N64's Inktober Challenge Official Thread


inktober day 3- vessel!
honestly? i was stuck on this ALL DAY, but i'm okay with how it turned out. hopefully i have more fun wit tomorrow!

Day 4. Sasquatch (and his buddy)
Gouache on watercolor paper
  1. Spooky Lava Lamp
  2. Frankenstein Burger
  3. Black Cat
  4. Sasquatch
  5. Pumpkin Cross Section
  6. Candy Corn
  7. Potion(s)
  8. Nightshade
  9. Bubbley Cauldron
  10. Mothman
  11. Witch Hat
  12. Cyclops
  13. Tombstone
  14. Coffin
  15. Freebie
  16. Skeleton
  17. Bloody Knife
  18. Alien
  19. Shrine
  20. Eyeballs
  21. Candy
  22. Lollipop
  23. Candied Apple
  24. Sexy Vampire
  25. Krampus
  26. Creepy Girl
  27. Hallway
  28. Ouija Board
  29. Haunted Computer
  30. Tarot Card
  31. Thirty-one of something spooky
*some things on the list may be subject to change depending on my mood
Day 4

Prompt is "form" with inktober's "knot"
A pun - "knotty/naughty". I was trying to bring attention to form of women's breasts without actually drawing breasts.

Started watching RuPaul's Drag Race last night and now my head's dirty and punny ._.
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finally posting a prompt lol!! I didn't draw the Chomp King today, will save him for a day when my drawing isn't as intensive. here's Toby! I'm really happy with how he turned out!

in this drawing I practiced drawing feline faces as well as clothing folds. I'm really pleased with the face, might need to practice folds more lol. I'm doing this new shading (versus my old cel shading method) and that combined with the chalk brush gives my art some much needed (and appreciated) texture!

this was almost 9 years ago lmao rip

Day 5. Pumpkin Cross Section
Digital (Procreate)

  1. Spooky Lava Lamp
  2. Frankenstein Burger
  3. Black Cat
  4. Sasquatch
  5. Pumpkin Cross Section
  6. Candy Corn
  7. Potion(s)
  8. Nightshade
  9. Bubbley Cauldron
  10. Mothman
  11. Witch Hat
  12. Cyclops
  13. Tombstone
  14. Coffin
  15. Freebie
  16. Skeleton
  17. Bloody Knife
  18. Alien
  19. Shrine
  20. Eyeballs
  21. Candy
  22. Lollipop
  23. Candied Apple
  24. Sexy Vampire
  25. Krampus
  26. Creepy Girl
  27. Hallway
  28. Ouija Board
  29. Haunted Computer
  30. Tarot Card
  31. Thirty-one of something spooky
*some things on the list may be subject to change depending on my mood
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Prompt is "colour" with inktober's "raven" as the subject.
a grayscale raven colourized with gradient maping
- get a better understanding of gradient maping - achieved
- use colour to make the impression that the sex of animal which are usually male at first thought to be female, without the use of other feminizing design choices - accomplishment up to the viewer
I chose to use pink + soft blue with the idea that when I see a dog with a pink collar, I automatically think it's a girl dog.
The raven is actually something I drew a couple years ago when I was testing out different free drawing programs, didn't draw it for inktober... is that cheating?
Something you Love/Hatehave a better understanding of something i like but don't like to do
Lineutilize line only to express different suits
Shapeuse shapes to make a vessel
Formcreate the illusion of 3 dimensional form on 2D medium
Colouruse colour to make the impression that a bird is female
Cassette Player
Impressionist Art
bird's eye view
Surrealist Art
Abstract Art
RedrawRedo day 1. to have a clear visible "improvement"
wasn't able to finish my prompt today cause it was kinda a bad mental health day for me (incessant anxiety sucks) but I did manage to get some of the lineart done! here's a peek at what I'm working on:

I really love this character and I haven't drawn her in at least 5-6 years so im loving every bit of this. she should be done tomorrow!
Candy Corn.png

Day 6. Candy Corn
Digital (Procreate)

  1. Spooky Lava Lamp
  2. Frankenstein Burger
  3. Black Cat
  4. Sasquatch
  5. Pumpkin Cross Section
  6. Candy Corn
  7. Potion(s)
  8. Nightshade
  9. Bubbley Cauldron
  10. Mothman
  11. Witch Hat
  12. Cyclops
  13. Tombstone
  14. Coffin
  15. Freebie
  16. Skeleton
  17. Bloody Knife
  18. Alien
  19. Shrine
  20. Eyeballs
  21. Candy
  22. Lollipop
  23. Candied Apple
  24. Sexy Vampire
  25. Krampus
  26. Creepy Girl
  27. Hallway
  28. Ouija Board
  29. Haunted Computer
  30. Tarot Card
  31. Thirty-one of something spooky
*some things on the list may be subject to change depending on my mood
Day 5 prompt is complete! I plan on doing a quick drawing of the day 6 prompt (meaning it won't be as elaborate).

I'm really happy with this! believe it or not this is the very first time I've drawn Petunia with all the correct colors. i love it so much ☺💜

drawn in Flipnote Studio 3D, sometime in 2015 so like 6 years ago. sorry it's not the full image!
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Day 6!
I drew a pichu! I should have taken pictures of my other scrap doodles, but that's okay. There were lots of scribbles anyway.

I did a weird star thing yesterday, but I forgot to upload. It really wasn't anything to write home about: basically a star on a stick with some shoddy shading job. I might dedicate a day or two to learning proper shading technique.
aaaaaand day 6 complete! I loved drawing this guy, I should draw him more often 😁

I last drew Michael like 6 years ago, I honestly really don't like this drawing cause he looks too much like a cat lol

Day 7. Potions
Watercolor, gouache, and micron pen on watercolor paper

  1. Spooky Lava Lamp
  2. Frankenstein Burger
  3. Black Cat
  4. Sasquatch
  5. Pumpkin Cross Section
  6. Candy Corn
  7. Potion(s)
  8. Nightshade
  9. Bubbley Cauldron
  10. Mothman
  11. Witch Hat
  12. Cyclops
  13. Tombstone
  14. Coffin
  15. Freebie
  16. Skeleton
  17. Bloody Knife
  18. Alien
  19. Shrine
  20. Eyeballs
  21. Candy
  22. Lollipop
  23. Candied Apple
  24. Sexy Vampire
  25. Krampus
  26. Creepy Girl
  27. Hallway
  28. Ouija Board
  29. Haunted Computer
  30. Tarot Card
  31. Thirty-one of something spooky
*some things on the list may be subject to change depending on my mood
day 7 is complete! I honestly didn't expect to make this so elaborate but it turned out so well even I'm amazed 😂😂

(also not to blow my on whistle or anything but this is one of the greatest pieces of AC fanart ive ever laid eyes on)