I thought this was some kind of meme for a fake product the first time I saw it but it's definitely real.It's the DiGiornio Thanksgiving Pizza.I'll eat just about anything so I bought one of these at the local Kroger owned grocery chain.(This pizza is only available at various Kroger owned stores across the country).At first I thought that this was a terrible idea but it's actually kinda good.It has a gravy-like sauce in place of a regular tomato based pizza sauce under some mozzarella and cheddar cheese with crispy onions,green beans(!),turkey and cranberries as the toppings.All this stuff sits on a rather nice light and crispy Detroit style crust.The whole thing reminded me of a chicken pot pie type dish I had when I was a youngster.I would substitute green bell pepper for the green beans but I think this thing is pretty decent overall.
i've recently tried a new brand of protien shakes and love them so far! they don't separate or have a gritty-ish texture compared to the brand i usually buy. the only downside is it's super hard to find them and at a decent price T_T
I tried a candy cane muffin at work the other day. I didn't think I'd like it (was worried the peppermint flavor would be too strong), but it was surprisingly good!
I tried some cookies today, and I'm not going to say what they were really, because it is the ingredient that is my focus for this comment. It was made with roasted peanut butter rather than just "regular" peanut butter. I was ok with it, it had a weird flavor in the mix that I'm not into. I would rather have "regular" peanut butter in my cookies.
Then it dawned on me, maybe people who tried peanut butter flavored things who don't like it and couldn't imagine anyone liking it actually tried something with the roasted peanut butter rather than the more pleasant "regular" peanut butter??
i just tried a yellow kiwi and with the skin on since i never ate kiwi skin before and both are pretty good! I also bought a dragon fruit yesterday that I’ll try later; I never tried dragon fruit before.
I saw that one of the stores in my town was selling strawberry milkshake-flavored Pop-Tarts. I love both foods so I decided to grab a box. It honestly just takes like artificial strawberry flavor, but I loved it nonetheless. o: