Never have I ever...

Neither have I. Not a huge fan but I don't dislike him either.

Never have I ever been in a car accident.
I've been to disney world several times. One of my favorite places in the world. <3<3<3

never have I ever shot a pistol
Me too love disney!!
Never shot a pistol either

Never have I ever ride on a cruise
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I stole my brother's Pokemon Cards when I was like 7 lmao other than that I don't steal.

Never have I fainted
I have. But not a lot.
Never have I ever needed glasses
I do need glasses but I don't want em'.

Never have I ever drank from a sewer.
I have. It was incredibly stupid... "Anabelle."

Never have I ever been obsessed with Kpop or Jpop.
i once thought i died and went to hell but it was just belltree forums.

never have i ever egg'd a house.
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I have.

Never have I ever loved, loved, loved, loved kool-aid.
Well, once but not anymore. Don't have one.

Never have I ever not stood up for a sibling's friend.
I have, my brother was hanging around some dodgy people when he was a teenager.
Never have I ever watched a whole episode of Seinfeld.