Movies that make you cry

I cry easily during shows and movies, but the odd thing is that I cry more often during happy emotional scenes than sad ones. Maybe it's because I have depression and generally feel sad all of the time anyway, but sad scenes only make me cry if they involve animals or remind me of something bad that happened in my own life. On the other hand, I will tear up instantly if something heartwarming and uplifting happens, like couples reuniting, good triumphing over evil, a loved one makes it home, etc. I actually prefer sad movies because I cry less.
I know they're not movies, but every sad/depressing anime I've ever watched.
Same tbh. I can honestly say there were some Dragonball Z and Naruto moments that actually made me tear up... can't think of a movie that made me do that though.
I don't really know what in specific makes me cry in movies, as it varies. They'd have to have a pretty convincing plot to make me tear up though...or maybe not? Sometimes I've cried over plain cheesy romance movies and other times just cheesy exposition and when I see the movies again, I'm like "why did this make me cry, whyyyy?!"

There's been sooo many anime that have made me cry and only a few cartoons have done that for me, like Bojack, the Simpsons, Steven Universe (probably forgetting some). Usually what triggers the emotion is seeing a character suffer unjustly or knowing they can never achieve their dreams no matter how much they try at it because life isn't always fair.

When the move involves pets/animals suffering, it usually doesn't take long for me to start crying. I try to avoid watching movies like this because I already know it happens in reality and it hurts me to know that I don't have the power to change what happens behind closed doors, but when I do watch these type of movies, I can spend a good while still thinking about it.
There are few movies that made me cry. The first one was Mars Needs Moms

When it comes to films that contain death of your beloved ones, i can easily cry on them
I have a hard time crying at movies or watching tv shows. Once in awhile I may get teary eyed at sad or happy moments, but that's about it. As for a movie example that I got teary eyed at, it would probably have to be Disney's Frozen. My parents cried at that one too.
The only movie I've cried at would be Marley and Me in theatres... I'm a sucker for dogs.
Usually, I don't cry when watching a movie, but I must admit I did cry when I watched The Princess
and the Frog for first time, doing that scene when the firefly died and then showed up in the sky as
a star next to the Evening Star which he called the whole time another firefly and felt in love with. I
didn't saw it coming that they would kill him off and start crying because damn was this a sad twist.
Grave of the fireflies. A lot of people regard it as one of the saddest movies ever made. Even the trailer will make you cry, I bet. It's honestly a masterpiece
Any movie where a dog dies.

There was one movie I think called Little Heros. The girl had an old dog named Fuzz and of course the dog dies so OFCOURSE I am crying. Later in the movie the girl gets another dog of the same breed, a bloodhound. Her parents ask what she'll name it and she says she'll name him Little Fuzz and OFCOURSE I am crying again. The worse part was I was watching this movie in school, so I was walking around with red eyes. One kid gave me a look later.
A Silent Voice. Probably my favorite anime movie of all time.
I remember watching Violet Evergarden earlier this year and I cried. There was something within me that resonated with the protagonist learning what it means to be human and being compassionate to others.
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I don't cry for movies but Kubo.
Kubo got real close. I was misty.
It doesn't matter what it is, if it's a sad moment, or a really happy sweet moment, I cry. The list is too long, because I've cried at every movie, every TV show, every video game I've ever played.
I don't cry for movies but Kubo.
Kubo got real close. I was misty.

I cried a little at Kubo too. It was just sooo sad at the end of the movie and how it ended. This one I just probably could not hold back my tears. :c