oh boy here we go..

my dad bought doritos spicy tropical fusion for us to try out today and good god it was one of the worst things we've ever eaten in our lives.. not even exaggerating. we eat like everything, especially when it comes to my dad and oldest brother they can vacuum down anything without a complaint. even my dad said, with a disgusted scowl on his face after putting a single dorito chip in his mouth, "wow, that tastes horrible". subsequently, i made the grave mistake of trying one too along with my mom, sister, cousin, and my cousins lil toddler. her toddler eats anything and everything, whether she liked it or not idk but either way she was going for seconds. had to take the bag away from her. my cousins's two other little kids took one whiff of the ungodly stench and passed. my cousin described the taste as "what in the jerk seasoning abomination" and i probably couldn't have explained the taste better. they took such a delicious tasting spice and managed to make it taste like absolute rubbish, mixed alongside whatever other herbs and spices they decided to throw into the mix. albeit i wouldn't know if they actually used jerk seasoning, but it sure did taste like a dreadful version of it. it tasted foul, like something had gone bad in its creation process. my sister said our oldest brother would probably like it considering he eats everything, i said absolutely no he won't. i immediately went to tell my brother to try these garbage chips, kid you not as soon as it hit his tongue and he chewed down he looked disgusted, his eyes starting opening wide and he gagged, coughed, and ran straight to the washroom to spit it out and wash his mouth. tried offering to my other brother right after he witnessed this and got an immediate "hell no get that **** away from me" as he was repulsively sniffing the dorito fumes, i almost lost it.

my dad said "kiki leave a bad review so no one else buys it. im serious. its really bad, so no other poor soul wastes their money". right after that he was like "my bad guys, its my fault, ill eat it" all serious and stuff and we were like nooo you lovely soul its not your fault, its not like you made it

he really said "im never buying any of these new flavours again!
yes he will lmao im sticking to the ones we like and that's it!"
im really out here writing a whole paragraph hate message on chips ong.. i feel like that one dude who wrote a review on haribo sugar-free gummy bears. im sorry guys but it was really that bad. pls save yourselves and dont buy it lmao. that's all i have to say