Shop New Horizons Item Ordering Service! 🌠Roxie's Odds n' Ends🌠 Sanrio, Seasonal, Wedding, Art, Models, Mom's and MORE! + FREE Crafting!

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Hi! Can I buy some slate flooring from you, please?
Heya, sure thing! Though I'm out of town tonight, I can trade tomorrow if you're available then. Also, I saw your thread and I can sell you fireworks wall for 3 tbt and festival lantern sets for 4 tbt each. Let me know if that works for you :)
Heya, sure thing! Though I'm out of town tonight, I can trade tomorrow if you're available then. Also, I saw your thread and I can sell you fireworks wall for 3 tbt and festival lantern sets for 4 tbt each. Let me know if that works for you :)
Oh, cool! And that's fine with me! It should cost 60 TBT total for 14 lantern sets plus the wallpaper and flooring, right?

Edit: I changed my mind, how about a single festival lantern set instead? I'm keeping the fireworks wallpaper and slate flooring in my order, so that would be 8 TBT total then, yes?
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Oh, cool! And that's fine with me! It should cost 60 TBT total for 14 lantern sets plus the wallpaper and flooring, right?

Edit: I changed my mind, how about a single festival lantern set instead? I'm keeping the fireworks wallpaper and slate flooring in my order, so that would be 8 TBT total then, yes?
Sure sounds good, I'll let you know when they're ready for you!
Sweet! Just so you know I prefer to have them by today, but if not perhaps later.
Heya I've got your order ready now, let me know when you're available!

Hi! Can I get the floral lace dress in every color except orange? Should be 7 so 7 tbt right?
Hola, I've got your order ready now, let me know when you're available!
If u have the wallpaper please lmk! I’m not sure if this is the exact name but the wallpaper im looking for has hydrangeas on it… I can supply a pic if nessacary!
If u have the wallpaper please lmk! I’m not sure if this is the exact name but the wallpaper im looking for has hydrangeas on it… I can supply a pic if nessacary!
Hey there, it sounds like you're looking for Misty garden Wall. I have it for you. It'll be just 3 TBT let me know when you're available to come pick it up.