Mafia Mountainous Mafia: Camp Mafia - Mafia Wins!

well, i suppose it makes sense why wagons were so stagnant at the end there

there was a distinct difference between how geoni played last game and this game but i guess that was just less interest in the game

the blooming elimination feels just like a repeat of last game. but they really didn’t do anything yesterday so can’t blame the wagon ig, even if it felt like LHF

First, what's LHF?
Next, looking back, there was a LOT going on right at voting time. Is that the norm? If yes. I'll arrange to be on right before voting time this time.
Last, I'm gonna go back and read through more carefully, especially the last minute posts.

Here's my chart for where I place everyone now, as far as town/wolf/neutral. I tried to be as detailed as possible.
You're all suspicious!
Well that sucks
In any case I want to hear more from @Biancasbotique since they weren't as active before and now that geoni is dead I want to hear their thoughts
i want to hear more of your thoughts too
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First, what's LHF?
Next, looking back, there was a LOT going on right at voting time. Is that the norm? If yes. I'll arrange to be on right before voting time this time.
Last, I'm gonna go back and read through more carefully, especially the last minute posts.

Here's my chart for where I place everyone now, as far as town/wolf/neutral. I tried to be as detailed as possible.
You're all suspicious!
Low Hanging Fruit, easy targets to eliminate/suspect. but to be fair blooming refusing to give thoughts and voting geoni merely out of “fear” did not help their case

yea, End of days are were you’ll see the most action usually
i want to hear more of your thoughts too
Alright, here's my thoughts. Honestly I'm not that surprised that the mafia went for him because he's a more experienced player and he's probably what most would consider a powerful player, though the mafia could have gone for a newer player like me or Catherina. As for who might have killed him, I'm thinking maybe droqen and Bianca. I say that because both of them haven't been as active, and maybe Bianca is inactive because she is on the mafia chat while droqen is trying his best to cover it up.
Alright, here's my thoughts. Honestly I'm not that surprised that the mafia went for him because he's a more experienced player and he's probably what most would consider a powerful player, though the mafia could have gone for a newer player like me or Catherina. As for who might have killed him, I'm thinking maybe droqen and Bianca. I say that because both of them haven't been as active, and maybe Bianca is inactive because she is on the mafia chat while droqen is trying his best to cover it up.
if you believe droqen may be mafia, how do you feel about the fact that geoni town read them very early on in the game?

And how do you read me, given my interactions with geoni?
i want to hear more of your thoughts too
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Low Hanging Fruit, easy targets to eliminate/suspect. but to be fair blooming refusing to give thoughts and voting geoni merely out of “fear” did not help their case

yea, End of days are were you’ll see the most action usually

Ok I didn't know that. And I had pegged geoni more neutral, but a lot of people seemed to be after him so I figured something was just going over my head.
And that's how I decided to vote b100ming over Bianca- the lack of communication from b100ming. Bianca at least had some explanations.
there was a distinct difference between how geoni played last game and this game but i guess that was just less interest in the game

not sure if it matters at this point, but he did say his plan was to try and do less wall-o-text this game. 'less interest' or less focus or whatever seems like the likely cause of differences in play style
it’s kinda hard to read into these votes given everyone had a really weak or just unexplained explanation their vote. its also hard fo blame blooming voters given how meh they were playing. gonna have to stew on this later
not sure if it matters at this point, but he did say his plan was to try and do less wall-o-text this game. 'less interest' or less focus or whatever seems like the likely cause of differences in play style

I'm curious why you changed your vote to b100ming? Wondering if you saw something that made you less sus of geoni OR more suspicious of others?
i'm immediately sus of @Damniel btw over the weirdness of this post followed by the geoni night elim

there’s a connection between geoni and droqen

but that's the overthinker's call

i'm generally more inclined to think that geoni was onto something and wolves couldn't take the heat.

i noted that he was most suspicious of @Koopadude100 ,

and a little bit suspicious of @Catharina and @Antonio .

he was making strong trust calls on me and Betsy, and i'm inclined to think that it's mafia's attempt to prevent a little towncrust/towncore triangle from forming. have cath / (sheep)antonio interacted or spoken about one another at all? both of them have chimed in about other people, but never each other? quiet distancing?
if you believe droqen may be mafia, how do you feel about the fact that geoni town read them very early on in the game?

And how do you read me, given my interactions with geoni?
I feel that geoni was right to suspect them due to how suspicious they were/are acting.
I read you OK since your reactions with him didn't seem that suspicious
I'm curious why you changed your vote to b100ming? Wondering if you saw something that made you less sus of geoni OR more suspicious of others?
i have a little regret about that, though maybe not anymore after geoni got eliminated anyway... we'd have been doing the wolves a favour!

right after it happened i thought "oops, what i really wanted was to stir the pot but then elim nobody," BUT i sorta forgot about that plan... i'm sorry @b100ming .

but, generally i switched to b100ming because i didn't buy their story-- they were a bit noncommunicative and flip-floppy. (and i was a bit pressed for time irl, so admit it might not have been the smartest call, even if, again, in hindsight it turned out great.)
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for the record i'm very happy with the vote result. seeing who the wolves chose to eliminate, i think if we had eliminated geoni i'd have still suspected b100ming of being a wolf and they could have gotten rid of someone else.
i have a little regret about that, though maybe not anymore after geoni got eliminated anyway... we'd have been doing the wolves a favour!

right after it happened i thought "oops, what i really wanted was to stir the pot but then elim nobody," BUT i sorta forgot about that plan... i'm sorry @b100ming .

but, generally i switched to b100ming because i didn't buy their story-- they were a bit noncommunicative and flip-floppy. (and i was a bit pressed for time irl, so admit it might not have been the smartest call, even if, again, in hindsight it turned out great.)
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for the record i'm very happy with the vote result. seeing who the wolves chose to eliminate, i think if we had eliminated geoni i'd have still suspected b100ming of being a wolf and they could have gotten rid of someone else.

Ah. I kind of get what you're saying.
I agree with you on Anotonio, catharina, and koopa. But I have damniel at neutral. It is not a flatline neutral, it's more like, wolf one minute, town the next. 😆
looking into catharina and bianca the most for today
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can you explain your reaction for a bit? thoughts on the deaths?

Well totally didn't see it coming that geoni would be eliminated as he was almost eliminated by town, but I can see why mafia did that as he is really experienced (but on the other hand there are quite a few other good players here). Also, I already had a feeling that b100ming would be town, but I understand all the votes.
i'm gathering piece of evidence but i'm not very good at piecing it together. do i post disconnected shreds of evidence that seem important and hope that it's useful to someone who can put it together better than i can?
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pieces* of evidence
i'm gathering piece of evidence but i'm not very good at piecing it together. do i post disconnected shreds of evidence that seem important and hope that it's useful to someone who can put it together better than i can?
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pieces* of evidence

I tried bullet points. But it is hard. I was going to do that with the new players, starting with Antonio.
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Well totally didn't see it coming that geoni would be eliminated as he was almost eliminated by town, but I can see why mafia did that as he is really experienced (but on the other hand there are quite a few other good players here). Also, I already had a feeling that b100ming would be town, but I understand all the votes.

As a no-experience player, it was really hard to pick someone. For me, it came down to seeing who put up a better defense, Bianca or b100ming because really, I didn't have a lot to go on.

I think it may be easier to pick someone this time because the replacement players seem more active, so more info. Plus, people voted. So we can question them.
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