Mafia Mountainous Mafia: Camp Mafia - Mafia Wins!

Seriously, I did think his theory was flawed, but i had catharina on my sus list and he was making sense.

What do you think of antonios theory?
Well, I guess I feel like he sort of explained it? Aannnd... now I feel stupid and am doubting myself....
Haha! Alright. I'll leave this here, my thoughts. Don't let my thoughts change your mind this close to the deadline; in a way, I'm happy to be outvoted because I do have my doubts about voting Damniel, but I'm sticking with my guns. I haven't seen anything to do anything but entrench me further.

I think Damniel's attitude shifted after I accused him (which could just be accused town attitude! i dunno). He says above he'd be kicking/screaming if he was wolf! I don't know. The read I get is "wolf in a trap, not gonna struggle and make it worse."
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But, I'm coming from a place of this Damn Paranoia ;p
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So, of course I'm going to read him as wolfy. Also Antonio's switched vote is a bit sus to me, for someone who doesn't like last-minute bandwagon changes
i didn’t switch your vote, you came
to that conclusion

You are right. But you did convince me...but I'm not the best at asking questions because its too confusing.
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Haha! Alright. I'll leave this here, my thoughts. Don't let my thoughts change your mind this close to the deadline; in a way, I'm happy to be outvoted because I do have my doubts about voting Damniel, but I'm sticking with my guns. I haven't seen anything to do anything but entrench me further.

I think Damniel's attitude shifted after I accused him (which could just be accused town attitude! i dunno). He says above he'd be kicking/screaming if he was wolf! I don't know. The read I get is "wolf in a trap, not gonna struggle and make it worse."
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But, I'm coming from a place of this Damn Paranoia ;p
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So, of course I'm going to read him as wolfy. Also Antonio's switched vote is a bit sus to me, for someone who doesn't like last-minute bandwagon changes

Well i just changed mine a little bit ago....finally changed, now afraid of a mistake.
If I was mafia, I'd be happy to get rid of a towny Damniel. Not that many people on the Dan wagon. Why not?
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A lot of my suspicion comes from the outside... it's not Damniel's slip-ups, it's the circumstances.
If I was mafia, I'd be happy to get rid of a towny Damniel. Not that many people on the Dan wagon. Why not?
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A lot of my suspicion comes from the outside... it's not Damniel's slip-ups, it's the circumstances.
Because action on a gut feeling is pointless when there is actual suspicious behavior to address.
Day Two Has Ended

The events depicted in this narrative are satirical and purely for entertainment purposes. The entire thing was written completely and then names were randomly assigned to each line of dialogue after the fact. There is no intent to offend anyone with how their character is being presented.

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"Well at least we didn't need the straws today," Betsy said.

Dan glared at her. "You're making a big mistake," he warned. "Someone else is going to die tonight."

"We don't know that," said Catharina. "For all we know, you and b100ming were the killers. So you can go in the boathouse too."

After the shock of discovering Geoni had worn off, the group had spent the day deliberating. As the moon began to rise and stars began to appear in the darkening sky, the group had come to the consensus that Dan was to be locked away because Dan and Geoni had engaged in some good-natured ribbing that rubbed the group the wrong way given their dire circumstances.

"It was a joke," Dan protested. "I'd have to be stupid to kill Geoni after jokingly saying 'ooh, I'm totally going to kill you' right in front of everyone. This is a setup and you're all falling for it!"

"Look on the bright side: if someone dies tonight, we'll know you or b100ming was innocent after all," Antonio pointed out.

"Yeah," Dan said sarcastically. "If someone I care about dying is the bright side then I don't even want to know what the dark side looks like."

"Come on, let's just go to the boat house," Bianca replied.

Droqen unlocked the door to the boat house as Bianca prepared to shove Dan inside. Koopa stood outside the door waiting to intercept b100ming if they tried to leave. None of them was prepared for what they found inside.

The food Catharina had pushed in for b100ming just that morning was scattered all over the bench that had been moved under it. A large bloodstain marred the center of the room. b100ming was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh come on, you can't leave me here after seeing this," protested Dan. "What happened to b100ming? What's going to happen to me?!"

"You worry about you, and we'll worry about us," Koopa grumbled as he, droqen, and Bianca backed out and locked the door.

Dan pounded on the door as their footsteps walked away. He carefully edged around the stain in the middle of the room, not wanting to step in all that was left of his friend b100ming.


The group around the campfire was markedly more subdued. Dan could hear hushed voices coming on the night breeze. He remembered just the night before when they'd all sat around and sang after feeling on top of the world catching b100ming red-handed. How naïve they had been.

Did Geoni know he was going to die in the night? Had his killers been sitting beside him, laughing and joking with him, knowing what they were going to do to him?

I wonder if they thought about killing me...

Regardless, Dan was not going to let them get away with it! He had a plan. Just before the group had made their final decision, he'd ducked into his tent and leaned a stick up against the transmit button of his walkie talkie and stashed it under the wall of his tent to hopefully hear what went on outside in the night. He had also hid the second in the inner pocket of his jacket.

Dan could hear the muffled sound of the group getting ready for bed. Just a little while longer and he'd hear exactly who the killers were. They'd have to believe him then! He'd shout it until his voice was dead when they came to bring him food if he had to.

The sounds of cloth shuffling as people clambered into tents and sleeping bags gave way to a thick silence. Oh no, I hope the battery didn't die, Dan worried. He jammed the receiver up to his ear in an effort to make out even the slightest of sounds - leaves rustling, a twig cracking, anything to indicate the walkie talkie was still alive and transmitting.

A loud wailing came through the earpiece, unintelligible and inhuman. In his shock, Dan dropped the walkie talkie on the ground and staggered backwards until he leaned against the wall, holding his ringing ear and screwing his eyes up from the sudden dizziness. Did the killers suspect what he'd done? Were they jamming the signal? The hard landing on the concrete had done nothing to stop the walkie talkie's discordant shrieking, and over the noise Dan could not hear the door to the boathouse opening. He caught a peek of the lake outside while attempting to get his bearings.

"You can't blame me for trying," he snarled loudly over the cacophony. "Joke's on you, though, someone is bound to hear all of this. They're all going to wake up and you'll only get me!"

As he lifted his gaze to the door fully, Dan realized that no one was there. But they'd locked him in - he was sure of it. Were they waiting for him to walk outside into an ambush? Only one way to find out. Dan took a couple of cautious steps forward - hey, at least it got him away from the deafening noise. Nothing. Nothing on either side of the door. Could he make a break for it. But someone had to have opened the door.

It doesn't matter. I should just run for it.

He couldn't shake the feeling. Couldn't bring his feet to move without knowing. (Or was it that he was just too dizzy to run?) Glancing over his shoulder, Dan saw a large figure looming just behind him. So close, Dan should have felt it standing there. He staggered forward, away from the figure and spun gracelessly to face it. "But we... who..." His head hurt, his ears hurt, his stomach hurt. He couldn't make his mouth form the words. "Hurgh!" Dan's last vocalization came out as a strangled gargle as the figure behind him advanced swiftly onto him.

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Narrowly beating out Koopa and Catharina, who had two votes each, we have Damniel with 3 votes being eliminated.
Damniel was vanilla town

Night Two Has Begun

You have 24 hours (until 2pm EDT Wednesday) to send in your Night Actions
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The events depicted in this narrative are satirical and purely for entertainment purposes. The entire thing was written completely and then names were randomly assigned to each line of dialogue after the fact. There is no intent to offend anyone with how their character is being presented.

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The sun crept over the horizon and spilled its watery light through the trees and onto the dew-soaked ground. Five tent flaps whispered open in unison, as if dawn was a sort of signal. A sign that they could not hide away from what had happened in the night. There had been no need to draw straws the night before. Sleep had been fitful and far between for most of the group, despite the oppressive silence around the camp.

The campers all looked at each other and took in their group. It was obvious who was missing, just like the previous morning. No one wanted to speak it, however. Saying it would only make it feel more real that yet another person in their friend group had been killed overnight.

"So one of Dan or b100ming was innocent after all," Antonio said finally.

"Looks like it," Koopa agreed.

"They didn't leave the body in camp this time," Catharina pointed out.

"Yeah," droqen sighed. "Come on, let's go and look. We don't want a wild animal to get them."

The group began to spread out into the woods and search. Bearing in mind what they were looking for, they searched in bushes and behind trees. Eventually one voice sounded loud in the still morning air: "Guys, I... I've found Bianca."

Betsy wrung her hands as she looked down at the foot of the trail marker. Bianca was slumped against it. Near her right hand was a steak knife. Her head was bowed low over her chest. Her jacket had a few smaller cuts aside from the large gash across her chest, so similar to Geoni's.

"Looks like she put up a fight, or at least tried to," reasoned Antonio.

"She didn't trust us but she tried to sneak off in the night to go get help," Catharina explained, awestruck.

"Looks like she also tried to do us the favor of taking her assailant out with her. Doesn't seem like it worked though," sighed Koopa. "Everyone else is still here."

"This is getting ridiculous!" exploded Betsy. "We've voted out two people and we're still dying. We absolutely need to get a guilty person tonight! Otherwise the killers are just going to get away with it."

- - -

Biancasbotique has been found dead.
They were vanilla town.

Day Three has started.
You have 48 hours to vote for who you wish to be eliminated.
No one wanted to speak it, however. Saying it would only make it feel more real that yet another person in their friend group had been killed overnight.

"Yeah," droqen sighed.

Last night was a real mess... I was all amped up for Damniel to survive, and at the last second Betsy switched. I have my suspicions. to clear something up that's been bothering me:

If I was mafia, I'd be happy to get rid of a towny Damniel. Not that many people on the Dan wagon. Why not?
Because action on a gut feeling is pointless when there is actual suspicious behavior to address.

What I meant here was that I thought voting for Damniel is something that mafia would be chomping at the bit for an excuse to go do, and that I was suspicious that there weren't a pair of people sniffing around at the very least. (A suspicious pair.) I totally get why no/few townies were eager to jump on the Damniel train -- it was very much a paranoid gut feel that I was carrying around and dealing with!

I think it's weird that maf eliminated Bianca.