I'm not opposed to it but personally I feel like it's subtle for a couple reasons.
Bell tree forums is a big forum-based community. It is difficult to ask someone their pronouns before talking to them since you dont know who you will interact with and they may not want to explain 24/7.
While it's not so hard to assume it could make you uncomfortable when you're trans and misgendered, and also it could be awkward to explain those things to people unless it's to someone who you trust or being friends with, I think it should be resolved through interaction at the end of the day. I mean, if you haven't talked to the person and don't know about them, why would the pronoun matter so much that it cannot be they/them?
I understand gender issue is sensitive to those who're suffering from it, but everyone has something that's personal that they suffer from and hard to talk about. Those things should be solved always through interaction as this is "community". That's my opinion while I see it'd be convenient way.
Just ask them or say them they or their.
I mean
The biography section.
^ Short version of my opinion.
One of other reasons is, there are people assexual or non-binary. It may make them uncomfortable when there's a section that you need to write the pronoun to address their gender.
And the other reason is, this community has young teen menbers too. In my opinion, it isn't very static how they feel about their gender, and so far as I've seen, there seems to be really
a lot of teens who'd see those gender issues like, fancy accessories or something to decorate their poor identity. I'm concerned that way because I used to be with someone like that. I mean, it could affect those teens wrong way.
Also. As working long as a system engineer, if the system is run by relational database and the members table doesn't have extra columns, you'd need to drop the table once, after exporting data, make the new table with new columns, import and restore the data. And run the program to check if there's anything missing. These process could take long hours depending on the size of data. So.. I feel like it's a bit of too much work when it's not something that's absolutely necessary, when there's biograpy section if you want people to know about you.
Sorry for the loooong post as always!;