I think TFIOS is overrated. Let me explain. No way is it crappy writing, I absolutely adore John Green and his books...but all teenagers see when they think of reading is TFIOS...there are way more books out there....
I wouldn't miss bacon if I became vegi.
I hate the modern interpretation of social media. I love the idea of people having fandoms on social media, I truly think it's great to share your love. I also think it's great to have self-help accounts on there. But it seems to me that most teens use social media to post selfies.
I HATE selfies. You are all beautiful NO MATTER WHAT you look like. No one needs a picture to show them that. The only time selfies are okay is for avatars/profile pictures. Yeah, I want to know what you look like. I don't want a fake/possibly photoshopped picture of you posing or pouting. Thank you very much.
I rarely wear makeup. I'm a 15 year old girl and I don't feel like I need to. I believe the beauty in everyone and I don't feel the need to cover up who I am. If you don't like what you see, don't look.
I hate the need to impress people. I feel like this is all social media is today. You shouldn't need to post things to show how 'great' your life is. It just shows that you need likes and comments to feel great. And I'm sorry, but that's not happiness.
I believe you shouldn't hate on gay people. Yeah, people are scared of things they don't understand, but don't act in a mean way about it.
Thank you for this thread. I really had to be confident to post this, and I'm glad I worked up enough courage to post it.