New Years Reset

i'm too addicted to time travel to do this lol. although i am tempted to restart once in a while just to experience the beginning of the game again
I don't start things from scratch normally. It always makes me frusturated because I lose so much progress. Maybe if I had a WHOLE NEW SWITCH I would start from scratch...
I am heavily considering it. I've been wanting to reset my island for a while now, even though I have almost 100%'ed everything (catalog, museum, DIYs) and I'm super proud of playing since launch without time travel. However, my island feels stale now, I don't like my beach layout, the name of my island anymore. I'm super nit-picky about dates when I start my AC games (launch day, my birthday, new years), and I think as a symbol of moving forward, resetting on New Years is really appealing.
Nah, I just restarted, so 2021 has enough for me to do anyway, but I like the idea. Making a new island is very exciting.
I recently just restarted too so I won’t be doing this. I also made so much progress in this island already than my old one so I’m keeping this for a really long time. Not to mention, I got really lucky with villagers this time around (started with Rudy and Marshal was my first camper) so I’m holding on to this one. :)
I would probably consider it if i hadn't only been playing for a couple months lol. I'm so excited 2 see and hear from people who do it though! I doubt I'd actually do it, though. I love the familiarity of no matter what happens in the real world I can come back to my island and everything will be the same :) I would def do some redecorating and terraforming though! I'm just personally waaaaay too attached to my villagers hehe
Compared to past games, I feel like New Horizons has the most to lose if you reset. My wardrobe collection in New Horizons is probably more than 100x what it normally is in AC games. So having to recollect clothing would be no fun. We also lose our hard earned achievements. But the most important thing of all is losing all of your DIYs.

The start of New Horizons is also the slowest of any AC game. You start with nothing, and spend the next few days collecting resources to build Nook's Cranny, and craft furniture for the first 3 new villagers. It takes a week just to get the Town Hall, and then a few more days to get K.K. Slider / Terraforming. The prologue song is nice, but it's a little annoying to listen to 24 hours a day for the first 7 days.
Nook's Cranny upgrade takes 30 days since it was built along with 200,000 bells spent/made. To put that in perspective, in New Leaf for example, the first upgrade required 10 days and 12,000 bells spent/made. The final upgrade in New Leaf only required 21 days since the last upgrade and 100,000 bells spent/made (not counting Gracie Requirement). The Museum takes about 4 days from the start to get going, so you're likely going to end up with some outdoor exhibits until then. Abel Sisters will take about a week to get, so you're kind of stuck with default clothing. And so on.
I have been thinking about this a lot. I don't really want to re-collect all the DIYs I have so far (and I don't even have a complete list compared with others on the forum). I would rather move everything to the beach and re-terraform everything for the new year. By the time I am done, it will feel like a new town!
I plan on making it a goal to play without resetting for a year first. I just reset again on November 03, I have reset four times since launch for various reasons. Twice because I did not like the map, once when someone from my household wanted to join, and so I let them experience the magic of the beginning of the game so they could feel ownership for the island. This last once, I had gotten busy, came back after a month hiatus, and my island lost its magic. I tried playing for a week before I reset it, but I just could not connect to it for some reason.
Nah, I've had my island since launch, and have been working hard at redecorating and finding a nice theme for it. 😊 I love my island and wouldn't want to see it go anywhere.
I have been thinking about this a lot. I don't really want to re-collect all the DIYs I have so far (and I don't even have a complete list compared with others on the forum). I would rather move everything to the beach and re-terraform everything for the new year. By the time I am done, it will feel like a new town!

This is what I've done that past month. Just been drastically changing things. I've even removed a cliff that has been in there from day 1.
its a neat idea for sure!! but im so attached to my town at this point lol, its stuck through with me all thru quarantine. i think just for sentiment i dont think i'd be able to delete it
I think this is a really cute idea if you have an island that you didn't really sink hundreds of hours into.
I personally won't be doing it cuz I've already made so much progress and I'm actually really happy with what I did.

however I'm seeing some of these islands who meticulously lay down paths and I'm specifically referencing that island that has the forced perspective reflection in its Island. That needs to honestly be preserved and not deleted because it's fantastic.

but all in all if you really want to reset your Island and start from scratch all the more power to you. I would just hate to because all the money and time have spent collecting my catalog and DIYs would most definitely not be worth it.
I want to do this! Things have uhhh changed in my life recently so I'm going to need to reset anyway. I'll likely bring over an outfit and maybe a Nook Mile Ticket or two to help make the early game material gathering less agonising.

I could just restart now, but the 1 year challenge always looked really fun! It would be cool if there was a board like the NL version had, but I'm no where near organised enough to do that sort of thing.
I've been considering restarting anyways, and I've decided that if I go through with it, it'll be on January 1st. I don't mind having to collect everything again. My only reason for hesitating is that I've had this island since launch. I wasn't loving it and decided to redo it completely, but that made me dislike it even more. So if I can bring myself to do it, I'll be joining this :)
I don't think I will be able to bring myself to do it, but I have to say it actually sounds like a wonderful idea. I am still enjoying my island a lot, and I love my villagers, but some days it is kind painful, because I am bad at letting villagers go, because they have been with me so long, and bad at tearing down decor that took me so long to set up, even if I want to.

I also love the idea of having a sort of 'mindful' journey through the game year.

Still, I admit it sounds very exciting. I would really hate to lose some things, but I have really loved getting to start fresh with a second island. I have about 1500 hours on my current island that's too hard to let go.

Maybe I will let this inspire me to let some villagers move on and do a bigger refresh on my island for the new year. sort of a weaker refresh.

Seriously looking forward to hearing about the people who do this though.