NEW (irish only?) DLC! XD

I looked it up and it's only for UK and Ireland! That's no fair, The US celebrates it, too!
Aww, now I'll have to pay millions to get one.

In fact, does the US have ANY DLC yet?
Yeah, same here. I got my Wii in the US and Pete, the mail man, just gave me a letter from Nintendo with a gift -- a Shamrock Hat. So maybe it's not just the UK and Ireland...
Is there anything special you have to do to get it or just start up your game?

I saw a few videos that had to go through Wii Connect 24...
Piranha325 said:
Is there anything special you have to do to get it or just start up your game?

I saw a few videos that had to go through Wii Connect 24...
well maybe u have to set ur wiiconnect24 settings to on. just talk to rover on the phone in ur attic.