Honestly no. I am not restarting my island. I mean I really am curious how they are going to do with the 1 year anniversary of our islands being made depending on which day you first played the game. As for me I played the game when it first came out back in March 20th, 2020 and my island has been the same since then. I had thoughts of restarting mid 2020 but I decided against it and just remade my island without restarting. Today its a lot more better than what it was all those months ago. All I hope to see in 2021 is fresh new updates and improvements that will make this game a lot more better. I've done a lot of stuff I redecorated my home, found the villagers I liked so much, bought amiibo cards to help move out villagers, and of course made some new friends. So it was a pretty interesting year for me.
So in truth I have no plans on restarting. I can see why some people might want to because how messy 2020 was and how some people regret their names of their characters or island so they would want to start over but again its just how I feel personally. I like my island the way it is and I don't plan on restarting anytime soon.
I won’t be restarting my island any time soon! I got my switch about 2 months ago yet I have spent something like 140 hours on it. I tried so hard and I really won’t be able to restart thanks to my island barely being close to finishing. Though I might restart eventually when I hit an absolute roadblock, but I doubt it. Maybe in like 5 years time lol
No interest in doing so whatsoever. I can appreciate the idea and see why it would appeal to people, but I've put in far too much time and effort, accomplished too much and collected too many things to ever want to do this. Rather than delete a save for something like Animal Crossing to try to get a "fresh" feeling, I'd just stop playing and concentrate on something else and return to the game at a later date.
Back in New Leaf days I'd buy extra copies if I felt the desire to get new experiences with different residents and whatnot. That's not possible with New Horizons due to how the Switch handles saves though, and honestly my wallet is grateful for that. I can't say that I'm not a little curious about having new villagers like Reneigh or Raymond or whoever, but they don't fit into my existing island's theme and I am definitely not going to delete my existing save or get a second Switch just for something like that, so I figure I'll just plan to experience them in whatever next installment will come in the future.
I likely will not reset this soon, because my island is still very much a WIP, but even when i completed it in the future, i doubt i can have the encourage to delete my island and restart from scratch... not too mention i will most likely be too attached, but also the thought of collecting every single DIY, catalog item, and dreamies again is kind of a pain. I wish we could easily transfer these items when deleting island which would make the restart decision much easier, but i guess maybe Nintendo didn't necessarily want to encourage players to constantly reset, so the existing mechanisms are working as intended...
Like others have said, I wish NH works like NL where we can just get second copy of the game (rather than having to buy a second switch) in order to own a second island. Tying player's progress to a console just seems so strange and inconvenient.
Every single one of these responses is no, but I'm a hypocrite cause I'm not resetting yet. I'm only a few months, but I would usually annually reset in NL. I'll probably reset next year because I'm a resetter (its like addicting i swear), but for now I'll just set resolutions and maybe do a flattening.
I don’t see the appeal of starting from scratch unless there’s something in your island you’re unhappy about. I’d lose way too much progress just to pretty much do the same things I’ve been doing since I started playing. Add the fact that items in this game are way too hard to collect with the seasonal DIYs and island exclusive variations.
I'm planning on resetting and starting a new island on January 1st, yes. I want a completely fresh start. I'm done wasting bells building ramps and bridges and tearing them down again because I decided to terraform differently days later. I am also unsatisfied with my beach rocks, and I want the larger ones.
At least with a new island, I can take my time to build and hopefully not move the same building 20 times. I understand I'll lose reactions, museum donations, certain items, DIYs, and mileage goals, but in time I'll get these back again. I can never change the beach or where RS is located. I'm going to have a friend hold onto my bells, duplicate DIYs I really like, and other items.
I wonder how starting a brand new island will look in the snow...
This is the first AC save that I've become super attached to so I wont be resetting. I did the challenge a few times for my ACNL towns though! I did a 1-year horror challenge that I didn't really follow through with every day, but I eventually did complete a horror town that was inspired by my original idea. If I ever do reset my ACNH island it would be wayyy down the line and I'd probably only do it if I had a fun idea/challenge to do like the horror one.
Forgot about this! I used to do it all the time. Usually I do it when I get tired of the game and my town, so I don't think I will be participating this year, I haven't gotten bored of my island just yet. Maybe next year
No, I've come too far to ever consider resetting. My biggest deterrant besides my catalog is that 4/10 of my villagers are not available via amiibo and were mostly a great pain to get.
I haven't even come close to what could be considered at least somewhat finished for my current island, so I'd have to be absolutely insane to even entertain the idea of resetting
I have the urge to reset because I feel I really messed my island up by picking waterfalls that point the wrong way I like but I probably won't... I have special limited availability items that would be annoying to try and find again.
I didn’t realise this was a thing in new leaf but I won’t be doing this at all. I have a bad habit of resetting all the time and in the last month I’ve finally found an island I love and I’m having a great time decorating it. I’m not going to reset it as I actually love this island and don’t want to risk never being satisfied with what I have and continually resetting.
I feel like this is kind of a sweet idea but I worked so hard to get my hybrid flowers, including blue roses, so much effort into getting seasonal DIYs, some of which I did end up missing, having to unlock terraforming and gathering certain colorings of furniture all over again definitely doesn't make me wanna reset voluntarily.
If I had a second Switch or lost my file for some ungodly reason, I'd probably do it all over again, I must admit.
ah i remember this from the new leaf era, too, and while i never really participated, it always seemed like such a fun concept! however, i will absolutely never be resetting; i am way, way too attached to my island and with how far i’ve come since march, even just the thought of having to start over is enough to devastate me a bit. :’^)
I definitely won't ever restart. Especially since New Horizons is a lot harder to start from the beginning with the massive list of DIYs to have to earn all over again. I'm also wayyy too attached to my little island. I love it so much and I love the fact that it's my first island. Starting anew just wouldn't feel as special to me anymore.
Lol no. I still have my very first town from the GameCube game. I stick with whatever I roll and it's all coming with me for the long haul. I'm not a 'start over' kinda person.
This is an interesting idea! I can see the appeal. Personally, I find restarting pretty fun. I really enjoy the beginning parts of the game and collecting everything. I actually restarted my island a few days ago (for many reasons), so I guess it could be viewed as an early new years reset.
Honestly, I don't have the heart to reset my island nor the energy to redo it. Getting all those dream villagers took forever for me. I also traded with a lot of people here. I will have a mental breakdown if ever that happens.