New Years Reset

I put too much effort into mine to start new xD but I can see the fun in resetting haha
Definitely not. I have been playing since launch and worked so hard to build my island. It's really cozy to me and like a second home. There's no point for me to restart. If I get bored there's plenty of other games I can play until I am ready to come back.
The reset challenges were fun! The 2017 one got me back into New Leaf, but I’ll never reset my current New Horizons save - mostly because of my furniture/DIY catalog. That’d be a nightmare to do all over again. My layout and villagers can be changed, so I’d be resetting for the social experience aspect. Maybe a smaller set of New Year challenges, but not a full reset!
I won't be doing this, I was a serial resetter in NL and I fear if I reset again I'll go back to my old habits, plus losing all my seasonal DIYs isn't something I like the idea of aha. however this does sound like a fun idea for those who want a challenge or just want a fresh start for the new year!
That wouldn't really work for me because once I'd reset, I'd spend the next 3 weeks trying to find the perfect island until I completely lose interest.
I just restarted a few weeks ago and be very happy with my current island, therefore I'm not planning to reset again. Perhaps I'm gonna do instead some bigger changes in form of terraforming, decoration and such.
Like with past games, I probably won't reset for a few years. I usually do it as a way to get back into the game after leaving for a year of more.
I still am waffling. I might do a one year challenge, but with my current island. I just reset it like a week before Thanksgiving. I just was not into the old island no matter what I did. But I like this one. Instead I think I will commit to playing for a year and building this island. Then as I said next year decide on to do a full commit with a fresh island.
to be honest, I cannot do it because there is so many thing that I will have to redo again and I simply don't have the strength to do it ....again
. If I wanna restart my island, I will certainly put every villager/houses on the beach then erase my town ^^ that's the best way for me ^^
Ah I used to love doing this in NL! I actually kept it up for quite a while before NH came along. I don’t think it’ll be something I’d do in NH though, I think the week long tutorial phase kind of puts me off. I’ve reset my island 3 times, the last being in April, and I still feel burnt out from that lol! I think it’d be a great idea for those who are hesitant about resetting or not, and it’s aesthetically pleasing to have the date be the 1st jan ❤️
Nooo I wouldnt want to lose everything I have made so far! Also, I dont think my island is finished yet at all haha
I wouldn't even consider doing it. EVER. I put in too much work collecting DIYs, art, furniture pieces, materials and IGB, plus I put in so much effort into making my island look nice. Sure it wasn't planned and it was all improvised, but that's how I like it. Just a lot of ideas in one. My island has no specific theme, even though I named it after one of the more central locations in MOTHER, Magicant. I could have done something fancy and predicable, but fate had other plans.

It's true that one easily becomes attached to their island on account of all the effort, time and devotion sunk into exterior decorating (interior, not so much, as the rooms are so tiny, what does it matter) but it's easy to reset towns in other games such as PG and WW, because that town doesn't really feel like it belongs to you. You're just living their with some animal pals. NH, on the other hand, has you building and customizing an ENTIRE island, from weeds and awkward rivers to seamless streams, lofty waterfalls, perfect paths and furniture aplenty.

To me, resetting at this point is just not worth it and would be no fun at all. Just a huge grind-fest to get everything back all over again, and for what? A peninsula on the east side instead? One river mouth to the west and one to the south this time? A longer dock? I'll have you know my dock is just the right size and length, thank you very much (whatever happened to that old thread on dock size btw? 🤭)

I'm not trying to say that resetting is wrong by any means. It's just...why go through all that torment again? To each their own, as they say.
Oh I'm pretty sure I did this one year in NL! Not gonna jump in this year because my island is nowhere near compete and I'm in the middle of a big terraforming project but I'd be interested in following along if others do!
No. It's too much effort to collect DIYs, materials, and other things in this game. If I ever get bored of my island completely, I just won't play ACNH anymore and will move on to something else.
There is no way I am ready to reset my island. Everything is still so new to me. Updates are coming and adding things... I don't want to lose the progress I have! And I'm still playing it every day, which is remarkable really, for me. I've never restarted my NL game either, and I wonder if maybe that would be a good idea for me to do with that game... see if it gets me invested in that one again too. But nah, I just love my island too much to reset it.
this is such a cool concept!! personally I get to sentimentally attached to my towns to do this, plus I also take longer than most people decorating my towns (I've been playing ACNH since launch and have around 1,000 hours in the game, but I'm only 50% "done" with my island) so I don't think it would work for me. but I like the idea, it must be so refreshing to delete your data like that and start anew. maybe I'll think about doing something like that on a smaller scale, like selling my entire storage or something (im such a hoarder lol)
Don't know what is it about New Horizon, but I've never felt more attached to my town/island as I am now, so no, no reset here. But I saw someone mention flatting out their island and make it completely new instead, and that's something I would definitely do!
Nah, I could never get myself to reset. I always get too attached to my town and villagers.
I restarted my island in May and have put so much time and effort into it that I would be very sad to lose it. I don't think I have it in me to intentionally restart it, even if I suddenly had a much different intention for the design of my island. In New Leaf though it was different - I had two towns and an Action Replay so I could load whichever one I want (since I had only one cartridge, if I'm correctly remembering how it worked). It was nice to have the peace of mind to back them up and then play whichever I was in the mood for, but as far as I know that's not really an option with New Horizons, so I shall stick with the one I have for the foreseeable future.