Mafia Mountainous Mafia: Camp Mafia - Mafia Wins!

he was making strong trust calls on me and Betsy, and i'm inclined to think that it's mafia's attempt to prevent a little towncrust/towncore triangle from forming. have cath / (sheep)antonio interacted or spoken about one another at all? both of them have chimed in about other people, but never each other? quiet distancing?
I honestly haven't spoken about quite a few people here, and I still obviously want to do that. Besides, I have a feeling mafia would try to keep in mind to interact with each other? But I don't know much about m/m interactions.
Speaking of which, here is how everyone voted-

B100ming, koopa, damniel- voted Geoni
Betsy, geoni, droqen- voted b100ming
Catharina- voted koopa
Bianca- voted Catharina

Correct me if that's wrong.
And I'm curious how bianca and catharina came to their votes.
@Catharina can you explain your last minute Koopadude vote?

Okay, this is going to sound pretty weak, but I didn't want to do a no vote, and I wasn't keen on the geoni and b100ming wagon. (even though I knew my vote wouldn't do anything lol). I know that he just did a rep, but the posts kinda feel off to me as if he is trying to please everyone and is really careful with what he says. (But I just now realized he is actually pretty new like me, so that could be a reason, I'm pretty null on him rn).
Also, for not wanting to vote geoni first but then doing it anyway with kinda a reason that everyone was talking about. I just voted to let everyone know he was on my list (I prob should've waited until the morning tho to give my thoughts.)
Are y'all opening discussing to do a change-a-roo bandwagon this late into the day 1 phase? It's sus ngl

FR tho, just vote for who you are the most suspicious for and explain why, don't try to start bandwagon

Going through all of the last minute posts I missed. Antonio, why did you think it was sus to discuss last minute changes in votes, and why so against last minute band wagon changes?
Damniel said that's normally when the most action happens. Have you had a different experience?
Going through all of the last minute posts I missed. Antonio, why did you think it was sus to discuss last minute changes in votes, and why so against last minute band wagon changes?
Damniel said that's normally when the most action happens. Have you had a different experience?
It's normal because EOD chaos is usually ensued by mafia to cause division in people's vote and actively attempt to push a wagon of their preference. Hence, why I'm against any last minute, fast changes to people's votes.
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Ah. I kind of get what you're saying.
I agree with you on Anotonio, catharina, and koopa. But I have damniel at neutral. It is not a flatline neutral, it's more like, wolf one minute, town the next. 😆
Could you elaborate on what the wolf and town aspects are for Daniel and why your reads are switching?
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I presumed that whoever is mafia REALLY wanted to get rid of Geoni.
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It's normal because EOD chaos is usually ensued by mafia to cause division in people's vote and actively attempt to push a wagon of their preference. Hence, why I'm against any last minute, fast changes to people's votes.
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Could you elaborate on what the wolf and town aspects are for Daniel and why your reads are switching?
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I presumed that whoever is mafia REALLY wanted to get rid of Geoni.

Did you read my take on damniel? It's in a spoiler in an earlier post. I did takes on everyone, except for the new players (koopa and you). It pretty much explains my thinking. I had dan as town in the beginning, but the pushing for geoni put him wolf (because I didn't get the geoni push), but then he also pushed all the other players, which put him back in town, but then he voted geoni, which I thought was wolfy, but then he explained that it was because geoni's playing style was different from in other games that made him sus, so back in town.

Thanks for that explanation on eod.
It's normal because EOD chaos is usually ensued by mafia to cause division in people's vote and actively attempt to push a wagon of their preference. Hence, why I'm against any last minute, fast changes to people's votes.
not always the case. from my own experience, town can be unpredictable by voting sporadically. mafia should obviously to bring up different wagons if one of their own teammates is up for vote, but it’s not always the case. in fact, i think willingness to change votes (as long as it’s consistent with one’s reads) shows a lack of agenda setting

in any case, the only people who vocalized voting off geoni/blooming last minute were me and geoni. geoni evidently was coming from a town perspective, and if both wagons were town, what incentive would I have to switch OFF either wagon? unless you think other people’s voting behavior was more suspicious
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im also still quiet comfortable on thinking droqen and betsy to be town at this point. At the EoD yesterday, I expected geoni to flip red, which would logically make droqen his likely partner (for wanting people to TR him early and droqen voting blooming over geoni). but, this is pairing is obviously not the case, so setting that tinfoil hat aside and just reasoning him to be town
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point is, mafia come into and plan each day with specific wagons in mind and play the game trying to steer town towards those wagons. mafia are actually the least likely to make last minute switches off wagons (if they are, it means they lacked any control over the game state)
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not always the case. from my own experience, town can be unpredictable by voting sporadically. mafia should obviously to bring up different wagons if one of their own teammates is up for vote, but it’s not always the case. in fact, i think willingness to change votes (as long as it’s consistent with one’s reads) shows a lack of agenda setting

in any case, the only people who vocalized voting off geoni/blooming last minute were me and geoni. geoni evidently was coming from a town perspective, and if both wagons were town, what incentive would I have to switch OFF either wagon? unless you think other people’s voting behavior was more suspicious
I disagree, most of the time Mafia would use EOD last-minute chaos to their own benefit. Not always, but most of the time. They may not cause it but they sure as hell could benefit from it. I also disagree with Mafia only bringing up wagons if it's their team, they could just start wagons on people they want to kill personally. I do agree with your statement regarding Townie though. However, joining a wagon/vote you didn't personally have no faith in is quite frankly suspicious (not you but In general, I mean).

A possible incentive is an attempt to appear townie, from your perspective. That's of course presuming that you are careful planning every word you say. However, I doubt that's what happened but it does linger in the back of my mind. Mafia obviously would attempt to appear as townie as possible, especially by enforcing what they personally think is townie behavior. We can't really trust people's behaviors unless we are certain with who they are aligned as.

Regarding the voting behavior suspicious, I haven't had the chance to properly look over the votes as I'm extremely busy with classes, errands, and basic cleaning. I simply was explaining the EOD behavior and why I think last minute wagons are beneficial to the overall game. What we should look for is motives because it feels like Mafia wanted to get rid of Geoni judging by the night 1 vote and day 1 votes. We should also look for people who were uncertain in their votes and choose to vote for somebody anyways.
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That last minute vote of Daniel for Geoni seems a little bit off. Either he is openly wolfing if he mafia or mafia is trying to frame him for Geo's death.

I voted Catharina as I haven't really heard from her and that is on that basis. Usually, when somebody is inactive, either they are partnered up with a more pro player. I would say that on this basis, I see a Catharina/Daniel line up.

Antonio has been playing mafia for a while so I am especially sus of his behavior in terms of no voting. He said he is reaction testing to some of the posts, but I think based on the postings so far, you could have at least voted for one. No voting is mafia behavior I should say.

I don't think that killing Geoni if I am mafia will be beneficial to be honest as I could just leave Geoni in the game and let town be confused as his alignment is not easy to be determined and he is hard to read sometimes.

Why am I on top of Daniel's chopping list? Can you elaborate on this?

For some reason, I don't see a Catharina/Betsysundrop mafia team.
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I am null on koopa and I am leaning droqen to be townish

If I have my vote today, it will be either Antonio and Daniel. Their voting behavior seems off.
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And Daniel, can you elaborate on what are your thoughts on Droqen and Geoni connection? even if Geoni flipped town, you could at least give us insight on your initial suspicions
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im also still quiet comfortable on thinking droqen and betsy to be town at this point. At the EoD yesterday, I expected geoni to flip red, which would logically make droqen his likely partner (for wanting people to TR him early and droqen voting blooming over geoni). but, this is pairing is obviously not the case, so setting that tinfoil hat aside and just reasoning him to be town
And Daniel, can you elaborate on what are your thoughts on Droqen and Geoni connection? even if Geoni flipped town, you could at least give us insight on your initial suspicions

already did

That last minute vote of Daniel for Geoni seems a little bit off. Either he is openly wolfing if he mafia or mafia is trying to frame him for Geo's death.

why is it off
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Antonio has been playing mafia for a while so I am especially sus of his behavior in terms of no voting. He said he is reaction testing to some of the posts, but I think based on the postings so far, you could have at least voted for one. No voting is mafia behavior I should say.
they did vote not one. they said they didn’t find anyone particularly sus, do you have a problem with that?
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If I have my vote today, it will be either Antonio and Daniel. Their voting behavior seems off.
you say i can be teamed with catharina and she hasn’t done much since but she’s not on your vote list?
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looking into catharina and bianca the most for today
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bianca’s at the top of my chopping block tbh

Am curious as to what you found looking into them, and why you'd then have bianca at the top?

I voted Catharina as I haven't really heard from her and that is on that basis. Usually, when somebody is inactive, either they are partnered up with a more pro player. I would say that on this basis, I see a Catharina/Daniel line up.

Antonio has been playing mafia for a while so I am especially sus of his behavior in terms of no voting. He said he is reaction testing to some of the posts, but I think based on the postings so far, you could have at least voted for one. No voting is mafia behavior I should say.

On the first comment, I hadn't thought of that as a reason for inactivity! I might go back and look into interaction or lack of interaction between different pairs.

On the second, someone else said the same thing earlier (I think volt), that a no elimination vote on the first day was a wolf tell. I was suprised by the no vote, actually, as from his posts I thought he was voting geoni. I need to go back and look, because I thought I saw an explanation for it, but don't remember what it was.

Also, Bianca are you on a really different time zone? I notice your post comes in at close to what is 2am for me.

I've got a busy morning, but will be back on later this afternoon/evening.
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I won't quote them all, but apparently there are plenty of reasons why last minute vote changes are good/bad/wolf/town. Thank you Antonio/Damniel for confusing me more. All kidding aside, I do appreciate learning about how different players have different strategies/ views.
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you say i can be teamed with catharina and she hasn’t done much since but she’s not on your vote list?

I missed that point. But yes, after a post comparing various mafia teams focused on Catherine/?, why remove Catherine from the vote list....
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I missed that point. But yes, after a post comparing various mafia teams focused on Catherine/?, why remove Catherine from the vote list....
i’ve been seeing inconsistent posts from her (like not even considering catharina to vote for despite voting for her last day and maintaining that she hasn’t stepped up) and having very little explanations in her townreads while having greater ones on her susses. in general, she is pretty quiet but when she comes in its feeling like she’s just stirring the pot and not interested in forming a strong towncore for collaboration. it seems like she’s more interested to having people seem suspicious to keep elimination options open while not looking to find town (which i think is more important)
Antonio has been playing mafia for a while so I am especially sus of his behavior in terms of no voting. He said he is reaction testing to some of the posts, but I think based on the postings so far, you could have at least voted for one. No voting is mafia behavior I should say.
I'm sorry but if you known that I have been playing for awhile, wouldn't you know that I don't vote for somebody unless I have some certainty they are sus? My reaction test didn't warrant much besides a slight suspicions on Koopa for coming in and mimicking me. However, Koopa literally came in late so I don't think his behavior warranted a late day ISO. Still need to compare Volt and Koopa's post.

Anyways, I have to get ready for court. So I'll be out for most of the day.
why is it off
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they did vote not one. they said they didn’t find anyone particularly sus, do you have a problem with that?
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you say i can be teamed with catharina and she hasn’t done much since but she’s not on your vote list?

I should be more clear in my post. What I meant was mafia killing Geoni seems shady. Either they are setting you up for Geoni's death because of your vote or you are creating confusion as mafia. The more I think about it, you are more likely not responsible for Geoni's death as you would have so bold and daring if you are indeed mafia and ordered Geoni's death ( told Geoni the fact that he is not yet yeeted early phase..that was in jest but still...and also you voting Geoni off first day..that could be used by mafia to frame you). BUT then again, you could be being bold as mafia as to openly vote GEONI during day and kill hiim off as mafia. I yet have to see that.

I already voted for Catharina during first day so I am looking for possible worlds. I am just happening to share my thoughts on if there is a pro/newish player pair, it could be you and Catharina. and I am not looking into possibility. Why is she not only vote list? I don't think she will be yeeted this day (but I could be wrong, so I am focusing on some other people I am sus. But I might change my mind if she still doesn't post before EOD.
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I'm sorry but if you known that I have been playing for awhile, wouldn't you know that I don't vote for somebody unless I have some certainty they are sus? My reaction test didn't warrant much besides a slight suspicions on Koopa for coming in and mimicking me. However, Koopa literally came in late so I don't think his behavior warranted a late day ISO. Still need to compare Volt and Koopa's post.

I understand so we will see on this voting phase how you will vote. Thank you for letting me know that you don't vote unless you certain they are sus but then again, day 1 is almost uncertain. I am voting without certainty if they are sus or not but just gut feel which is typical of day 1
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She’s more interested to having people seem suspicious to keep elimination options open while not looking to find town (which i think is more important)

This post is iconic :p as this will definitely put suspicion on me.
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Also, Bianca are you on a really different time zone? I notice your post comes in at close to what is 2am for me.

I'm on EST, but in my world, my schedule is all over the place and I am up at random times. I know for sure that EOD at 2 pm that I am at work busy at points. Like today, I might be here at EOD (depending on how busy I am ).
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okay after some pondering i'm voting @Damniel, here's my explanation:

it’s kinda hard to read into these votes given everyone had a really weak or just unexplained explanation their vote. its also hard fo blame blooming voters given how meh they were playing. gonna have to stew on this later

Sowing chaos
Similar thing to what he's accusing bianca of but worse -- this isn't "X, Y, Z are sus," more like making a sweeping statement that it's hard/impossible to blame anyone! doesn't read as frustrated to me (as if he's trying to figure out the puzzle), just bringing up something to confuse those trying to logic it out.

[Damniel] explained that [voting geoni] was because geoni's playing style was different from in other games that made him sus, so back in town.

there was a distinct difference between how geoni played last game and this game but i guess that was just less interest in the game

point is, mafia come into and plan each day with specific wagons in mind and play the game trying to steer town towards those wagons. mafia are actually the least likely to make last minute switches off wagons (if they are, it means they lacked any control over the game state)

Damniel started out on the geoni wagon and then returned to it for an imo weak reason, scans to me as a big excuse: geoni said right in the beginning of the game that he was going to try and be less intense, which seems obvious indication of why he'd play differently. would Damniel really have missed that? (he didn't miss it. click on below link to see.)


looking into catharina and bianca the most for today

I feel like this is Damniel potentially following through on his own prediction of "mafia come into and plan each day with specific wagons...". i'm swayed by his arguments regarding @Biancasbotique , but i've been trusting in a lot of Damniel's words despite being a bit sus of him the whole game, so i went back and asked, "what if I look at the thread but ignore all of Damniel's claims?" and a lot of these little things popped up and added up. is bianca really that sus, or is she just easy to pin the sus on using this reason? Geoni was slightly town-reading bianca at the end, as well.


and there's also the other side of the Geoni thing. the mafia side.

That last minute vote of Daniel for Geoni seems a little bit off. Either he is openly wolfing if he mafia or mafia is trying to frame him for Geo's death.
mafia killing Geoni seems shady. Either they are setting you up for Geoni's death because of your vote or you are creating confusion as mafia. The more I think about it, you are more likely not responsible for Geoni's death as you would have so bold and daring if you are indeed mafia and ordered Geoni's death

i thought i was alone in thinking this, but this mirrors a lot of my own suspicions. i don't know from past games, but damniel seems very confident/bold from our interactions this game. i wouldn't put it past him.

if Damniel turns out to be mafia i'd bet his partner is someone geoni was strongly sussing.


i have no idea who his partner would be if he is mafia tho. i'm not really giving that any consideration atm. pls share thoughts or anything i might have missed (in either direction)
I understand so we will see on this voting phase how you will vote. Thank you for letting me know that you don't vote unless you certain they are sus but then again, day 1 is almost uncertain. I am voting without certainty if they are sus or not but just gut feel which is typical of day 1
I don't feel comfortable voting for somebody I don't believe in tbh, hence why my day 1 votes are usually no vote.

I just finished court so I'm heading back to my dorm. I do agree with you that Geoni death was Mafia motivated, as previously stated. Let me find the post when somebody said they didn't trust Geoni, regardless of alignment because that feels suspicious.
I don't feel comfortable voting for somebody I don't believe in tbh, hence why my day 1 votes are usually no vote.

I just finished court so I'm heading back to my dorm. I do agree with you that Geoni death was Mafia motivated, as previously stated. Let me find the post when somebody said they didn't trust Geoni, regardless of alignment because that feels suspicious.
not sure what you mean by mafia motivated when only mafia could do the kill?

the only person who I can recall not trusting geoni specifically was blooming (voting geoni out of fear) but they were town
Ok. I’m in another game which is why I’m so inactive.
I voted geoni because to be honest he scares me. He’s a complete wild card because his ability to gather evidence could either be town aligned or mafia trying to get all the town to trust him. So I don’t like lynching random players d1 but I feel like geoni probably should go first because I don’t trust him even if he has a lot of info, I trust the info but don’t trust him.
This statement here, I don't believe it's town motivated to vote off somebody they deem as a wild card. The logic seems kind of flawed aswell because how exactly would mafia push evidence into their benefit? Holding information seems the most logical conclusion but it would be deemed automatically suspicious by town. Any ideas?

I feel like this concern is not coming from a town perspective but a neutral perspective which really is sending red flags but I'm not 100% sure how to phrase my thoughts regarding it.
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not sure what you mean by mafia motivated when only mafia could do the kill?

the only person who I can recall not trusting geoni specifically was blooming (voting geoni out of fear) but they were town
Oh ****, I totally forgot blooming was dead. I was quoting their post above.
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Ignore my post above.
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Wait, I still got to reply to @Damniel. As I'm saying before, their was obviously a motive to get rid of Geoni judging by the votes on day 1 and night vote. Therefore whoever was mafia must deem them a threat from their perspective.

Finally, Blooming was acting from a town perspective but the logic used regarding Geoni is still sending red flags, even beyond death. We both know they are town aligned.
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