New Years Reset

I’ll probably do what Your Local Wild Child said and maybe do a flattening or something crazy new. Since I haven’t got a solid idea yet so, it might be fun to just go from scratch or mostly scratch.

As for resetting, I can’t see myself doing that. I’ve gotten a lot of DIYs and I find what I have now work-able. (Plus cube, Stitches and Raymond are here and I like my versions of them)
It is way too much effort to get back all the catalog and diys that I have now. I might move eveyone to the beach someday to redo my entire layout but I wouldn't want to collect everything again.
I think it was easier to reset in past games, because there was less customization options. People can put a whole lot more work into their islands this time than what they could do with their previous towns, so a reset is potentially sacrificing a lot more (not to mention the stamps and DIY collections).

An alternative though, could just be to tear down your island while maintaining your collections and achievements. Go into the year building up something fresh with new ideas. Maybe let your existing animals move away if they want and automatically accept your first several campers of the year to further simulate the idea of a total reset.

Another thing is we also don't know how Nintendo is going to handle holidays going forward. Time traveling to 2021 shows the current events don't repeat next year, so it's possible we could get new ones with new sets of items. That means you might not be able to reacquire 2020's stuff if you do a total reset unless you time travel backwards.
It's definitely something to consider and why I want to wait. But there are good argument on either end
No. I already reset about 6 times. Never again.

Although a New Years Day makeover is an idea I see people on here talking about. That's basically the same thing as resetting without losing all your progress.
March 20 is just a few months away and many of us will be happy to celebrate our one year anniversaries.

I've been playing daily and I've become too attached to my island despite some of the bad decisions I've made while developing it.

I might reset some day. Now is not just the time.
Hey, how have you been @Mairen ?

I never reset my towns, and honesty, I still have some things to do with my island (and there's at least one update with more content on the horizon), so I have no incentive to wipe my save data.
I had never thought of this but I might do it on my second Switch. I've still neglected to start a town on there but maybe New Years would be a good time. Hopefully symbolic of 2021 being a better year, as well.
Nah, I won't do that. I generally dislike the idea of reseting. I mean, I played since the release, I collected so much stuff, got the villagers I like, only to just erase everything one day? No, thanks.
To me personally, AC is not the type of game I could easily reset and still enjoy it from the ground up. Mostly because of the day-by-day progression. I would never be able to do that again.
What about a new years resolution type thing. Might be more preferable. Or to do it on the actual launch day marking one year since the game was released is another option.
While this is an interesting idea I won’t be restarting I get too attached to my island haha. Plus it’s taken me a while to collect everything I want and I still haven’t finished. Eventually I want to have every DIY but that will take a while.
Oh god no. I love my island so much and I started it the night the game released.
I'm probably not going to restart my island for at least another year. I haven't played a lot lately but that's okay. It's more enjoyable when I'm playing the game in smaller chunks than the binge I was on from when I got it in March until the end of summer. The cataloging, trading, and rng really puts me off from restarting since it took so long to flesh it out.
I think I did this once in NL because I wanted to reset and this seemed nice to do it with. However, I will not be doing it with NH.
I will not be resetting my island. I love my island and it would be a pain to get all those DIY’s again. I really like my villagers as well. I am thinking about getting another switch for another island. I would then use that island as my reset island. I like playing through the beginning of the game.
I have never heard of this. I wouldn't reset my game but if they make it where we can have multiple towns I would make another one.