Giveaway New Horizons Free/Equal Trading Thread

Can someone help me get some yellow pansies or yellow pansie seeds? Maybe about 15? In exchange, You’re welcome to come to my island to shop and also 40k.

Edit: got it!
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Trading some STONES!

My stack of stones 2:1 Your stack of acorns/pinecones
My stack of stones 1:1 Your stack of bait

Please PM if interested~ Thank you :lemon:
I was looking for ironwood cupboard and ironwood kitchenette not sure what mats are if you tell me should have.
I have an iron wood kitchenette but I don't have the cutting board I need to make it. If you have the cutting board that's great but if you don't then sorry. :confused:
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Hi there! I'm Anton from Elysium Island. Glad to take part in this!
  • Free: All fruits, pansy seeds, hyacinth seeds, tulip seeds.
  • Crafting: as long as you provide the materials I can craft things for you free of charge! Here's a list of items I can craft.
  • Catalog: All items I can order from the catalog: here.
  • Equal Exchange Nook Miles Items: click on the spoiler to see my color variations!
  • Wishlist: additionally I'd like to provide my personal wishlist! You can find it here. If you have any of these items let me know if you'd be interested in trading!

Feel free to let me know if you're interested in anything I have! 💖
I am interested in the fruit specifically Apples and peaches. I also would like you to make these diys for me : infused water dispenser / Iron wood clock / Iron wall rack. I have the Simple panel and will gladly let you catalogue it.
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I'm looking for the black and white impish wings ! Can pay with bells or NMT
[Got them thank you] Im looking for fruits if anyone would like to help thank you😊
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I’m looking for black impish wings and a tarot set (preferably black) - can pay with bells

Edit: I’d really like a floral swag, too
I'd like to trade my white streetlamps for black ones; I only need 3.

originally posted this in the wrong sub-forum.

Hello, still kind of new to this game. I am looking for anyone who is willing to donate any clay to me. Trying to build the houses for new neighbors. Anyone willing to invite me to their island for clay? I can also open my gates to those willing to come to me.
Thank you!

Hello, still kind of new to this game. I am looking for anyone who is willing to donate any clay to me. Trying to build the houses for new neighbors. Anyone willing to invite me to their island for clay? I can also open my gates to those willing to come to me.
Thank you!

You can come to mine, I have plenty :)
hi there - I would like to catalogue the different colours of the rocket lamp (I have blue and green). If there is anything that that you are after in exchange please let me know. Thanks!
If anyone has any gold or blue roses to spare, I would greatly appreciate it! I don't need many. (Edit: found some!)
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If anyone has spare, I'm looking for orange cosmos, purple pansies, orange lilies, orange hyacinth, and orange roses.

In exchange, I have all kinds of blue and pink flowers to trade, and some purple ones too! I have a few blue roses as well.

edit: I'm also looking for regular wood! I can trade stones, iron, clay, hardwood, or softwood. ^^
Would anyone like to trade an orange+green public bench for a white+black or yellow+blue bench?