Never have I ever...

Neither have I, would love to try it sometime though!

Never have I ever ridden a motorcycle.
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I have. it's one of my favorite things to do.

never have i ever been to hong kong disneyland D:
Never going skydiving

Never have I been bitten by a dog
Nope. Never fished in my life (Except that one time where I tried to go fishiny at my neighbors pond when I was 6 xP)

Never have I had a picnic.
i have. with pizza on the 4th of july. those were good times

never have i ever owned a bird
No, I don't think I have. We took care of a bird for someone else for a week or so but I don't think that counts.

Never have I ever stalked somebody.
I failed a semester of Swedish class when i missed the final exam because I was doing something else. So I never made it to Stockholm, but it was worth it.

Never have I ever been on a cruise ship.
I have
Never have I ever not laughed at the 'cash me ousside howbow dah' meme
never. I like songs with raps in them, but not like real rap music

never have i ever been gambling