he tried to intervene. And so Geoni drew a long straw. b100ming, the short. b100ming's short gasp was matched by Geoni's long sigh of relief. Around the group, some people looked relieved while others still looked worried.
"What do we do now?" droqen broke the silence after the straws had been drawn.
"Let's stash them in the old boathouse by the lake," Koopa suggested. "It locks from the outside and it has a really high window so we can drop food in while whoever's inside can't climb out. Just because some of us are secretly murderous psychos doesn't mean the rest of us are. We can put away anyone who we think is guilty and when we're sure we're all innocent, then we can get the police."
"Sounds good to me. C'mon you," Bianca said, as the group frog-marched b100ming to the boathouse.
"You're making a mistake! I'm begging you, please don't do this!" b100ming sobbed.
"If people still die, then we'll consider it, but for now you're staying in here," Catharina said.
b100ming watched through the tiny window as the sky grew darker and darker. Once, they would have appreciated the inky black sky and the view of the stars. But now, from their prison, it felt like the world had swallowed them whole and they were just waiting to be digested.
Every now and then, they could catch snippets of camp song through the window that they had managed to jimmy open for the hope of a breeze. Idiots, they thought savagely. Someone's still going to be dead tomorrow morning, so why celebrate? The note said there were two killers and they didn't even get one. b100ming started to ponder that maybe they were the lucky one. The killers thought they were out of the picture, so maybe they would be safe. It'd suck to lose a friend in the night, but... with friends like those who needs enemies, right?
Eventually the noise around the campfire died down and b100ming knew the rest of the group was settling down to bed. Well, all but two of them. I know, they thought suddenly. I'll try to peek out the window and see if I can recognize anyone sneaking around!
As they clambered onto the old bench and peered out of the grimy window, they were taken aback by a noise behind them at the door. Their foot slipped and they crumpled into a heap at the base of the bench. The door opened silently. Through the haze of pain, b100ming peered up at the shape looming over them. "Whuh... what do you want now?" they asked, screwing up their eyes. "Wait... wait, no... Stop, stop!"
Reflected moonlight glinted coldly through the air and a piercing scream was cut short, it's brief shrillness enough to disturb a murder of crows slumbering in the tree above. They swirled, cawing their displeasure at being awoken, into the night sky before settling again. And still, the group of campers slept ever onward.
- - -
b100ming has been eliminated.
They were vanilla town.
Night One has begun. You have 24 hours (well, until 2pm EDT) to send in your night actions
The events depicted in this narrative are satirical and purely for entertainment purposes. The entire thing was written completely and then names were randomly assigned to each line of dialogue after the fact. There is no intent to offend anyone with how their character is being presented.
- - -
The group had drawn straws again before bed to wake up early for breakfast again. Business as usual... right? Maybe the paper and the slashed tires had been just an elaborate prank? Catharina and Antonio dragged themselves out of bed, rubbing sleep from their eyes as they pushed through the flaps of their tents into the chilly morning. A crow squalled and flapped away at the sudden noise and movement. It drew the eyes of Catharina and Antonio to the center of their camp where the fire had burned the night before.
A chair was seated with its back facing the tents. In the chair they could see a form sitting up, unrecognizable from behind. "Why did you make me wake up early if you were just going to get up anyway?" Catharina grumbled.
Antonio held his arm out to bar Catharina's path forward and made a shushing gesture. As the noise from the crow had died down, a soft, rhythmic splat could be heard. Both of their gazes were drawn to the ground beneath the chair which was stained a dark brownish red. They followed the path of a droplet as it traveled from the seat of the chair to the ground, where it struck the existing puddle.
Antonio let out a scream while Catharina stumbled backwards, her vision blurring from the shock. The scream alerted the other campers and heads began poking out of tents.
"What's wrong?"
"Why all the racket?"
Sluggishly, the group pulled themselves together. Despite the fact that one face was ominously missing from the assembled lineup, the group was still hesitant to approach the chair. Eventually, droqen took a deep breath and walked around to face the final member head-on. The rest of the group followed somewhat reluctantly. Koopa's face was buried in his hands and it was all he could do to peek through his fingers.
Geoni's head lolled to the side. His eyes were open and his mouth was agape. Other than that, he had been arranged into a sitting position. His shirt was stained the same brownish red as the ground with a large clean slice over his chest. No weapon could immediately be seen. It was impossible to tell if he'd been killed in the chair or if he'd been put there after the fact.
"Well, we know it wasn't just a joke now," said Betsy grimly. "Someone here really does mean us harm."
"What do we do now?" asked Dan.
"What else can we do?" Bianca asked. "We have to keep figuring out who could be responsible for this and putting them away. That's the only way to stop it."
"Bianca's right," Koopa said. "Maybe b100ming was guilty and if we get the other person today, then this can all end tonight."
"That's a big if, but it's all we've got," sighed Antonio. "Alright, let's get this sorted out."
- - -
Geoni has been found dead.
They were vanilla town.
Day Two has started. You have 48 hours to vote for who you wish to be eliminated.
well, i suppose it makes sense why wagons were so stagnant at the end there
there was a distinct difference between how geoni played last game and this game but i guess that was just less interest in the game
the blooming elimination feels just like a repeat of last game. but they really didn’t do anything yesterday so can’t blame the wagon ig, even if it felt like LHF