My Unpopular Opinions... Yours?

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I don't like meat. It's disgusting and I can't stand eating it. I'm not one of those testosterone filled Americans. I don't like dairy either. Just thinking about that it came from an animal is disgusting.

I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove fruits. Vegetables too.

I love green tea and I drink about 5 cups of it daily.
I don't like meat. It's disgusting and I can't stand eating it. I'm not one of those testosterone filled Americans. I don't like dairy either. Just thinking about that it came from an animal is disgusting.

I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove fruits. Vegetables too.

I love green tea and I drink about 5 cups of it daily.

Basically me.
Vegetables are the excrement of Satan's excrement.
There are some vegetables I like; oranges, lemons, blackberries, strawberries, peaches(sometimes)
I hate dairy, makes me sick. I refuse to drink milk anyway because I break out from it and other dairy products I just don't like (The one dairy product I eat is Greek yogurt so I'm not dairy free)

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Vegetables are the excrement of Satan's excrement.
There are some vegetables I like; oranges, lemons, blackberries, strawberries, peaches(sometimes)

Those are fruit?
This is awesome. Here I go.

1. I dont have ANY form of social media. Zero. Zilch. Zip. NADA.
When someone asks me for my instagram/kik/whatever, and I say I dont have one, they freak out and act like I said I killed someone. You dont NEED social media to survive. The older generations survived without it, right? So why cant we?
2. I dont like skimpy shorts/short shorts/shirts that show my breasts. And I'm a teen girl.
3. I absolutely disagree with sexism/feminism. Just because im a girl I cant be in karate? Just because so-and-so is a boy he cant be in ballet? People please!
4. Racism. All these colored people dying for no reasons. Especially police abusing of their power.

Welp, thats all for now.

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ah, and I LOVE hanging out with boys. Im a female myself, but girls can be such a pain. Because of THEM (not all girls, just some of them.) is the reason why we're put into unfair stereotypes, like Soushi said.
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I hate dairy, makes me sick. I refuse to drink milk anyway because I break out from it and other dairy products I just don't like (The one dairy product I eat is Greek yogurt so I'm not dairy free)

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Those are fruit?
and on that note, I hate typos.
there is way differences between sexism and feminism lolol.

but yeah i prefer to hang out with my male friends rather than female peeps tbh

I like Donald Trump as a presidential candidate


I like the fact that he is in the race too. He adds some much needed entertainment to the presidential race. LOL at him being 2nd place in the polls of GOP voters. It says something about how dumb the GOP base is and how bad the other candidates are.
I didn't like Frozen. It was too generic of a Disney movie and unoriginal.

That's right. I said it.
exactly. also feminism is about gender equality, not hating on each other unless you are extremely radical.
when it gets to that point those people arent feminists. you can say you are something but it doesnt mean you actually are
Apparently, it's an unpopular opinion that women shouldn't hit men, just like men shouldn't hit women. I don't get why women have to be depicted as different from men in that sense. It's not okay for you to hit anyone, no matter what they've got down there. Women are depicted as brave for fighting men, meanwhile if men do it, they're automatically the worst human beings to ever exist on this planet. It just seems so ridiculous how feminists (not all of them, just a lot) seem to make fun of men when the subject of them having rights is brought up. If you believe in equality, you'll feel the same way with a man as you would with a woman. You can't pick and choose, honey. Don't be calling yourself a supporter of equal rights if those rights only apply to you and what you've got.
woops, my bad. i got sexism/feminism mixed up. my apologizies.
also, i see that it is 'wrong' for a women to comment on a boy's body parts in a vulgar way.
i mean, if its ok for men to do it, why isnt it ok for girls to do it?
woops, my bad. i got sexism/feminism mixed up. my apologizies.
also, i see that it is 'wrong' for a women to comment on a boy's body parts in a vulgar way.
i mean, if its ok for men to do it, why isnt it ok for girls to do it?

It isn't okay for either side to do it. :/
I like the fact that he is in the race too. He adds some much needed entertainment to the presidential race. LOL at him being 2nd place in the polls of GOP voters. It says something about how dumb the GOP base is and how bad the other candidates are.

Not cool breh. I ask you respect my views as I respect yours
true, it isnt nice, but why shouldnt women be allowed to comment on a man's body in a sexual way? or in any way?

Women don't comment on a man's body in a sexual way? The number of girls squealing over theo james's body says otherwise. Both do it equally often.
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