Mafia Mountainous Mafia: Camp Mafia - Mafia Wins!

I'm going to provide you a summary regarding the points that I have been making because your summary is not what I have been trying to say, at all. I will provide a breakdown of your summary before that:

You regard last minute action, vote changes, wagons, etc as sus, especially vote changes, and especially if no explanation. (For the majority part, yes this is true. I do believe wagons (which means multiple people working together to change the current vote), or last minute vote changes are suspicious. I also find it even more suspicious when someone doesn't clearly (as in clarity) state their reasons why. I changed my vote last minute, therefore you regard me as sus. I do not regard you as sus, I have clearly stated you have become a null read from my previous town read. You dont think an action can be from a logical/emotional place at once. I do believe they both can be that, I never said this. This statement completely regards the points I have been making entirely. I'll resummarize my points down below. Therefore, you believe i have contradicted myself. it's poor wording in my fault, it's not contradicting but more like, you providing add on information past that post that didn't align with your old posts hence why it's contradicting, if that's the right word. it will make more sense once I resummarize my points.

I'll re-explain my points for you, if that's alright.

Summary: My point is that your EOD behavior could also be coming from a mafia perspective. There's no way to verify what truly happened regarding your EOD behavior because you didn't clearly state it near EOD. I do not believe you are sus but it's important to understand that your EOD behavior could have also becoming from a mafia perspective if you think about it. If you were mafia, one possible motive could have been trying to get rid of the kill off of Catherine and/or if Catherine was your partner, then your vote was purely there as a way to distance yourself by stating you sus read them and voting them. Of course, this is all hypothetical. Another point is that there's no way to verify your motives this late into the game, it should have been stated earlier. Your actions could come from a mafia perspective or a townie perspective, there no way to know. I understand the reasoning behind your actions as you have clearly stated which can be seen as both logical/emotional but in the end, these reasoning are hard to verify.

Do you understand where I'm coming? If not, please try to summarize the post above. I like to apologize because I feel like I have been phrasing everything wrong and I don't want to be miscommunicating anything.
Do you understand where I'm coming? If not, please try to summarize the post above. I like to apologize because I feel like I have been phrasing everything wrong and I don't want to be miscommunicating anything.

I believe I do. And I get it now. I see from your perspective that a sus motivation for leaving the catharina wagon would be because it would help save my partner and clear me of sus. In theory, people could vote their partner, then clear them later, or vote their partner and then jump off the wagon if someone else jumped on. That's sneaky, but imo would be a really risky thing to do...

For now, I am voting catharina. I liked Antonio's theory on inexperienced players, and she was my next choice. I do plan on looking through my old reads and other people's reads. Whoever I sus now, I think catharina is a likely partner on a team. I'll be looking into likely partners as well. I will be off for a while. Back on later.
I believe I do. And I get it now. I see from your perspective that a sus motivation for leaving the catharina wagon would be because it would help save my partner and clear me of sus. In theory, people could vote their partner, then clear them later, or vote their partner and then jump off the wagon if someone else jumped on. That's sneaky, but imo would be a really risky thing to do...
This is what I mean, thanks. Sometimes we just need to slow down and convey things clearer, ya know.
I have a question. I was thinking about last minute votes and mafia- influenced wagons. What happens if they can't be on at eod. They would have no way to judge what would change at the end of day, so how would that influence their votes, if they couldn't influence eod? And how would this affect their votes if one or both was under suspicion?

I'll be off for the night, back on tomorrow.
I have a question. I was thinking about last minute votes and mafia- influenced wagons. What happens if they can't be on at eod. They would have no way to judge what would change at the end of day, so how would that influence their votes, if they couldn't influence eod? And how would this affect their votes if one or both was under suspicion?

I'll be off for the night, back on tomorrow.
There is a possibility they can't be on EOD so they usually just leave a vote and go one with their day. The thing is, mafia doesn't care about having legit votes. If something changes, it doesn't really impact them unless mafia is voted off. That's why it's suspicious to leave a vote and do nothing else. Basically if they keep their votes and they know it's town and the wagon changes to another town, then it doesn't affect them.
Okay as I'm getting a few votes here, who do you think my partner is?

I think its koopa
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I think its koopa
There is a possibility they can't be on EOD so they usually just leave a vote and go one with their day. The thing is, mafia doesn't care about having legit votes. If something changes, it doesn't really impact them unless mafia is voted off. That's why it's suspicious to leave a vote and do nothing else. Basically if they keep their votes and they know it's town and the wagon changes to another town, then it doesn't affect them.

Makes sense.
So you think two total inexperienced mafia players did all this? I honestly don't buy it and I feel that at least one member is experienced
Nope, if anything it is more plausible that both of you are inexperienced, I stated this previously:
There are two mafia members in this game, due to the 1 mafia per 7 players rule (with the remainder counting as an extra). Right? Then wouldn't it make sense that both of them are inexperienced due to them voting off Geoni day 1? Usually, if there is more than one mafia member, they have to come together and decide on who to kill during night 1. Therefore, we can conclude that killing off Geoni was a collective idea between the mafia members. Therefore, can't we conclude that both of the mafia members are inexperienced.

I stated before that I believe Geoni death was motivated by inexperienced players, but I don't see how both of them can come to that conclusion unless they are both inexperienced. I do believe that a Koopa/Cat team is possible but I'm not sure how experienced Cat is as mafia.
I have given my reads on this, and
So you think two total inexperienced mafia players did all this? I honestly don't buy it and I feel that at least one member is experienced.

That was the basis for Antonio's theory. I did think it was possibly dan/catharina or dan/koopa as a team, and that a catharina/koopa team was not as likely. I also thought a koopa/antonio team was possible, but after I pushed him on it, I put antonio in town. But with town sussing/starting wagons on town, as has been the case from the beginning, there isn't much for mafia to actually do.
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It is very quiet.

Yes, it is. I'm planning to check back later this evening, then come on tomorrow around noon to confirm my vote. After that, I'm going to go do something else, and skip any eod action. So far, looking at my past reads, d1, how things changed when replacements came in, etc, I have not seen anything that would change my vote.
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I've sorta been catching up on some stuff that I put off for Mafia earlier 😅

Planning to come in this evening and do some more detailed reading/posting. I'll be around near EoD as well.

Right now I am still on Cath/Koopa as mafia pair by process of elimination. Honestly don't have a strong read either way and may vote Cath purely for the strategic value - because she is the vote that is going to go through. (i.e. if I vote Koopa instead, then Cath+Koop could work together to vote anyone else for a 50-50 chance.)
Ok, after reading some more posts here's how I read everyone now:
Most likely droqen from recent posts
Bestysundrop I'm slowly becoming less sus of from recent posts
As for Antonio and cath, I still think they are teamed, though I think cath could also be confused town. However if I'm right that cath is town, then it's Antonio. The last minute cath vote, while not that suspicious, definitely made me raise an eyebrow, and them lashing out on besty for changing her vote from damniel to cath then back. I know that's not typical mafia behavior, but maybe he was sacrificing his teammate so he could then presumably kill droqen, but since besty changed her vote, his plan was foiled. I'm not saying it's 100% likely, but it's a possibility
Ok, after reading some more posts here's how I read everyone now:
Most likely droqen from recent posts
Bestysundrop I'm slowly becoming less sus of from recent posts
As for Antonio and cath, I still think they are teamed, though I think cath could also be confused town. However if I'm right that cath is town, then it's Antonio. The last minute cath vote, while not that suspicious, definitely made me raise an eyebrow, and them lashing out on besty for changing her vote from damniel to cath then back. I know that's not typical mafia behavior, but maybe he was sacrificing his teammate so he could then presumably kill droqen, but since besty changed her vote, his plan was foiled. I'm not saying it's 100% likely, but it's a possibility
Despite the obvious here, why do you think I'm more sus them catharina?
Ok, after reading some more posts here's how I read everyone now:
Most likely droqen from recent posts
Bestysundrop I'm slowly becoming less sus of from recent posts
As for Antonio and cath, I still think they are teamed, though I think cath could also be confused town. However if I'm right that cath is town, then it's Antonio. The last minute cath vote, while not that suspicious, definitely made me raise an eyebrow, and them lashing out on besty for changing her vote from damniel to cath then back. I know that's not typical mafia behavior, but maybe he was sacrificing his teammate so he could then presumably kill droqen, but since besty changed her vote, his plan was foiled. I'm not saying it's 100% likely, but it's a possibility

So...a Catharina/antonio team. The way I see it, we have to get this vote right. So even looking at adding that remote possibility, I still have-
Catharina/koopa or Catharina/antonio.
Based on that and some of today's posts,
I will keep my vote as it is.
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I'll be back on tomorrow.
Alright, so from the looks of it we all agree that cath is mafia, and she's most likely to be voted out so far with 2 votes. So @Catherine and @droqen, what are your thoughts on the new cath/Antonio wagon? Do you agree with it? Or do you think the Me/cath wagon is more likely to be both mafia?
As for Antonio I changed my mind after reading the quotes, though I am curious, and while I do agree changing your vote last minute is definitely suspicious, why did you react they way you did when Betsy changed her vote? For clarification, you said:
Deep Breaths
